Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 244 Sisters Meet

Chapter 244 Sisters Meet
Tang Min was also shocked when he saw Zhang Yuan: "Why is it so similar?"

"Your name is Minmin?" Zhang Yuan burst into tears.

Tang Min nodded.

Chen Bing laughed and said, "This is the airport. It's really inconvenient for cars to come and go. So, you can find a place to talk."

When Chen Bing said this, he turned to Qin An and said, "Boss Qin, arrange a car for the two sisters!"

Qin An hurriedly said: "Xiao Lu, serve the two beauties."

The driver named Xiaolu hurriedly said, "Okay, Mr. Qin."

Zhang Yuanyuan and Tang Min got into the car.

Chen Bing and Qin An smiled slightly.

Qin An said: "Mr. Chen, you really come and go in a hurry!"

"Hehehehe, for the beauty, I can only come and go in a hurry."

Of course Qin An knew what Chen Bing meant.

"Come on, let's get in the car!"

Still a big Benz.

It seems that Qin An has quite a few cars.

"President Qin, how many cars do you have in total?" Chen Bing asked.

"I own three cars."

After Chen Bing asked, Qin An then asked, "Mr. Chen, what kind of car are you driving now?"

Chen Bing blushed, and he couldn't tell others that he now had one and only one Santana.

If this is said, Qin An will obviously doubt the strength of his company.


Chen Bing's lie came out as soon as he opened his mouth: "Hehehe, we are almost the same."

A simple sentence was carried over.

It seems that the next step is to solve the car problem as soon as possible. A businessman must first package the company and himself. This time, he will go to CCTV to advertise. To put it bluntly, it is the packaging company. However, as a company leader, You must also learn to package yourself, because on the outside, the company's leaders represent the company's image. How about a company's image depends first on the leader's car and attire.


Chen Bing didn't want to talk about the car, so he quickly changed the subject.

"What happened to the ad?"

"Miss Zhang's mood has recovered now. You can go back and look at the plan. If it is suitable, we will start to start. We will try to get everything ready by the end of this month."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Thank you, Mr. Chen!"

The speed of the car was very fast, and half an hour later, Chen Bing and others arrived at Qin'an Media.

Several technicians explained the plan to Chen Bing.

After watching it, Chen Bing was very satisfied and said, "Well, let's shoot according to this plan first."

Qin An nodded in agreement.

Chen Bing didn't come to Yanjing this time to watch the commercials, but mainly for the relationship between Zhang Yuan and Tang Min, so he was very anxious, wondering how the two sisters were talking?
After another hour, Zhang Yuan and Tang Min walked in.

Chen Bing could tell from Zhang Yuan and Tang Min's expressions that it was a success, because Zhang Yuan's face showed excitement, and Tang Min's eyes were red and swollen, obviously crying.

Zhang Yuan quickly walked up to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, thank you!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Is the matter clear?"

"Just now I called Minmin and asked about Minmin's adoptive parents. They told the ins and outs of Minmin being abducted by human traffickers."

Chen Bing nodded again after hearing this: "Congratulations, congratulations on your sister reunion!"

Zhang Yuan cried, and Tang Min also cried.

"Minmin was raised by her adoptive parents. Even though you and your sisters are reunited, you must handle this relationship well, and you must not make your adoptive parents sad."

Both Zhang Yuan and Tang Min nodded.

Zhang Yuan also said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, Minmin's adoptive parents have raised my younger sister for me. They have raised my younger sister so well. Not only will Minmin take care of them in the future, but I will also take care of them."

Chen Bing nodded again: "That's good!"

Tang Min didn't say a word from the beginning to the end.

"Okay, Miss Zhang, let's talk about work."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he picked up the design plan from the table and handed it to Zhang Yuan.

"This design plan is the final design plan. Next, you will shoot according to this plan. At the end of this month, I hope that our Jiahe advertisement will be known to the whole country."

Chen Bing's words couldn't be more clear. At the end of this month, Jiahe's advertisement will appear on CCTV's advertisement.

Zhang Yuan flipped through it quickly: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will do my best."

"Okay, it's been a long time. After this period of time, I will ask Mr. Qin to give you a vacation."

Zhang Yuan thanked again.

Next, Chen Bing said to Tang Min: "Secretary Tang, I'm going back tomorrow. Your sisters just met. You should stay in Yanjing for two more days. The two sisters have a good chat." '

"Mr. Chen, are you okay?"

"Of course you can. Your sister is now shooting our company's advertisement and is the spokesperson of our company. I ask you now to assist your sister on behalf of the company. If you need anything, please call at any time."

Tang Min nodded.

After Chen Bing finished explaining, he said to Qin An: "Boss Qin, I have something else to do, can I lend you a car!"

Qin An quickly agreed.

Chen Bing left Qin'an Media, took out his mobile phone, and called Gao Zhuo.

"Director Gao, I'm Chen Bing."

"Mr. Chen, where are you?"

"I'm in the office? Where are you?" Chen Bing asked.

"Mr. Chen, I'm negotiating cooperation with Sumei Supermarket, just wait, I'll be back in a while!"

Chen Bing did not expect that this little girl started working.

In the previous life, Gao Zhuo was a vigorous and decisive person. In this life, although the little girl is small, her personality is the same as in the previous life.

Chen Bing drove to the office. At this time, the office hadn't been renovated yet, and the workers were doing it.

At this time, a master came over and said, "Who are you looking for?" '

"I'm not looking for anyone."

"Then stay away, we are under construction, if we touch you, we won't be responsible!"

Chen Bing was very depressed after hearing this. What does this person mean? You just don't want me to stand here, and you can't take care of it.

"Hehehe, don't worry, if you touch it, you will be hurt, and you won't be worried about this."

"Why are you like this, don't you understand what I mean, we are under construction, you can't stay here."

Suddenly, Chen Bing frowned slightly when he smelled the strong smell of alcohol on this man.

"you've been drinking?"

The man said: "Drink it, what's the matter, get out, get out quickly, I told you, touched, hurt, we can't afford it."

Chen Bing walked over and picked up a wine bottle not far away, which still had half a bottle of wine in it.

"Young man, if you accidentally climb up and down during the decoration work, you will be injured. How can you drink alcohol during the construction period? If something happens to you, what can you do? We can't bear the responsibility!"

Before Chen Bing finished speaking, the other party yelled: "Who are you, I just drank, what's the matter, what are you, come here to control me, get out of here!"

That angry Chen Bing, that drunkard.

As a boss, when doing things, he is most afraid of drunkards. Such people are prone to trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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