Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 197 Space

Chapter 197 Space
Chen Bing knew that Chen He also wanted him to leave. After all, when a man's hormones are inflated, there happens to be a woman he likes sitting next to him. At this time, there needs to be an independent space, and he can wake up with a smile when he falls asleep.

Chen Bing left space for Chen He.

He knew that Chen He would appreciate him if he left.

Qin An is also a smart person. When Chen Bing left, he also left with an excuse. Therefore, only Chen He and Zhang Yuan were left in the huge private room.

When Chen Bing, Qin An and others came out, Qin An smiled and said, "Mr. Chen, the contract is finally signed, and your heart should be in your stomach."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, you have to hurry up and shoot the advertisement now. In this way, your company will come up with the advertisement plan as soon as possible. After I read it, let's hurry up and try to make the advertisement available on CCTV by the end of March."

"So urgent, a month?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, to be honest, our Jiahe is now competing with Erlele, time is money, if you Qin'an Media do a good job this time, then from now on, our Jiahe will cooperate with you Qin'an Media Already!"

After Chen Bing said, Qin An nodded slightly: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will immediately arrange manpower and come up with a plan. When the time comes, you choose!"

Chen Bing nodded again.

"The spokesperson?"

"Just Zhang Yuan, she has a certain reputation, and she has a good temperament."

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, Qin An said: "Also, she has contributed a lot to this cooperation, and she is still in the hands of wolves!"

Chen Bing nodded: "What you said makes sense. Since you have paid, you must reap for others. It cannot appear that we are not trustworthy."

"Okay, let's talk about it now!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "It's settled like this, Mr. Qin, then you can make arrangements when you go down. Taking advantage of today's free time, I want to take my wife and children for a walk and do some shopping. The day after tomorrow, you will show me the plan." , after I read it, if I think it’s okay, we’ll start!”

Qin An nodded again.

"Mr. Qin, I have a proposal for this advertising plan. First, health should be highlighted. Second, sales should be highlighted. Third, sales should be highlighted."

After hearing this, Qin An said, "Mr. Chen, please explain in more detail."

"Hehehe, you know about health. In the advertisement, we must highlight that our Jiahe food is healthy, non-toxic, harmless and free of additives. As for the sales volume, it can be said that it is currently the number one in the country. As for the local sales, it is currently sold all over the world. everywhere, favored by people all over the world."

"Mr. Qin, your company has been established for less than a year. Now that you are advertising like this, people outside will think that we are defrauding consumers!"

Chen Bing laughed and said: "About health, our company keeps these two words in mind. There is no problem with health. As for sales, we will definitely be number one in the country, or even the world in the future. As for the places we sell to, we will definitely be the number one in the future." sold all over the world."

After Chen Bing said, Qin An was confused: "Mr. Chen, what you are talking about is the future!"

"Hehehehe, it is the future, but believe me, it will definitely come true, just do as I say!"

At that time, the news was relatively closed, and most people got news from TV, especially CCTV. At that time, people also believed in TV reports, and what was said on TV was what they said. Therefore, as long as Jiahe was on TV The advertisements on the Internet say that Jiahe products are the number one in sales in the country. As long as Erlele, the number one seller, does not advertise, then Jiahe will be the number one. In addition, it is sold to the United States, Europe, Africa, these countries, the average There is no way for people to investigate. Since there is no way to investigate, it is true. In addition, Jiahe's advertisement was broadcast by CCTV, so people will believe it even more. As long as the people of the whole country believe, then Jiahe will be A nationally famous food company has become!
Qin An admired Chen Bing's courage, what else did he have to say, Chen Bing laughed and said, "Mr. Qin, do as I say, and I will only pay for the plan made according to my request!"

Qin An could only nod his head. Damn it, the money is now in the hands of Chen Bing. If he wants to make money from others, he must meet their requirements.

"President Chen, don't worry, I will come up with a plan as soon as possible!"

Chen Bing and others were about to leave, Qin An hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, you came from a long distance this time without bringing a car. If you don't mind my car, you can use it."

Chen Bing looked at Hutou Ben in front of him, hehehe: "Then thank you, Mr. Qin!"

"You and I are old friends, thank you!"

"Hehehehe, okay, then I will use it first."

Qin An originally wanted to send a driver, but Qin An's driver followed Chen Bing. Chen Bing felt that it was inconvenient, so he refused. Therefore, Hao Yong drove the car, Jia Hu sat in the co-pilot, and Chen Bing, Yang Xue, and Guoguo sat in the back.

"Dad, what are we going to do?"

"Guoguo, didn't Dad tell you to take you to see the Great Wall? Do you want to go?"

Guoguo didn't know what the Great Wall was. He was very happy when he heard that Chen Bing was going to the Great Wall. However, when he suddenly thought of the calabash baby on the hotel TV, he said, "Dad, compared to the Great Wall, I still want to watch the calabash baby!"

"Okay, baby, climb the Great Wall first, and then we'll see the gourd baby after climbing the Great Wall, okay?"

When Guoguo heard Chen Bing's words, she became unruly again, Yang Xue glared fiercely: "Can you be obedient, if not, I will leave you here when we leave!"

After hearing this, Guoguo immediately stopped making trouble.

Chen Bing looked at Guoguo's pitiful look, and glared at Yang Xue: "Do you scare children like this?"

"Father, will you leave me alone?" Guoguo asked pitifully.

"Who said I'm going to leave you alone?"

"Dad, what Mom just said."

"No, you are my daughter. How could Dad leave you alone? It was Mom who was playing with you. It's just that you have to be obedient. If you are so young, what will happen in the future!"

"Father, please, don't leave me alone, I will be obedient in the future."

Chen Bing looked at his daughter's pitiful appearance, and said, "Guoguo, don't worry, Dad knows!"

"Thank you dad!"

The Great Wall is a fortification built in ancient China. The history of the construction of the Great Wall can be traced back to the Western Zhou Dynasty. In 1987, the Great Wall was listed as a world cultural heritage.

Hao Yong found a parking space and stopped. There are so many people today, it can be described as a sea of ​​people.

Chen Bing's family walked in front, Hao Yong and Jia Hu followed behind, and the distance between the two was about two battles. Anyway, they were not too close, and they could rush to the front in time if there was danger.

Hao Yong and Jia Hu are smarter. They know that if they are too close, it will easily affect the fun of Chen Bing's family, but if they are too far away, what should they do if they are in danger?
Therefore, the distance between them and Chen Bing's family is just right!

(End of this chapter)

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