Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 205 Fear

Chapter 205 Fear
"There's a tea house over there, let's sit down and talk while drinking tea!"

After Chen Bing spoke, he thought Gao Zhuo would agree, but she shook her head: "Cousin, I don't like drinking tea, haven't I eaten yet?"

Chen Bing, that gloomy, beautiful woman, speaks so directly that she can't play anymore. However, this is Gao Zhuo from the previous life, and she has such a carefree personality.

Chen Bing felt that he had found his old subordinate Gao Zhuo again.

"What do you want to eat?" Chen Bing originally wanted to get a table meal at the Yanjing Hotel, but when he thought about having Yang Xue, he might as well forget it. If Yang Xue bumped into this, something might happen. If you have children, you can't be angry.

"Have you been to Juyue Tower? The food there is good and not expensive, but the food here is not good, and it's expensive!"

Chen Bing was laughed at by Gao Zhuo.

Damn it, this little girl actually came to Yanjing Hotel for dinner, she must have come with that old man.


"Have you been there?"

"No!" Chen Bing said.

In her previous life, Chen Bing's base was in Shencheng, so although Yanjing is big and is the heart of the motherland, she is not very familiar with this place, but she has only been here a few times, and every time she comes, she stays at the Yanjing Hotel .

"It's a bit far, you need to take a taxi!"

"Okay, whatever you say, I will accompany you today!"

"Thank you cousin!"

After Gao Zhuo said, he quickly linked his arms with Chen Bing's, making them a sweet couple.

This woman approached, her body was really fragrant, a different smell.

It is said that women have their own fragrance, especially beautiful women. His Yang Xue has a special fragrance, which smells very good. He will smell it every night after falling asleep.

Now Gao Zhuo also has this kind of fragrance, but it is different from Yang Xue's. Yang Xue has a faint fragrance, but she is relatively strong.

When Gao Zhuo saw Chen Bing in a daze, he thought something was wrong?
"Cousin, what's the matter, do you feel distressed?"

"Distressed? Distressed for what?" Chen Bing asked.

"Cousin, you still pretend, do you feel distressed when you invite me to dinner?"

"Hehehe, I don't feel bad, my cousin told you that you can eat as much as you want today!"

Gao Zhuo thanked happily.

When Gao Zhuo came to Yanjing Hotel, he put his arm on that old man's arm. He was a little embarrassed, but when he thought about the wad of RMB, he didn't care about anything. However, now that his arm was on Chen Bing's arm, it felt sour Shuang, at least this man is not a few years older than himself, he looks very gentlemanly, and the most important thing is that he is rich. In this era, there are not too many people who can take out 1 yuan at once, but he can not only take it out, but also The fact that he can give the 1 yuan to himself casually shows that his worth is not ordinary.

He seemed to say just now that he is the CEO of which company.
"Cousin, get in the car!"

Gao Zhuo took Chen Bing's arm and pressed his body against Chen Bing's very tightly.

Chen Bing was almost drunk when he smelled the smell on her body.

Sometimes it is said that a man cheats on his wife, but it is not true. A man is a strange animal. He likes his wife at home, but when he sees a beautiful woman outside, he also likes to get close.

Isn't there a saying that a wife is not as good as a concubine and a wife is not as good as a penis and is worse than stealing!
"Good to get in the car!"

The two got into a taxi.

After they left, the people in the hotel left.

This scene of Chen Bing and Gao Zhuo was spotted by someone and took a picture.

After Chen Bing and Gao Zhuo left, the man took off his camera and walked quickly to a man in a wheelchair. This man was none other than Gao Weiguo.

"Mr. Gao, look at this kid, he hooked up with that chick!"

The photographer handed the camera to Gao Weiguo.

At that time, there were no digital cameras, and it was very difficult to take pictures.

"This kid is really lucky. The women he meets are prettier than the last. Hehehe, that wife of hers is one of a kind!"

Gao Weiguo's ankle was dislocated, his hands were dislocated, but his mouth was not dislocated.

When he talked about Yang Xue, Ha Laziliu didn't even know it.

"Have you found out about that kid?" Gao Weiguo asked again.


"He is from Yangqing City, Lingxi Province. He used to be a waste. I don't know why. Last year, he became smart and made his first pot of gold by catching scorpions. Next, he started making canned food. I heard that he made canned food. During the period, he also successfully acquired the competitor's cannery and sent the opponent to prison, he is a ruthless character!"

After hearing this, Gao Weiguo nodded slightly: "So powerful?"

"Well, it's very powerful. Mr. Gao, and I heard that some time ago he turned Qinjiang's food industry upside down in Qinjiang City, disbanded the Qinjiang Food Industry Association, and finally established it Headed by the Enterprise Management Office, he is the executive vice president of such an association!"

"Oh? And this?"

"Wang Tiannan, the former president of the enterprise association, was sent to prison. I remember, did you know that Wang Tiannan?"

Gao Weiguo nodded: "I know."

"Mr. Gao, Wang Tiannan is powerful enough, but it's still in his hands."


"What should we do, are we still fighting him?"

After Gao Weiguo heard this, he wanted to stand up abruptly, but just as he stood up, he realized that his ankle was dislocated, and he was sitting in a wheelchair in pain.

"Grandma, of course we have to fight. This kid, he tortured me to death today, not only tortured my body, but also tortured my soul. You don't know, before, my wife worshiped me, but today After being beaten up by this kid, my wife actually said, I'm a waste, you say, am I a waste?"

The photographer hurriedly said: "Mr. Gao, why are you a waste, you are a hero in my heart."

"You sound good to me. I must fight this kid. There is a problem. We are not opponents in an open fight. We can only fight secretly. Remember, you must never let Mr. Qin know about this, understand?"

The photographer nodded quickly.

"Okay, that's all. You pick a few hot-eyed photos, develop them, and put them in her wife's room, so that her wife can see what he's doing outside?"

Despicable, really despicable, Chen Bing never dreamed that it would be so hateful for a small person to be despicable!
"Okay, Mr. Gao, I'll arrange it now!"

"Okay, I heard clearly, they go to Juyue Tower, you ask someone to develop the photos, you follow to see what they do after eating, if there are any particularly exciting photos, then take them, damn, He made my wife ignore me, and I made his wife hate her!"

After Gao Weiguo said that, he even laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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