Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 206 Juyue Building

Chapter 206 Juyue Building

Juyue Tower.

Chen Bing and Gao Zhuo sat in a place near the window in the hall.

Chen Bing ordered a lot of dishes, as well as a drink of red wine, and watched Gao Zhuo eat.

What Gao Zhuo eats is called a wolf, damn it, Chen Bing has never found a woman who can eat so much?
Gao Zhuo seemed to have never eaten, what he ate was a mess.

With a mouthful of rice in his mouth, Gao Zhuo poured two glasses of red wine, and said vaguely, "Mr. Chen, thank you. I've never eaten like this since I grew up!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Then you are not thin!"

Gao Zhuo's body can be described as plump, and it belongs to the kind that looks thin from a distance and fleshy from a close up.

At that time, material resources were relatively scarce, so women who were relatively fat were popular. Unlike after 2010, when material resources were relatively abundant, women became fatter, so thinness was considered beautiful.

Gao Zhuo swallowed hard the food in his mouth, and finished the red wine in the glass.

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Miss Gao, there is no one like you who drinks like this. If you drink like this, you must be drunk!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Gao Zhuo said: "Mr. Chen, it's okay, I'm not picky. When I'm drunk, you can find a hotel and stuff me in it, and it's over!"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly. Damn, at such an age, she has such a crazy style. No wonder she was out of control after serving as the manager of the public relations department of her company in her previous life, because she is a person who can let go of everything. Dare to do anything, willing to do anything, as long as there is benefit.

Chen Bing maximized her benefits, so she also maximized her contribution to Chen Bing.

"Drink less, you won't be afraid of me bullying you when you're drunk?"

Gao Zhuo shook his head and said, "Don't be afraid, Mr. Chen, you bought me from that old man. I was already prepared to be bullied by you!"

After Chen Bing heard this, I fucked up, damn it, if this woman said such things again, I couldn't help it.

"Okay, okay, drink less, I have something to do with you today, we need to have a good talk."

"What's the matter?" Gao Zhuo was very sober at this moment.

"Let's talk while you eat."

"it is good."

"Let me ask, are you short of money?"

As soon as money was mentioned, Gao Zhuo's eyes lit up: "Of course, in this society, I'm not the only one who lacks money, many people are short of money."

After Chen Bing heard this, he laughed and said, "I know that, but you are more short of money than ordinary people?"

Gao Zhuo said again: "Yes, I am more short of money than ordinary people, because I want to study."

Back to the topic.

There was pain in Gao Zhuo's eyes.

"Where do you go to school, and how old are you?"

After Chen Bing asked, Gao Zhuo burst into tears.

Chen Bing knew that Gao Zhuo's family was not good, but he never asked, what to ask, it was his privacy, Chen Bing didn't like to ask, if you ask, it's better to give her something practical.

"Graduate this year."

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"I remember that you seem to be studying Chinese?"

Gao Zhuo nodded in surprise: "How do you know?"

Chen Bing laughed twice, he couldn't tell Gao Zhuo that he was reborn, that would scare Gao Zhuo to death.

"Hehehe, I sent someone to investigate you!"

"Investigate me, why?"

"Because I want to help you."

"help me?"

"Yes, I found that you have potential for public relations." Chen Bing said bluntly.


"Well, you are studying Chinese, so you must understand public relations."

Gao Zhuo nodded and said, "Understood, of course I understand."

"Hehehe, that's good. If you can't graduate this year, I'm going to sponsor you. If you say you graduate this year, it will take a few months. I'll give you 1 yuan first to let you solve the current problems. difficulty!"

After Chen Bing spoke, he took out 1 yuan from his body and handed it to Gao Zhuo.

"Mr. Chen, this is not good, I haven't done anything yet!"

"Listen to me, I'm giving you this money to solve your worries. I know that your family's conditions are not good. If you can, you can mail some to your home. There are not too many ten thousand yuan households in rural areas now. , if my guess is right, five or six thousand yuan can solve your family's difficulties, and if your family's difficulties are solved, you can work with peace of mind."

Gao Zhuo was confused by Chen Bing's words, but she knew that as long as someone gave her money, she could say anything.

Gao Zhuo took the 1 yuan handed over by Chen Bing: "Thank you."

"Is it enough?"


Gao Zhuo can't say enough now, after all, Chen Bing must have a purpose for giving her money, so she has to listen to Chen Bing's next mission.

"Are you busy studying at university?"

"It's not busy. We don't have classes now. There is only one last exam left. After the exam, we will graduate."

"Well, you do this every day, have you passed the exam?"

"No problem, entrainment, hehehe, university entrainment, I don't know, there was a funny thing last time, let me tell you about it!"

"You said."

"Because we don't study at ordinary times, we copy the tapes during the exam. Let me tell you, each of us copied several tapes, some on the table, and some in the palms. However, after the invigilator found out, all of us What the classmate copied on the palm and on the table were all wiped, but I didn’t find the entrainment!”

"You hide really deep!"

"It's not that I hid it deeply, but that the teacher didn't dare to investigate?"

Chen Bing was a little confused: "Why?"

"Because I wrote it on my leg?"

"On the legs?"

Gao Zhuo got excited when he mentioned it: "I was wearing a skirt at the time, and it was written on my legs. When the teacher was not paying attention, I lifted the skirt to see the tape. When the teacher came, I put the skirt down again. Although the teacher had already noticed , but, there is no way, he is a male teacher, and he dare not lift my skirt, do you think I am very smart?"

Chen Bing opened his mouth wide in shock after hearing this, and there are such hidden and entrained, grandma, let alone male teachers, even female teachers dare not lift their skirts.

"Am I smart?" Gao Zhuo asked.

"It's very smart, why can't a person like you succeed in anything!"

"Hehehe, that is, after I graduate, I will make a fortune."

"Welcome to Jiahe Food Company!" Chen Bing said.

"Jiahe Food Company?"

"Yes, a nationally and world-renowned food company?"

After Chen Bing said that, Gao Zhuo was stunned: "Jiahe and I haven't heard of it, but I've heard about one Lele. Her food is very popular now!"

"In the future, Jiahe will be more popular than Erlele. In the future, I want you to be the manager of the public relations department of Jiahe Food Company?"

"What, PR manager?"

"Yes, a monthly salary of five hundred!"

"What?" Gao Zhuo asked again.

(End of this chapter)

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