Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 27 Benefits, Love, That's Important

Chapter 27 Benefits, Love, That's Important
At this moment, the waiter brought in a man, about 30 years old, wearing a denim shirt tucked into his trousers, his hair was polished by gel water, full of style.

As soon as he entered, all the women stood up.

That Xiaorui hurried out of the seat: "Dongzi, why are you here?"

"I was drinking with my friends downstairs, and you said you were drinking with Sister Zhao upstairs, so I'll come up and offer a toast to Sister Zhao."

Zhao Na's face was full of smiles after hearing this.

"Sisters, this is my man, Zhang Dong, the head of the personnel department of the Industrial Bureau."

In the 80s, the head of the personnel department of the Industrial Bureau was not a small person. The transfer of employees of the state-owned enterprises within his jurisdiction had something to do with the small head of the Industrial Bureau. When, they all screamed.

After all, 80.00% of the people sitting here work in state-owned factories, and who doesn't want to adjust a good factory.

When Yang Xue saw this person, her eyes were shining brightly. The factory has already passed her regularization and submitted the application. I heard that she still needs approval from the Industrial Bureau and the Human Resources Bureau. However, Gao Qiang has already said that as long as the company Pass, nothing else is a problem.

However, she was still a little worried.

If she could get into this relationship this time, there would be no suspense at all for her becoming a regular.

Zhang Dong walked to the table, picked up the wine bottle, filled two glasses of wine, and handed one to Zhao Na: "Sister Zhao, I would like to respect you."

Zhang Dong put the rim of the cup as low as possible.

From the attitude of Zhang Dong and Zhao Na clinking glasses, Chen Bing could see that Zhao Na's status was absolutely extraordinary.

Zhao Na poured the wine in the glass into her stomach.

Zhang Dong wanted to pour the wine, Zhao Na hurriedly said: "Zhang Dong, forget it, if you drink more, you will have more. Xiaorui and I are classmates, so don't be too polite."

"Thank you, Miss Zhao."

Zhang Dong's position was there, so when these flower girls saw Zhang Dong finished toasting, they all rushed to toast Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong never refuses anyone who comes.

Yang Xue's cowardly personality didn't dare to toast to a strange man alone, so she tugged at Chen Bing's arm and motioned for Chen Bing to toast as well.

At this time, Chen Bing was eating happily and didn't care about Yang Xue at all.

Tears welled up in Yang Xue's eyes.

"Smelly dad, I want to drink that soup."

"Baby soup, children should drink less." Chen Bing's voice was not low, he took out a spoon and gave Xiao Guoguo a spoonful.

At this time, everyone present turned their eyes from Zhang Dong to Chen Bing.

Chen Bing ate as if nothing had happened.

Seeing Chen Bing's actions, Zhang Dong frowned slightly: "Who is he?"

Seeing Chen Bing belittle her husband Zhang Dong, Xiaorui replied angrily, "Yang Xue's husband is a waste."

"Yang Xue works in a plastic processing factory and recently became a regular."

"Oh? I remembered that the plastic processing factory has submitted an application for regularization in the past two days. The name is Yang Xue, and the bureau is preparing to hold a meeting to study it."

Yang Xue could cry when she heard this.

Who is Chen Bing, how can he not understand the meaning.

He slowly put down his chopsticks: "Looks like I have to toast you."

Zhang Dong resented Chen Bing's negligence just now, and put the wine bottle in his hand on the table: "Chen Bing, hehehehe, what a good name, no matter how good the name is, it's not good to be hooked with trash. I heard that you are still supported by your wife. Really him Mom is happy, in this way, you drink the wine in the bottle, and Yang Xue's conversion will be on me."

The scene changed so quickly that everyone stared at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing turned his head and stared at Yang Xue.

Yang Xue opened her mouth, then closed it softly. How could she force her husband to drink a bottle of wine for a job.

However, if you don't drink that bottle of wine, your work will be over.

Zhang Dong just said that if he drank this bottle of wine, he would become a regular. If he didn't drink it, it goes without saying that it would be over.

This job is the guarantee of their family. Although Chen Bing is now taking scorpions to make money, but at present, it is not time for her to fully trust Chen Bing. After all, a month ago, he did nothing and was still a well-known trash.

"Chief Zhang, I'll drink."

Yang Xue quickly picked up the wine bottle from the table and poured it into her mouth.

Chen Bing snatched it away: "You have a man, now is not the time for you to go all out."

At this time, two men walked into the private room, one was potbellied and unknown, and the other was Gao Qiang from the plastic processing factory.

As soon as the two of them came in, Zhang Dong took the lead to greet them: "Ju Wang, are you here?"

Zhao Na followed closely to meet her.

"Hehehe, Nana said that there is a class reunion here today, so I'll come up and take a look."

Wang Ju is called Wang Jian, nearly fifty, and is the director of the county industry bureau, and Zhao Na is his second wife.

Zhao Na was able to become the director of the steel factory office at such a young age, which had something to do with Wang Jian.

Gao Qiang never dreamed that Chen Bing would be here?

He quickly walked up to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

"Xiaoxue Classmates Association, I'll follow along for some food and drink."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, there was another burst of disgust and whispering at the scene.

Gao Qiang ignored other people's opinions, and quickly walked up to Wang Jian: "Ju Wang, this is Mr. Chen I told you about."

When Wang Jian heard that Chen Bing in front of him was Mr. Chen, he was surprised, stretched out his hands, and held Chen Bing's hands tightly: "Mr. Chen, I didn't expect to see you here. I was discussing with Mr. Gao just now how to visit you." Woolen cloth?"

Everyone was stunned, including Yang Xue.

Zhao Na thought that Wang Jian had admitted the wrong person, and walked up to Wang Jian: "Old Wang, did you admit the wrong person, he is just a waste of food and drink."

When Wang Jian heard Zhao Na say that Chen Bing was a waste, he cursed angrily, "Get out, you bastard, Chen is always our nobleman, why are you a waste, I think you are a waste."

At this time, everyone was standing, only Chen Bing was sitting, still fiddling with a wine bottle.

Chen Bing preliminarily judged that the reason why Wang Jian treated him like this was that Gao Qiang must have told Wang Jian about his false identity.

Chen Bing didn't stand up, he laughed and said, "Ju Wang, why are you making such a big fuss?"

Wang Jian bent over, with a smile on his face: "Mr. Chen, I don't know your identity, please don't be offended."

After Chen Bing heard this, there was a hint of ruthlessness in his eyes: "Wang Ju, what identity am I? I'm just a bastard, and now I'm a bastard who lives by collecting scorpions. Apart from this identity, I have no fucking identity. .”

Wang Jian took out a tissue and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "Yes, yes, yes, Mr. Chen, you are a bastard who relies on collecting scorpions, no, you are not a bastard."

Wang Jian didn't know what to say, and in a hurry, he walked up to Zhao Na and slapped her across the face.

Zhao Na held her cheeks aggrievedly.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry. It's my wife's fault. I've taught you a lesson. I hope you can forgive me."

Everyone at the scene was stunned. Zhao Na is Wang Jian's second wife, who is more than 20 years younger than Wang Jian. She is a real sweetheart. Today, she slapped Chen Bing in front of so many people.

(End of this chapter)

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