Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 252 Vulnerability

Chapter 252 Vulnerability
The poor look of this little guy is really distressing.

"Okay, okay, don't be angry, two children are fighting, what are you afraid of?"

"But, that's the granddaughter of the new factory manager!"

"So what if it is, so what if it's not!"

"Our factory will lay off a dozen workers this time!"

Chen Bing knew about Yangqing Textile Factory. In 93, the factory would close down.

Laid-off is a matter of time.

"Don't be afraid, you are laid off, you can either stay at home and take care of your children, or come to work in our factory!"

After Chen Bing said, Yang Xue's head shook like a rattle: "That's not okay, our factory is a state-owned enterprise, and we are an iron rice bowl!"

After Chen Bing heard this, he said, Grandma, is our company made of mud? This Xiaoxue doesn't even look down on her own company.

It really makes no sense.

Yang Xue's heart is fragile, Chen Bing can only comfort her.

"Okay, okay, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain!"

At this time, Chen Bing saw a lot of things beside the bed.

"Why do you buy so many things?"

"I'm going to visit his house."

Chen Bing was directly depressed: "Xiaoxue, don't be like this, okay, what's wrong with two children fighting, not to mention, Guoguo is still a girl, isn't she just a factory manager, what's the big deal, big deal, we won't go to that class anymore , okay, although my clay rice bowl is not as nice as your iron rice bowl, but are you short of money?"

Xiaoxue blinked and stared at Chen Bing. This kid was about to lose his temper again.

"Xiaoxue, otherwise, if you pay 75 yuan a month, your annual salary will only be 1000 yuan. Even if you live to be a hundred years old in this life, and you go to class for 80 years, it will be 8 yuan. I will give you 8 yuan. Ten thousand yuan, buy your working years, you come back, take good care of Guoguo, okay?"

Seeing Chen Bing losing his temper, Yang Xue was a little scared: "Bing, I don't, this is an iron rice bowl!"

Chen Bing put his hands on Yang Xue's shoulders: "Xiaoxue, you know, why am I working so hard to make money?"

Yang Xue blinked her eyes.

"I'm telling you, the reason I make so much money is for you and your children to live a good life, to let you and your children live a life without asking for help, but at this time, you still ask for help, so what's the use of my earning this money! "

Chen Bing's voice was loud, and Guoguo cried: "Dad, stop arguing with Mom, I'm afraid, I won't push the kids anymore!"

As soon as little Guoguo cried, Chen Bing's heart immediately softened. He quickly walked up to Guoguo and hugged Guoguo: "Guoguo, don't be afraid. Mom and Dad are discussing a problem, not arguing, don't be afraid!"

"Look at you, what did you scare the child into?"

Guoguo stayed in Chen Bing's arms, and her mood stabilized a little.

"Guoguo, what happened to you and that child, did you hit him?"

"No, Dad, I was holding my doll, and he rushed over and said that my doll is not good-looking, not as good-looking as the one his grandpa bought for him."

"I was not convinced, so I argued with him, saying that it was bought by my father, and it was the most beautiful doll in the world. In a fit of anger, he snatched the doll from me and threw it into the basin next to it."

"what's next?"

"I just pushed her and she fell into the basin."

"and then?"

"My lord rescued him, and her grandfather scolded and kicked my mother, and my mother beat me!"

Chen Bing was furious after hearing this.

Damn, what does this old man mean, he dared to beat my wife.

Chen Bing put Guoguo on the bed and stared at Yang Xue: "Did he hit you?"

Yang Xue knew what Chen Bing was going to do.

"It's okay, don't listen to Guoguo."

"Mom, hit me, Guoguo didn't lie!"

"Shut up!" Yang Xue said angrily.

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Look at Guoguo, I'll go out for a while!"

Yang Xue understood Chen Bing's temper, and knew what Chen Bing was going to do, so she quickly grabbed him: "Bing, what are you doing?"

"I want to ask, his granddaughter snatched our Guoguo's doll, and we Guoguo pushed his granddaughter into the water basin. No matter how you look at it, it's not our Guoguo's fault. Besides, the two children fought, There is no right or wrong, what is your fault, why did he scold you and kick you?"

At this time, Chen Bing was furious.

Bastard, what an old bastard!
"Bingzi, don't cause trouble!"

Chen Bing took a deep breath of relief.

Damn, I'm so suffocated!
Chen Bing knew that he would definitely not be able to go out now, and if he did, Yang Xue would be worried, so depressed, he rushed to bed and fell asleep with all his clothes on.

Early the next morning, Yang Xue cleaned up the dishes and went to work. Chen Bing slept until nine o'clock, got up, ate something casually, and ran towards Yangqing Textile Factory.

His wife has a man, and he can't let his wife live in such an aggrieved way.

Chen Bing walked to the door and looked in, afraid of meeting Guoguo and Yang Xue.

He looked at no one and walked in.

Chen Bing had been to the fruit juice factory before, and the director's office knew about it.

He went straight up.

At this time, a beautiful woman asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Looking for your factory manager? Chen Bing said.

The other party stared at Chen Bing after hearing this: "Do you have an appointment?"

Fuck me, for such a small factory manager, there is an appointment, the spectrum is really big enough.

"No." Chen Bing was about to rush in after finishing speaking.

However, the woman quickly stopped her: "I'm sorry, sir, since you don't have an appointment, you can't enter!"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Really?"

How can a woman stop a man? Chen Bing gently pushed with his arm.

The one who was looking at the documents at the desk was a fat man. When he saw Chen Bing suddenly, his face showed anger: "Who are you, get out!"

For this kind of state-owned factory, the factory director is both an official and a businessman, so there is a sense of majesty.

"Director Li, he broke in by himself, I can't stop him!"

The woman hurriedly said in fright.

The factory manager is called Li Changtian.

Li Changtian frowned slightly, staring at Chen Bing.

"who are you?"

Chen Bing stared at the woman: "You go out first!"

Chen Bing was a rich man in his previous life, and in this life, he is the leader of a private factory, so he also has a sense of majesty.

The woman stared at Li Changtian and said, "Director Li"

"You go out!"

Li Changtian guessed that Chen Bing was definitely not an ordinary person. If he were an ordinary person, he would not have such a big spectrum.

"Director Li, I am Chen Bing, Yang Xue's husband!"

As soon as Chen Bing said that he was Yang Xue's husband, Li Changtian exploded instantly: "Are you Yang Xue's husband?"

His eyes can kill Chen Bing!
Li Changtian stared at Chen Bing, and Chen Bing also stared at Li Changtian.

Chen Bing could see the hostility in Li Changtian's eyes.

Grandma's, isn't it just two children fighting, is there such a big hostility necessary?

(End of this chapter)

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