Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 243 Satisfaction

Chapter 243 Satisfaction
Chen Mantun thought for a while and said: "Yes, he is the most famous for building houses within a hundred miles, but at this price"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Don't worry, how many times can you build a house in your lifetime?"

After Chen Bing spoke, Chen Mantun stopped talking.

"Bingzi, if you hadn't become a weapon, I would never have thought about building a house in my life!"

Chen Mantun was about to cry after speaking.

Chen Bing hurriedly said, "Dad, don't cry, isn't mine yours?"

At this time, He Cuilian made the meal: "Eat!"

Chen Bing went back and looked, my God, it was Xunzi noodles.

At that time, the best meal that could entertain people was saozi noodles.

However, in those days, women in rural areas knew how to roll noodles, and the handmade noodles could be threaded through needles.

Chen Bing ate two bowls of Xaozi noodles.

While eating noodles, He Cuilian said: "Bingzi, when your sister came back, she begged me to help them!" '

This time, Chen Mantun didn't speak.

Chen Bing also had a hard time facing the two old people. Although the two old people were not his biological parents, he occupied his son's body, so he had to be treated as his biological parents.

"Mom, it's not that I don't help them, you want your son's hard-earned business to go bankrupt?"

After Chen Bing spoke, He Cuilian hurriedly waved her hands: "That can, how can I let the business you worked so hard to build go bankrupt?"

"Mom, that's right, you don't want the business I worked so hard to build to go bankrupt, so you can't let Fang Fang and Zhang Qiang come to my company."

"Zhang Qiang is very capable. Besides, Fangfang is your own sister. Wouldn't it be good for you to come here? Those people don't obey discipline. Fangfang said that after she comes, she will give you the money, and she will definitely give those people a share." I can't even take more!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Mom, those people can't get a cent, but in the end, they all fell into their homes!"

Chen Mantun is a man, and he thinks long-term: "Don't say a few words, this is the child's own business, that Zhang Qiang has some skills, but he is a small skill, if he really arrives at Bingzichang I think, after a few years, Bingzi's factory will become his. Although he is our son-in-law, his surname is Zhang and our surname is Chen. I don't want our company surnamed Chen to end up with Zhang. As for Fangfang, it's the water thrown by the married daughter, don't worry about it."

He Cuilian seemed to understand.

"Bingzi, since you don't want him to go to the company, then give him some money and let him open a factory."

"He wants 100 million, where can I find him 100 million?"

"How much is 100 million?" He Cuilian really didn't know.

"Mom, 100 million is the house I built for you this time, and it can build a hundred yards."

He Cuilian knew the number of one hundred, and said in surprise, "So much? If it's really so much, then you can't give it to them!"

When He Cuilian knew that 100 million was a lot, she never mentioned any money to Chen Fangfang and Zhang Qiang.

Next, Chen Bing and Chen Mantun went to burn incense on the ancestral grave.

Kneeling in front of the ancestral grave, Chen Mantun cried so loudly.

The most important thing is to show credit to the ancestors, saying that his son was disabled, and he became better under the inspiration of the ancestors, and he thanked the ancestors.

After leaving his parents, Chen Bing returned home.

Chen Bing pushed open the door and saw Yang Xue put her hands on her stomach to listen to the child's heartbeat.

"Bingzi, are you back?"

"What are you doing?"

Yang Xue said happily: "Come quickly, listen, is there any movement from the child?"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "It's only been a few months, and there's been some movement."

"It's really moving, come and listen."

Chen Bing had no choice but to put his ears on Yang Xue's belly.

After listening for a long time, I didn't hear it.

Yang Xue pulled Chen Bing's hand to his belly again: "Put your hand here."

Chen Bing could clearly feel the beating.

It's amazing.

"Bingzi, what's the matter, is it a boy?"

Knowing that Yang Xue wanted to have a son, Chen Bing laughed and said, "It must be a boy, but if it's a girl, I'd like it too."

"Bingzi, it must be a boy. I don't want a girl. If you have Guoguo, a girl is enough. Why do you want so many?"

Yang Xue's words happened to be heard by Guoguo, who came to Chen Bing and Yang Xue aggrieved, "Dad, does mom not like me anymore?"

"No! Guoguo is mother and father's baby, how can you not like Guoguo?"

"But, I heard clearly, my mother said, I want a boy, not a girl, am I not a girl?"

Chen Bing never dreamed that at such a young age, the little guy has the problem of listening to the wall, and he can understand it so clearly.

"You heard me wrong. My mother said that if you give birth to a younger brother, Guoguo will have a younger brother. You didn't say that you don't like Guoguo. Don't worry, with a younger brother, mother and father will love the younger brother and also love Guoguo."

After Chen Bing said, Guoguo smiled happily, and kissed Chen Bing on the face: "Dad, I love you!"

Chen Bing let out a cry of surprise, this little girl is really good enough to say such a thing.

"Guoguo, Dad loves you too!"

Guoguo then shouted: "Mom, I love you!"

"Guoguo, I love you too!"

After Guoguo finished shouting, she turned to Chen Bing and said, "Dad, it's your turn to shout to Mom!"

Chen Bing cleared his throat: "Xiaoxue, I love you!"

Shouting out this one, the stone was shocked!
Yang Xue was in tears, and said with tears: "Bingzi, I love you too!"

A family of three, no, a family of four, hugged each other tightly, and it took a long time before they let go.

"Bingzi, I will never leave you again!" As soon as Yang Xue finished speaking, Chen Bing thought: "My god, I have to go to Yanjing tomorrow, this time with Tang Min, I can't let Yang Xue follow me!"

"Xiaoxue, there is something I want to discuss with you!"

"What's the matter?" Yang Xue asked in surprise.

"Tomorrow, the company has something to do, so I'm going to Yanjing."

"I'll go too!" Yang Xue said.

Chen Bing quickly waved his hands in fright: "Xiaoxue, this is impossible, you can't go, you are pregnant now, traveling a long distance, and something happens again, what should you do, don't worry, I will only go for two days, and I will be back in two days.

Yang Xue was very obedient, and if Chen Bing refused to let her go, she would not go.

The next day Chen Bing and Tang Min set off early.

This time, Chen Bing did not plan to drive, but to fly.

The main thing is that his Santana is really inconsistent with his identity, so he can't drive out.

At eleven o'clock in the morning, Chen Bing and Tang Min arrived in Yanjing.

As soon as he left the airport, Chen Bing saw Qin An and his car.

Before Chen Bing got on the plane, he called Qin An and asked Qin An to make arrangements.

Besides Qin An, Vice President Wei Changqing and Zhang Yuanyuan were present.

When Wei Changqing and Qin An saw Tang Min standing next to Chen Bing, they were stunned. There are two people who are so similar in the world.

Before coming, Zhang Yuanyuan talked about Chen Bing's visit to Yanjing this time.

All did not speak.

Zhang Yuanyuan walked slowly towards Tang Min with tears in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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