Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 253 Li Changtian

Chapter 253 Li Changtian

From Li Changtian's eyes, Chen Bing saw that something was not normal.

Suddenly, he saw the scratch on Li Changtian's neck. Although it was scarred, Chen Bing could clearly feel that the scar was related to him.

Because when Li Changtian heard that he was Yang Xue's husband, he touched the scar involuntarily.


"Director Li, I am Yang Xue's husband."

"What are you doing here?"

Li Changtian stabilized his mind, then sat on the bench, took out a cigarette, and smoked it.

This kind of look directly tells Chen Bing, what the hell are you, and you are still looking for me?

Chen Bing didn't care, he had plenty of tricks to deal with this old bastard.

Chen Bing took a bench by himself, sat opposite to Li Changtian, took out a cigarette from Li Changtian's cigarette case, and lit it with a match.

"Director Li, how stingy!"

Li Changtian's face was flushed red: "What's the matter with you, tell me!"

"Hehehe, Director Li is still impatient, so I just want to ask, why did you beat my child and kick my wife yesterday?"

"Who hit your child, who kicked your wife?"

"Could it be that my daughter is lying, you have to know, Tongyan Wuji!"

Li Changtian's face was flushed red: "From what you mean, it's not your daughter who lied, but me?"

At this time, the secretary came over and said, "Director Li, do you want to call the security guard?"

Chen Bing got angry when he saw the secretary. Behind a bastard factory manager, there must be a bastard secretary standing.

Chen Bing knew about this.

"Get out, or I will throw you out!"

The secretary stared at Li Changtian.

Li Changtian stared at the secretary angrily: "Secretary Li, call the security guard!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Okay, Secretary Li, call the security guard! But, Director Li, if the security guard comes, I guarantee you will regret it later!"

Chen Bing knew this kind of person who was both an official and a businessman very well. There must be something wrong with Li Changtian.

"How would you make me regret it?"

"Then let your secretary go out first, so that your death will not be known by your secretary!"

Li Changtian frowned tightly after hearing this, and shook his hand at the secretary: "You go out first!"

The secretary went out, and Chen Bing lay down in front of Li Changtian: "Director Li, if you want to ask about your death, I'll ask you first, what is the reason for my daughter and your granddaughter? Why did you beat my wife? My wife came back last night. It is said that your factory will lay off a group of workers, and she may be on the list!"

After hearing this, Li Changtian understood that Chen Bing came to him today because of Yang Xue's layoff, not because of bullying Yang Xue.

When Li Changtian heard that Chen Bing was Yang Xue's husband, he thought that he bullied Yang Xue, did Yang Xue tell Chen Bing?
Damn, if this matter is exposed, although he is not afraid, it will somewhat damage his reputation. If the tigress in his family finds out, the problem will be serious.

Now that he heard that it wasn't that matter, his heart was in his stomach.

"Sit down!"

Chen Bing sat down.

"May I ask your surname?"

"Miangui's surname is Chen."

"It's fine if you come today. If you don't come, I'll still visit my home. Your wife is right. This time our factory is going to lay off some people, and your wife is on the list!"

Damn, it really is.

In fact, Chen Bing also hoped that Yang Xue would be laid off, so that Yang Xue could take care of the children at home safely. If she really wanted to go to work, she could go to her own factory or open a small shop. Grandma's could do anything.

However, this silly girl just clings to the iron rice bowl and doesn't let go.

Regarding her thoughts, Chen Bing knew that he couldn't persuade her for a while. In order not to make her sad, he could only prevent her from being laid off.

After all, she is still pregnant with a child. What if she gets excited when she hears that she has been laid off, and the child has some problems?
Chen Bing frowned slightly.

"You can't let her be laid off!" Chen Bing said.

"Oh? Hahaha? If she can't be laid off, there must be a reason!" Li Changtian stared at Chen Bing.

"The reason is that his husband is here, so you can't let him be laid off!"

"Husband? You? Hehehehe!"

Li Changtian was transferred from Lin County, so he really didn't know Chen Bing's identity. If he knew Chen Bing's identity, he wouldn't say that.

Because, in Li Changtian's view, the husband of a female worker in a textile factory is not very capable to ask himself for the layoff of a female worker in a textile factory!

"Aren't you awesome just now, hehehe, why aren't you awesome now?" Li Changtian continued.

Facing Li Changtian's momentum, Chen Bing was not overwhelmed, and still smiled and said, "Director Li, I'm awesome. I came to you today with two questions. One, I scared my daughter and beat my wife. Hehehe, apologize to them, another, my wife must not be fired!"

After Chen Bing said that, Li Changtian burst out laughing: "Hehehehe, who are you, you dare to put such a condition on me, it's really ridiculous!"

Li Changtian laughed so hard that he couldn't straighten up.

"Is it funny?"

"It's so funny, I really haven't encountered such a funny thing."

"Promise or not?" Chen Bing stared at Li Changtian.

"Hehehe, think about it, can I agree? Let me tell you, from now on, Yang Xue will not come to work!" Li Changtian stared at Chen Bing.

"You will kneel down and beg for mercy!"

"I do not know!"

"Well, since we don't agree, let's start with the first one."

Before Li Changtian could react, Chen Bing punched him in the face, and the blood in his nose flowed instantly.

"You dare to hit me!"

"Scare my daughter, hit my wife, I will definitely hit you!"

Chen Bing is a guy in his 20s, and the opponent is nearly 50 years old. Whether it is physical strength or other things, he is no match for Chen Bing.

Before Li Changtian could call out, Chen Bing knocked him to the ground.

"You dare to hit me, just wait, I will call the police immediately!"

Li Changtian stood up tremblingly, trying to grab the phone on the table.

Chen Bing held it down: "I tell you, you'd better not call the police. If you call the police, you will be the one to suffer. I know all the bad things you have done in the past few years."

Li Changtian put down the phone.

Chen Bing continued: "Next, let's talk about layoffs!"

Chen Bing walked up to Li Changtian and grabbed Li Changtian by the collar.

"Forget it, let me tell you, Yang Xue will be laid off!"

"Decided?" Chen Bing raised his fist and wanted to hit again.

At this moment, the door of Li Changtian's office was pushed open.

"Soldier, what are you doing?"

Chen Bing turned his head and saw that it was Yang Xue, followed by Guoguo who was crying.

Yang Xue quickly came to Chen Bing and grabbed Chen Bing: "Bingzi, what are you doing?"

"Why are you here?" Chen Bing asked.

(End of this chapter)

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