Chapter 32

"Thank you Bingge!" Zhou Dahai hurriedly said.

"Dahai, in a moment, put all the money in the cabinet into snakeskin bags, and let's go to the bank."

During this time, Chen Bing went to the bank every three days.

When I first went there, the business staff of the bank saw that Chen Bing ignored him. Recently, as long as Chen Bing went, they followed behind him like pugs.

This time, there are at least [-] deposits, [-], [-], [-], and [-].

After saving the money, Chen Bing took Dahai to eat mutton buns.

"Ocean, are you satisfied?"

Zhou Dahai also has [-] deposits in the bank.

Zhou Dahai nodded vigorously: "Bingge, satisfied, I never thought that I would make so much money in my life. Haimin said that last year, ten thousand households in our county wore red flowers and sat on a tractor parade , I will definitely be able to sit on it this year.”

Chen Bing did not expect that Zhou Dahai still had such a dream.

"This dream is easy to come true, Brother Bing will bring you a bigger dream, but there is a condition."

"What conditions?"

"Stay away from Haimin, Song Hui and the others in the future."

"Why? They are brothers." Zhou Dahai stared at Chen Bing in astonishment.

Chen Bing patted Zhou Dahai's shoulder gently: "Dahai, you are very kind, but you have to remember that this society is very sinister, and those who treat you as a brother on the surface may not treat you as a brother in their bones. Yang Haimin is like this. He will treat you like a brother, he will only ridicule you, laugh at you, and take advantage of you. If you follow him, I bet that within two months, the 2 yuan allocated to you will fall into his pocket .”

Zhou Dahai stopped talking.

"Just remember it, there is no need to say it."

"Understood, Brother Bing."

It was eleven o'clock when Chen Bing and Zhou Dahai returned to the purchasing station. At this time, the scorpions sent by the villages were also weighed and moved to the tractors that were transported to the provincial capital.

"Mr. Chen, would you like to sign?" The tractor master brought over a note.

"Why are there so few? Master Liu, have all the villages come here?" Chen Bing asked.

The tractor master is Liu Nan, who has been with Chen Bing for so long, and Chen Bing thinks he is kind, so he let him transport the scorpions.

"Mr. Chen, I don't know why, nearly one-third of the villages did not come today."

Chen Bing frowned slightly. It seemed that Li Dapeng had made a move.

He didn't expect that Li Dapeng would take away one-third of the clients as soon as he started.

Ever since he saw Li Dapeng last time, he knew that Li Dapeng would do something, so he invited the village directors to dinner and gifts in advance, and gave them a high commission and a guarantee to increase the price. However, unexpectedly, he still lost three one-third of customers.

Chen Bing frowned slightly. This third was the start-up capital for his next business, so he felt distressed.

He had known for a long time that if Li Dapeng made a move, some customers would definitely be lost, but he never expected that so many would be lost so quickly.

Zhou Dahai also felt that there was a problem, so he walked up to Chen Bing and said, "Brother Bing."

"Do you have the contact information of any village directors?"

"Bingge, I have a copy here."

"Okay, you can check and see if those villages haven't delivered the goods, so call them."

"Okay, I'll fight now!" Zhou Dahai walked towards the purchase station.

Chen Bing quickly ran towards the telephone hall next to him and dialed the number of the Daliang Village Committee.

"Who is it? I'm Zhou Xiaodong, the director of Daliang Village."

"Uncle Zhou, I'm Chen Bing."

"Mr. Chen, where have you been today? I asked Scorpion to look for you, but I couldn't find you. I looked for Dahai, but I couldn't find you."

"Uncle Zhou, the two of us went to the bank, did something happen?" Chen Bing didn't like to hide, he liked to ask directly.


From Zhou Xiaodong's lament, Chen Bing could tell that the matter was not simple.

"Uncle Zhou, has someone increased your commission and purchase price?"

"Bingzi, can't you catch your scorpions?" Zhou Xiaodong sighed after saying that.


"There was a boss named Li Dapeng who set up purchase points in various villages. He gave the village director [-] cents for each catty of scorpions, and the purchase price was [-] yuan for the villagers. Is it much less today? Bingzi, these villages who came today, they said, If you are lower than them, you won't come tomorrow."

Chen Bing frowned slightly after hearing this. It seems that 100 million won't be earned, and he can earn as much as he can. He has to increase the commission to the village director and the purchase price of the villagers as soon as possible. Nobody comes here to trade scorpions.

The price can only be lowered, as much as you can earn now, anyway, in September, Scorpion will not be able to do it, and it will only be done next year.

Chen Bing thought about it, the competition is so fierce this year, so next year, I don't know how many Li Dapeng will be left.

After Chen Bing understood the situation, he hung up the phone and returned to the purchasing station.

Zhou Dahai saw that Chen Bing's expression was wrong: "Brother Bing, how are you?"

"Rent five tractors for me immediately, and tell them to use them at night, and the rent will be [-] yuan per day. In addition, the people in our purchasing station rest during the day and operate at night, and each person will be given an additional three yuan per night."

After Zhou Dahai heard this, his eyes widened in surprise: "Bingge, what are you going to do?"

"Don't ask, just do what you are asked to do, hurry up and rent a tractor."

In the 80s, the only thing that could be rented was a tractor. In 2021, it would be so convenient to rent a small car.

At eight o'clock in the evening, five tractors pulled the people from the medicinal materials purchasing station, and took Chen Bing's order to each village to find the village directors of each village and convey a message to them. Starting tomorrow, the scorpions sent to the county town by each village will Jin gave the village director a commission of [-] cents, and the purchase price for the villagers was set at ten yuan and fifty cents.

Chen Bing had to calculate the cost. Huang Youwei paid him 15 yuan per catty, he paid 10.5 yuan per catty to the villagers, 0.7 yuan per catty to the village director, and [-] yuan for other expenses. Now it is more than two yuan per catty on him.

Chen Bing knew that even such a profit would not last long, maybe the other party would lower the price the day after tomorrow.

He saw what Li Dapeng meant, which was to directly force himself out of the scorpion market.

Chen Bing most wanted to know the price that Li Dapeng paid to the medicinal material company. If the price he paid to the medicinal material company outside the province was the same as the price he paid to the medicinal material company in the province, then after a long-term fight, he would be sure to win. After all, transportation would be saved. Not a lot.

It's just that collecting scorpions is not Chen Bing's long-term plan. Therefore, Chen Bing doesn't want to fight hard with Li Dapeng. He just wants to make enough money to invest in his next business as soon as possible.

Just before the tractor left, Zhou Dahai asked puzzledly: "Bingge, we have village committee numbers for each village, why don't we call?"

Chen Bing patted Zhou Dahai's shoulder: "Dahai, Li Dapeng's people stay in the village during the day, if we call, they will know our price immediately, and they will adjust the price immediately after they know, so we still can't charge When we arrived at Xiezi, they all left after eight o’clock in the evening, and our tractor team quietly entered the village and passed the news to the village directors, so the news would not be revealed, and by the time they arrived at the village tomorrow morning, it would be too late!”

(End of this chapter)

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