Chapter 31

"Just get used to it, she always interrupts when the adults talk!" Yang Xue said angrily.

"Why did she interrupt? How old is she? If such an old child doesn't talk much, won't he become a fool when he grows up?"

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue fell silent and sat on the edge of the Kang to wipe away tears.

What Chen Bing was most afraid of was Yang Xue wiping away his tears, so he quickly put down Guoguo: "What's the matter, I didn't say anything?"

"The bald man came, and he said he would kill our family."

"What, what are you talking about, the bald head is going to kill our family, when did it happen?"

Yang Xue wiped away her tears: "For a while, when he came, he still had a knife in his hand, and said, if you are still entangled with Jiang Meili, he will directly use Guoguo for surgery."

After hearing this, Chen Bing slammed his fist on the table, and the already dilapidated table was thrown to the ground by him.

Guoguo hid in Yang Xue's arms in fright.

"Close the door, I'll go out."

Chen Bing walked towards the door.

"Are you going there?"

Yang Xue's pitiful voice came from behind Chen Bing.

"Close the door, I won't call the door, and don't open it if anyone calls."

Chen Bing quickly came to the door of Jiang Meili's house, saw the light on the window, and hit it hard with his fist.

"Baldhead, you should have given up on this idea long ago. My Jiang Meili body is prepared for Chen Bing."

This stinky shameless.

"Open the door, Jiang Meili, open the door." Chen Bing shouted.

"Is it Bingzi?" A voice came from the house.

"Hurry up and open the door." Chen Bing shouted again.

After a while, Jiang Meili came out, her clothes were even more outrageous than before.

Chen Bing did not expect that in 1988, there were such ultra-fashionable pajamas.

Jiang Meili stood in front of Chen Bing, brushed her hair gently with her hands, and unbuttoned another button on her chest: "Is it fragrant?"

"Sweet ass, hurry back and get dressed."

At that time, there were very few entertainment programs, and people around would rush out if there was any movement.

Aunt Wu was the first one to rush out.

Jiang Meili was stunned by Chen Bing: "Then why don't you go back and sit down?"

"Hurry up and get dressed, I'll wait for you here."

Jiang Meili didn't know what Chen Bing took her for, but when she saw her clothes, she ran towards the house.

"What's the matter, Bingzi?" Aunt Wu asked as if watching the excitement.

"It's none of your business."

Chen Bing waited for a long time, but Jiang Meili hadn't come out yet, so Chen Bing walked in and dragged her out who was drawing her eyebrows.

"Take it easy, it hurts me."

"Go there?" Jiang Meili stroked her wrist.

"Go find the bald man."

The bald man's house is not too far from Jiang Meili's house, within three to five minutes.

Jiang Meili brought Chen Bing to Bald's house, and whispered, "This is Bald's house."

Chen Bing kicked on the door, and a wooden door fell down in response.

"Who, who kicked my door!" The sleeping bald man fumbled after waking up.

Chen Bing rushed forward quickly, grabbed the bald head with both hands, threw the bald head to the ground, and stepped on his chest.

The bald man screamed loudly, opened his eyes and saw that it was Chen Bing.

Chen Bing's actions were like flowing clouds and flowing water. The bald head was stunned, Jiang Meili was stunned, and even the neighbors who followed Chen Bing to watch the excitement were also stunned.

"Baldhead, I brought Jiang Meili here today, and tell you who Jiang Meili belongs to, it has nothing to do with me, but if you dare to go to my house to threaten my wife and daughter again, I will slap you."

When Chen Bing said this, he put all his strength on his feet, the bald head's breastbone creaked, and the bald head screamed in pain.

"Remember, if there is a next time, I will step on and break your breastbone."

Chen Bing turned his head and saw Jiang Meili staring at him in horror.

"Jiang Meili, let me tell you, I'm not interested in you, not now, and never in the future, I hope you don't hang around in front of me, and don't think about hurting my wife and children, otherwise, I'll beat you up .”

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he raised his feet and walked outside.

Chen Bing walked to the door of the house, opened the door with a bang, and Yang Xue stood up.

"Xiaoxue, whoever will bully you in the future, talk shit in front of you, tell me, I'll punch his shit out."

Yang Xue stared at the furious Chen Bing, standing by the bed like a little rabbit, trembling.

The next morning, when Chen Bing woke up, Yang Xue had already prepared dinner.

Chen Bing got up, washed up, had a casual meal, and then ran to the buying station.

"Dahai, I heard that Bingzi gave you shares?" Yang Haimin was beside him, smoking a cigarette.

Zhou Dahai was relatively honest. When Yang Haimin asked, he told the truth: "5.00%."

"5.00%? So much?"

Yang Haimin has been with Chen Bing for so long, and he is very clear about how much Chen Bing earns every day. After this month, he should have 50.

"Dahai, you have become a millionaire."

"Where is it?"

"Brother, I'm not a fool. If soldiers go down this month, they should have 50. 50% of 5.00 is [-]."

No matter how stupid Zhou Dahai is, he can still count his own income. Yang Haimin is right. After this month, he can really get [-].

He smiled naively.

"Sure, Dahai. Last year, the [-]-yuan households in our county were still wearing red flowers on tractors. It seems that during the Chinese New Year this year, you will be able to wear red flowers and ride on tractors."

At this time, Chen Bing came.

Yang Haimin quickly shut up and walked towards Chen Bing to meet him.

"Haimin is here?"

"Mr. Chen."

Chen Bing went up to the sea.

Yang Haimin followed behind: "Mr. Chen."

"Is something wrong?"

"Mr. Chen, I heard from Dahai that if you give him the shares, he will return 5.00%."

Chen Bing stared at Yang Haimin, then at Zhou Dahai.

"Yes, Dahai has been following me since the beginning. I gave him 5.00% of the shares. You came from behind, and none of you came from behind."

Chen Bing's words were like a wall, blocking Yang Haimin's words.

"Mr. Chen, I was just joking, then you are busy, I will go first."

Yang Haimin hurriedly left in a despondent manner, secretly saying as he walked, "Fuck your mother, Chen Bing, I killed you that day."

He was very happy, but when he thought about it, he is the son of the provincial party committee member. If he has the ability to kill him, he should find a way to get close to him, win his favor, and strive for other projects. Give yourself a piece of the pie so that you can become a millionaire household.

"Bingge, this is too much money."

Zhou Dahai handed a notebook to Chen Bing.

"How many?"

"The net profit is 40. This month, there should be 50. Brother Bing, if we continue this year, we will make it."

Chen Bing chuckled: "If we can't do it this year, it will be hard to do it in the future."


"Others are staring at the profitable business. Take one step at a time and keep an eye on it. Brother Bing wants to look at other businesses recently."

After hearing this, Zhou Dahai looked disbelieving: "Bingge, you said that Scorpion is not going to do it anymore?"

"Yes, even if no one else interferes, it will be September."

"Bingge, Scorpion makes so much money, it's a pity to give up."

"Hehehe, our family is doing it to make money. If there are too many competitors, we won't make money. Besides, in this era, there are more businesses that make more money than scorpions. Don't worry, following Brother Bing will definitely make you suffer!" Chen Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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