Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 226 How to Suppress

Chapter 226 How to Suppress
Liu Weidong and Yang Haimin both nodded after hearing this.

"Mr. Chen, how do we get it?" Yang Haimin asked.

"I've already talked about this, and you still don't know? We will do whatever Erlele does. I'll give you a month to turn this situation around."

After finishing speaking, Chen Bing stared at Yang Haimin: "Haimin, we are friends. I used to be your younger brother, but this is a company. In the company, I am the boss and you are the director of the sales department. We must follow a certain system. One If you can turn the situation around, you should do it as the director of the sales department. If you can’t turn the situation around, then you, the director of the sales department, don’t do it!”

After Chen Bing spoke, sweat poured down Yang Haimin's head.

"I'm not targeting you. When I went to Yanjing this time, I had already negotiated an advertisement on CCTV. One month later, our Jiahe food advertisement will be on CCTV. At that time, our Jiahe will blow out It will grow bigger and bigger. If you can’t do this, it means that you have a problem with your ability. You are no longer suitable for the development of Jiahe. I am the boss of the company. There are so many people in the company now, they are all waiting for me Eat, I can't keep you in such an important position in the company for the sake of our friendship, so whether you can continue to be the director of the sales department of Jiahe Food Company, it is very important to compete with Erlele for the market this time, and I have given you the method I hope you can do it!"

Chen Bing understood Yang Haimin's ability, he was very smart, if he really wanted to do something, he could do it.

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stared at Yang Haimin.

Yang Haimin quickly expressed his opinion: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will definitely complete the task!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Very well, what I want is your attitude. I'll give you a call later, and you can contact her. If necessary, you can ask her to come and help you!"

"Who is this?" Yang Haimin asked in surprise.

"The director of Jiahe Food's Yanjing office?"

After Chen Bing said, not only Yang Haimin was surprised, but even Liu Weidong was surprised.

How important is a company's Yanjing office, Chen Bing built it without their knowledge, and confirmed the candidate for the director of the office.

Chen Bing stared at them, saw the strange expressions on their faces, and said, "Are you very confused?"

After Chen Bing asked, Liu Weidong and Yang Haimin did not speak.

Grandma, you are the chairman of the company, your decision is God, who dares to go against it.

Just like this, Yang Haimin's position is in jeopardy.

"This time I went to Yanjing and went to many department stores and supermarkets. Their counters were full of Erlele food, which means that Erlele has successfully entered Yanjing. I asked many people about this matter. They are very satisfied with Erlele food, so we must enter the Erlele market as soon as possible without delay. Now it is 89, and it will soon enter the 90s. At that time, due to the wave of reform and opening up, farmers will flood into cities in large numbers. Instant noodles, ham, and beverages will explode, so we must get our products into Yanjing as soon as possible."

When Chen Bing said this, Liu Weidong and Yang Haimin nodded slightly.

Chen Bing continued: "Our Jiahe headquarters is now in Yangqing, which is thousands of kilometers away from Yanjing. Our headquarters can't control the market there, so our products will enter Yanjing and open up the market in Yanjing. Then an office must be established, and I happened to be in Yanjing, so I took care of the house there, found people, and established the office.”

After Chen Bing spoke, Liu Weidong and Yang Haimin fully understood.

"The director of the office is Gao Zhuo, and she is a very capable person. If you really have a problem that you can't solve, you can ask her, or ask her to come and help!"

Yang Haimin nodded quickly after hearing this: "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

"You don't need to thank me, I told you that in private, we are friends and brothers, but when it comes to work, it's a superior-subordinate relationship. If you contribute to the company, I will reward you. If you don't contribute to the company, I will punish you." , or even be demoted and fired. I treat you like this, and you can also do the same to your subordinates. If that subordinate refuses to obey the discipline, you can directly expel him without going through the personnel department. However, you can also recruit directly when you meet capable people. , you don’t have to go through the Personnel Department!”

Chen Bing is directly delegating power.

"Mr. Chen, we know that there is a question that I don't know whether to ask or not?" Liu Weidong said.

After Chen Bing heard this, he frowned slightly: "What's the problem, what should I ask or not? You are the general manager of the company. If you encounter any problems, you must ask them. If you don't ask, how can you solve the problems?"

Chen Bing was very disgusted with Liu Weidong. Grandma, who was the leader's secretary, how could he be so tactful, but this is a company, and you are the general manager of the company. What you need is truth, not tact.

"Mr. Chen, our production line is thousands of miles away from Yanjing. How to transport it? Now that the office is established, we must seize the market. To seize the market, we must distribute the goods. So, Mr. Chen, how to solve this problem? "

Chen Bing frowned slightly. Damn it, this is a big problem. To solve this problem, one is to solve the transportation problem. After the transportation problem is solved, we can directly get the goods from Yangqing, and go there to distribute the goods. , the cost will inevitably increase. Another problem is the problem of building a factory in Yanjing. If the factory is built in Yanjing, all these problems will be solved, with short distances and low consumption.

However, it is not easy to know where Yanjing is and where to build a factory.

"Mr. Liu, what do you think?" Chen Bing asked.

Although, during this time, Liu Weidong's performance was very unsatisfactory, but after all, he was a food boss in his previous life, and he still had the ambition in his heart and the brain to analyze things.

"Mr. Chen, I think we can take two steps. One step, we will process it here and transport it directly. This will inevitably increase the cost and reduce the profit point. However, now we are grabbing the market. As long as we can grab the market, even , the profit point is zero, as long as the market is seized, we will proceed to the second step, building a factory in Yanjing, and building a factory in Yanjing is the only way to really seize the Yanjing market."

After Chen Bing heard this, he nodded slightly: "Mr. Liu, what you said is very reasonable, but Yanjing is the political center of our country. It must not be so easy to build a factory in Yanjing. Now I think, can I Will this factory be built in He Province, which is the closest to Yanjing? Wouldn't it be much easier to build it in He Province?"

After hearing this, Liu Weidong clapped his hands together: "Mr. Chen, it's too easy for you to think about the problem. It's too difficult for us to build a factory in Yanjing, but it's not that difficult to build a factory in He Province. Maybe we can still get it." Some subsidies, when the time comes, He Province will not be too far away from Yanjing, and our transportation costs will not be too high, wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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