Chapter 28
Chen Bing stood up, picked up the wine bottle, and walked up to the pale Zhang Dong: "Chief Zhang, look, I've done it, otherwise, my wife's job will not be guaranteed, and our family will have to rely on it for food! "

At this moment, Zhang Dong's legs were shaking.

Chen Bing picked up the bottle and was about to pour it into his mouth.

Zhang Dongpu knelt down in front of Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, please forgive me. Just treat what I just said as farting. I beg you."

No one expected that Zhang Dong would kneel down, neither did Chen Bing.

Zhang Dong is smart. He can become the head of the personnel department of the Industrial Bureau at the age of 20. His little head is a hot figure in Ningzheng County. Otherwise, there would be so many beauties toasting him?

Of course, he is also smart.

When he saw Director Wang Jian's attitude towards Chen Bing, he knew that something happened to him today.

Today's matter must be settled today!

If he can't get it right, let alone his small unit leader, he might be sent to the company, not to mention that he can't do it. If that happens, his life will be over.

Zhang Dong is also a ruthless person, in order to calm down Chen Bing, he even knelt down.

Xiaorui never dreamed that her proud husband would kneel down to this trash.

She quickly ran to Zhang Dong: "Dongzi, what are you doing, why do you kneel down to this trash?"

'Papa' two loud slaps sounded, and Xiaorui also hugged her cheeks.

"You bastard, I almost fell into your hands. I will get a divorce when I get back today."

Chen Bing looked at them like a monkey, looked at them for a while, and said, "That's all, that's all, that's all for today. I've had my fill, so let's go first."

Seeing that Chen Bing was about to leave, Wang Jian hurried over and said, "Mr. Chen, what happened just now?"

Enemies should be resolved rather than knotted!
Chen Bing smiled slightly: "I had a drink with Chief Zhang before Director Wang came, but I didn't expect Chief Zhang to cheat. , drink as long as you drink, there is no need to kneel down."

Chen Bing relieved Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong is so smart, Chen Bing will not expose it now, but also conceal it for himself, let this matter be over today, he hurriedly said: "Wang Ju, that's it, if I know that Chen is always Wang Ju's friend, then I don't dare to rely on it." , I drink, I drink."

Zhang Dong snatched the wine bottle from Chen Bing, and finished the wine in the bottle in one breath: "Mr. Chen, Ju Wang, I'm done drinking."

"Shame!" Wang Jian scolded.

"Mr. Chen, please take a seat, waiter, set another table and serve all the special dishes of your hotel."

Chen Bing waved his hand slightly and said, "Ju Wang, that's it for today, we'll drink it another day, look, the child is asleep."

He tugged at Yang Xue's clothes: "I'm full, let's go."

When Wang Jian and Gao Qiang saw Chen Bing going downstairs, they didn't dare to stop him, and hurriedly followed behind.

After going downstairs, they shook hands and said goodbye. Chen Bing hugged the sleeping Guoguo and took Yang Xue's hand to leave.

Yang Xue was led by Chen Bing, feeling mixed emotions in her heart, she didn't know what it was like.

Is he still him? He used to be a famous trash, a famous rascal, and a famous bastard. However, in the past month, he has taken good care of himself and his children, and he can still make money. Today, such a big person still treats him like that. This was unthinkable before.

Yang Xue was a little scared. She couldn't believe that this man had become so good from nothing.

Chen Bing knew that Yang Xue had something to ask: "Just ask if you have anything to say?"

"Soldier, I."

"Do you think I've changed too much?"

"Bingzi, I'm a little scared!"

"What are you afraid of? With me by your side, you can live in peace with Guoguo. I told you that I won't let you and Guoguo be bullied again."

"How do you know such a big official in the Wang Bureau?"

"We met during dinner." Chen Bing said it casually.

"Why did he treat you like that?"

"He adores me!"

"I don't believe it." Yang Xue said.

"You underestimate your man?"

"Not to be underestimated."

Although Yang Xue was beautiful, she was a woman after all. In the end, he believed what Chen Bing said.

The two walked to the door of the house holding hands, and saw a woman wandering around the door of his house.

"Ginger is beautiful."

Yang Xue pinched Chen Bing's arm fiercely: "What is she looking for you for?"

Chen Bing also wondered why this little girl was looking for him so late.

"Who said she was looking for me, maybe she was looking for you."

At this time, Jiang Meili saw Chen Bing holding Yang Xue's hand.

"Chen Bing, the love between you two is really enviable."

Yang Xue pinched Chen Bing again, and Chen Bing almost uttered an 'ah' in pain.

"what's up?"

"I have something to do with you, something big."

"What's the big deal? Say it."

"The child is asleep, let Xiaoxue carry the child back first, and I'll tell you."

"Don't tell me, I'm leaving."

Chen Bing didn't want to stand here with Jiang Meili in the middle of the night and make Yang Xue sad.

"The bald thing."

"What happened to the bald head?"

"Is hospitalised."

"Xiaoxue, you should go back. I want to discuss with Bingzi how to deal with the bald man. Otherwise, the bald man will call the police. According to the bald man, he has a cousin who is in the Public Security Bureau. He is still an official."

This is what Yang Xue is most afraid of. She knows that Chen Bing fights for Jiang Meili.

"how is she?"

"There is something wrong with your brain, you go back, I will discuss it with Bingzi."

Jiang Meili is much smarter than Yang Xue, she can easily catch Yang Xue's weakness.

"Bingzi, talk to him carefully." Yang Xue anxiously carried the child in.

Chen Bing already knew what Jiang Meili wanted to do.

Ever since Chen Bing made money by collecting scorpions, this woman looked at him differently.

"Stay away from my house!" Chen Bing walked away.

"What do you want from me?" Chen Bing's tone was very stiff.


"Don't tell me about baldness, you are definitely not looking for me because of baldness."

Jiang Meili had dealt with Chen Bing before, but she never expected that he would become so smart.

"I am fine."

"Then I'll go first." Chen Bing turned and walked towards the house.

"I like you." Jiang Meili shouted at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing turned around involuntarily, and saw that the two lumps of flesh on Jiang Meili's chest would explode the suspenders.

He believed that no normal man could resist this temptation, and he believed even more that Jiang Meili's camisole was prepared for himself.

If Chen Bing pounced on Jiang Meili at this time, then Jiang Meili would be his tonight, and he could do whatever he wanted?
The food is good, but it's a bit greasy, he doesn't want to eat it, he prefers light food like Yang Xue's.

Seeing that Chen Bing was a little loose, Jiang Meili came to Chen Bing's side gently, and leaned her head on Chen Bing's shoulder: "I really like you, I don't want a title, as long as I can follow you."

Chen Bing didn't know Jiang Meili, but during this time, Jiang Meili knew Chen Bing thoroughly. She knew exactly what Chen Bing was doing, including the wages Chen Bing paid to others every day.

(End of this chapter)

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