Chapter 29

At this moment, Chen Bing heard familiar footsteps.

Chen Bing pushed Jiang Meili away: "What are you doing, Jiang Meili, I have a wife."

Chen Bing didn't turn back, and knew who it was.

Unexpectedly, Yang Xue still has the problem of listening to the root of the wall, it seems that she should be careful in the future.

Jiang Meili also saw Yang Xue.

"Don't look for me in the future. As for the bald man you mentioned, he can do whatever he wants."

Chen Bing turned his head and saw that it was Yang Xue: "Xiaoxue, why are you here? Let's go!"

He didn't give Yang Xue a chance to speak, nor did he give Yang Xue a chance to slap Jiang Meili twice, so he dragged Yang Xue away.

Walking on the road, Chen Bing secretly said: "It's so dangerous. If my willpower is weak, I will really be dragged into the house by Jiang Meili. At that time, I must be caught by Yang Xue."

Yang Xue returned home without saying a word.

Chen Bing didn't know what to explain, so he fell asleep on the bed.

At night, Yang Xue crawled into Chen Bing's bed and said, "Bingzi, I can satisfy you."

Of course Chen Bing knew what Yang Xue meant, turned over and pressed Yang Xue under him.

Seeing Chen Bing leaving, Jiang Meili stomped her feet angrily: "Chen Bing, you will be mine sooner or later."

"Hehehe, who is yours?"

Jiang Meili turned her head in shock and saw that she was bald.

"Why are you here?"

"Hehehe, you are my woman, and I will always guard by your side. If I am not by your side today, you will definitely be taken advantage of by that kid."

"Get out!" Jiang Meili said, and left without looking back.

The next morning, Chen Bing still prepared a meal for Yang Xue before leaving home.

When he walked to the gate of the purchase station, he was very happy to see the long line of tractors, mule carts, and rack carts.

Chen Bing showed joy on his face. If he persisted at this level for another month, the first pot of gold would be almost ready.

At this time, a middle-aged man in his 40s walked up to him: "Mr. Chen, hello."

The other party stretched out his hand.

Chen Bing raised his head and took a look. The other party was wearing a suit, shiny leather shoes, and a BB machine pinned to his waist.

"looking for me?"

Chen Bing could tell from the other party's expression that they were definitely not friends.

"Mr. Chen is very powerful. He made Scorpion so hot in such a short time."

"Thank you."

Chen Bing had an ominous premonition: "May I ask the boss what your name is?"

"My surname is Li, Li Dapeng, and Mr. Chen. I didn't expect you to monopolize the scorpion business of Lingxi Chinese Herbal Medicine Company. Hehehe, I came to Mr. Chen today to discuss with Mr. Chen and share some of the market with me."

Damn it, this is an obvious robbery.

"Mr. Li, the market belongs to everyone. If you have the ability, accept it." Chen Bing took out a cigarette and lit it, trying his best to hide his panic.

Over the past month or so, he has accumulated a certain amount, but he is still a long way from the target capital. If this surname Li makes a mess at this time, it will affect his accumulation of original capital.

"Did he also bribe Huang Youwei?"

Chen Bing considered all aspects in an instant. If he could bribe Huang Youwei, it meant that he should be more powerful than the top leader of the provincial party committee. Logically speaking, he shouldn't.

"Do you have a sales channel?" Chen Bing took out a cigarette from it and threw it to the other party.

"Thank you, I don't smoke this kind of cigarette, the grade is too low."

Chen Bing was a little sullen: "Is that so, I'm sorry Mr. Li, I disagree with you, and I don't like talking to people who are lower than myself."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned to leave.

"Mr. Chen, I have already told you to share half of the market with me."

"If you have sales channels, I'll share them with you."

"Thank you, Mr. Chen. I couldn't find a sales channel in Lingxi Province, but Emperor Heaven paid off. When Mr. Chen was struggling to make money, Mr. Li had already found a sales channel."

"Okay, then congratulations. It's just Mr. Li, I don't understand. There are so many counties and cities in Yangqing City. Why do you insist on coming to Ningzheng County to share a piece of the pie?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, you are still too closed. During the month you were digging scorpions, the entire Yangqing City has fallen apart. Every county is digging scorpions."

This sentence really surprised Chen Bing.

In 1988, communication was not very developed, how could it be transmitted so quickly?
"I'm from Ningzheng County, so I told you to take a share."

After hearing this, Chen Bing turned and left.

He knew that his career as a scorpion was coming to an early end, and it seemed that he was the one who underestimated this society.

Chen Bing walked to the telephone hall and called Huang Youwei: "Boss Huang, I'm Chen Bing."

"Mr. Chen, I was about to see you coming, but I'm too busy with work, so please tell me if you have anything to do."

"Did you agree to buy other people's scorpions recently?" Chen Bing went straight to the point.

Huang Youwei was taken aback by Chen Bing's words: "Mr. Chen, there is no such thing. Since I promised Mr. Chen, no matter who it is, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to supply scorpions to our Lingxi Traditional Chinese Medicine Company."

"So, someone has been looking for you?"

"Mr. Chen, yes, there is more than one. Some people moved our provincial leaders, but I rejected them one by one. I understand my identity. In addition to Secretary Chen, there is another person in the province who can be more noble than Mr. Chen." ?”

Chen Bing laughed and said, "That's good, I'll hang up first and talk another day."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone and secretly said: "These people must have found other sales channels. If I guessed right, it should be from other provinces."

At this time, Chen Bing saw Yang Haimin.

"Haimin, come here."

Yang Haimin has tasted the sweetness from Chen Bing recently, so he hurried over: "Mr. Chen."

"Haimin, I'm asking you for someone."

"Who, a man named Li, named Li Dapeng." Chen Bing described the other party's appearance.

For the 80s, there are not many people in the county who dress like Li Dapeng, so he should be a celebrity.

Yang Haimin pondered for a long time: "Mr. Chen, are you talking about Dr. Li? Does he have a pimple the size of a fingernail on his forehead?"

Chen Bing thought about it, and laughed, "Yes, there is a lump, why did I forget to describe it?"

"It's very rare for Mr. Chen to be able to describe it in such detail after meeting him once."

"You said he was a doctor?"

"Yes, Mr. Chen, his family has practiced medicine for generations, and the Shengshitang on North Street belongs to his family. Now it is his old man who is attending the clinic. A few years ago, he followed the old man to see a doctor for a period of time. People in the county call him Li. Doctor, but later, he felt that he was too slow to make money from seeing a doctor, so he followed others to the south, you said he came back?"

"I'm back, I have a task for you today."

"What mission?"

"Find a car and take Song Hui to notify the village directors of each village, saying that I will invite everyone to have dinner at Ningzheng Hotel at noon tomorrow."

"Just this matter?" Yang Haimin asked.


"Mr. Chen, when I went to visit the village directors last time, I already left the phone numbers of their village committees. Just give them a call. There is no need to ask for them in person."

After hearing this, Chen Bing patted Yang Haimin on the shoulder: "Haimin, you are so smart, then you should call immediately and set dinner at six o'clock tonight, and tell them that there is a big gift for you."

(End of this chapter)

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