Chapter 30

After Yang Haimin left, Chen Bing frowned slightly.

He walked quickly to the purchase station, saw the busy Zhou Dahai, and waved.

Zhou Dahai trotted over: "Bing brother."

"Go to Ningzheng Hotel to book a few tables, the grade should be high."

"Eat? With whom?"

"You decide."

At six o'clock in the evening, village directors from various villages came to Ningzheng Hotel one after another.

The village director of each village, although an official in the village, is actually a farmer, and most of them have never been to such a high-end hotel.

After coming, it was Grandma Liu who entered the Grand View Garden, dazzled, here to see where to touch.
Chen Bing was wearing a suit and his leather shoes were polished. Taking advantage of his spare time, he went to the barber shop and had his hair cut. He looked very handsome.

Around 30 o'clock, more than [-] village directors came, and all the ones who should come came.

The current role of these village directors is Chen Bing's employees, because Chen Bing pays them a salary, which is not low, much more than their village director's annual salary.

At this time, when they saw the chicken, duck, fish and red sorghum from Ningzheng County on the table, they were about to bleed out.

Chen Bing patted the microphone lightly with his hand: "Everyone stop!"

The village director who was talking and stealing food stopped and stared at Chen Bing.

"Everyone has worked hard. During this period of dating with me, Chen Bing, what do you think of me, Chen Bing?"

After Chen Bing spoke, the word 'good' sounded like thunder in the huge hotel.

"Okay, since everyone said 'yes', I feel relieved. I came to see you today because I feel that you have worked so hard for such a long time. I have time to chat with you at night, drink, eat, and get to know each other. Get to know each other so that we can better communicate in the future.”

As soon as Chen Bing's words fell, the huge hotel was once again thunderous.

Chen Bing raised his hand: "I want to announce a good news to everyone today. From today onwards, your commission will increase from [-] cents per catty to [-] cents. There is only one condition, that is, from today onwards, all of your villages will dig Scorpion, you can only sell it to me, Chen Bing, or to the Haiding medicinal material purchasing station. Some of you will definitely ask, what if someone pays more than me?
I have also considered this question, and I will give you an answer today. If someone else gives you a commission of [-] cents, then I, Chen Bing, will give you [-] cents. If someone else gives you [-] cents, then I, Chen Bing, will give you [-] cents. In short , must be higher than others. "

As soon as Chen Bing finished speaking, a village director said, "Mr. Chen, what if their purchase price is higher than yours?"

"Are you Director Zhang of Jia's Wazi Village?" Chen Bing stared at him.

"Mr. Chen, I'm Zhang Qingnian."

"Director Zhang, please sit down." Chen Bing waved his hand.

Chen Bing walked up to Zhang Qingnian: "Director Zhang, you have a good question. If the purchase price of the other party is really higher than the purchase price I give you, then even if you want to sell it to me, the villagers will not be willing. Here, I will give it to you." Let’s make a promise, we are now giving the villagers eight yuan per catty, if the other party is also eight yuan, then we will give eight yuan and fifty cents, and if the other party is nine yuan, then we will give nine yuan and fifty cents, in short, it is higher than theirs.”

"Is there any problem?" Chen Bing stared at Zhang Qingnian.

Zhang Qingnian smiled embarrassedly: "Mr. Chen, if this is the case, then I guarantee that all the scorpions dug by the villagers of Jiajiawazi Village will be handed over to Mr. Chen."

Chen Bing walked over and held Zhang Qingnian's hand tightly: "Thank you."

After Zhang Qingnian made the promise, the village directors stood up one by one to make the promise.

The next thing was to start eating, and this meal lasted until nine o'clock. Since the village directors had to take the harvested scorpions to the county seat before ten o'clock the next day, Chen Bing didn't stay overnight.

When they left, Chen Bing gave each of them a copy of Double Happiness cigarettes and red sorghum prepared in advance.

Before leaving, Zhou Xiaodong, director of Daliang Village, came to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, have you met a competitor?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

Among these village directors, Zhou Xiaodong hoped that Chen Bing would make a fortune the most, because Zhou Dahai had 5.00% of the money Chen Bing made.

"What should I do?"

Seeing Zhou Xiaodong's anxious look, Chen Bing laughed and said, "Uncle Zhou, don't worry, the soldiers will cover you with water and earth."

After Zhou Xiaodong left, Chen Bing also left, leaving Zhou Dahai to check out the hotel alone.

Just as Chen Bing was about to walk to the door of his house, a black shadow came out suddenly.

"Who? Scared me to death."

"It's me, Jiang Meili."

When Chen Bing heard that it was Jiang Meili, he breathed a sigh of relief, and said a little depressed: "What are you doing standing here, trying to scare me to death?"

Jiang Meili walked up to Chen Bing, and a scent came over her nostrils.

Taking advantage of the faint moonlight, Chen Bing saw that Jiang Meili was wearing a white suspenders, her whole body was tight, and at least one-third of her breasts could be exposed.

This chick dared to come out wearing such clothes in such a dark day. Isn't this just giving others a reason to commit crimes?
Ever since Jiang Meili was rejected by Chen Bing last time, she has followed Chen Bing secretly and inquired about everything about Chen Bing. When she heard that Chen Bing had made hundreds of thousands of dollars by relying on scorpions, her eyes widened .

She quickly made a decision to dedicate herself to Chen Bing.

"Bingzi, for the neighbor's sake, can you do me a favor?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Say, what's the matter?"

"Bingzi, the bald man has been harassing me. He knocked on my door at night. You know me. I'm the only one in my house. I'm scared, very scared. Just now, he knocked on the door. If I didn't open it, he kicked it. As soon as I opened the door , he pushed me into the house, if I didn't run fast, I would have been killed by him"


When Jiang Meili said this, she gently tore her camisole with her hands.

Who is Chen Bing? He had dealt with women a lot in his previous life. How can you fool him with such a reason?

That's delusional.

"Really? I think bald is good. You are not married and he is unmarried. It happens to be a couple. I will talk to bald another day and I will be a matchmaker for you."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he strode away.

Jiang Meili looked at Chen Bing's leaving back and shouted: "Chen Bing, you are mine."

When Chen Bing heard this, he laughed loudly: "I'm not yours, even if I'm a pig, it won't be yours."

Chen Bing pushed open the door, Yang Xue mended Guoguo's clothes, and Guoguo played with Barbie dolls beside her.

Yang Xue glanced at Chen Bing, then lowered her head again.

"Are you unhappy?" Chen Bing turned to Guoguo and asked, "Guoguo, why is mom upset? Did you offend mom?"

"It's not dad, I didn't mess with mom, the bald uncle did mess with mom."

"Bald?" Chen Bing asked in surprise.

"Shut up, what do children know!" Yang Xue scolded.

"Wow." Guoguo cried after being scolded.

Chen Bing picked up Guoguo: "Don't cry, Guoguo, dad scolded mom."

"Xiaoxue, what's going on, why are you taking your anger out on the child?"

Chen Bing, who had no children in his previous life, got Xiao Guoguo in this life, and he has become his heart and soul.

(End of this chapter)

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