Chapter 33
After listening to Chen Bing's words, Zhou Dahai threw himself to the ground in admiration.

Chen Bing knew that the next thing was a fierce battle.

The so-called shopping malls are like battlefields, which is not bad at all.

Chen Bing, who has experienced the baptism of the business war in his previous life, is also fully prepared for this Scorpion acquisition battle.

It's just that he understands better that this Scorpion acquisition battle is only for grabbing profits and does not involve the market. After all, after September, he will leave the Scorpion market and switch to other businesses.

Therefore, Chen Bing is now counting on the day, as long as the daily profit is considerable, it does not necessarily have to put Li Dapeng to death.

With several 10 yuan in Chen Bing's hand, he felt much more relaxed. Thinking back to his rebirth, the first meal he ate was radish batter. Yuan.

Chen Bing smiled wryly: "In the future, such a day will never happen again."

Since taking over the scorpion, no competitor like Li Dapeng has appeared, and Chen Bing's heart is very restless. Now that a competitor has appeared, Chen Bing feels at ease.

In the next month, both sides will fight a price war, and both sides will lower their prices. Chen Bing plans to follow his style of play and proceed step by step until the profit of Scorpion's acquisition gradually becomes zero. At that time, it will be September, and it will be time for him to withdraw from the Scorpion market. when.

In the evening, after finishing his work, Chen Bing walked towards home. On the way, he still ran into Jiang Meili who was dressed up extraordinarily enchantingly.

Jiang Meili took a step forward, wanting to say something to Chen Bing, but Chen Bing ignored him and walked straight home.

Chen Bing pushed open the door and saw a few rags on the bed, and Yang Xue was worrying about them.

Seeing Chen Bing coming back, Guoguo put her little finger to her lips, and gave a soft boo, signaling Chen Bing to keep quiet.

She quickly ran to Chen Bing and whispered, "Dad, don't talk, Mom will scold you."

Chen Bing got down and held his daughter's pink face: "Why, is Guoguo disobedient?"

Guoguo also followed Chen Bing's example, holding Chen Bing's chin with both hands: "It's not that Guoguo is disobedient, it's that the leader of the mother's unit is disobedient."

Guoguo's milky voice made Chen Bing laugh completely. He touched Guoguo's little head, stood up and asked Yang Xue, "What's the matter, you are frowning."

"The County Industrial Bureau has requested that the factories in our county hold a chorus competition. Each factory will produce a show. If they hear that the singing is good, they will have to represent the county to sing in the city. Maybe they will go to the province during the National Day."

"Good thing, I will accompany you to save it then."

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Xue had a frown on her face: "But, they want a white denim shirt, black trousers, black leather shoes, and a red tie."

Chen Bing laughed, this silly girl was worried about these things.

"What are you doing?" Chen Bing grabbed the clothes on the bed.

"I'll see if I can find one and change it."

After hearing this, Chen Bing almost burst out laughing: "Xiaoxue, you want to use these clothes to change into concert clothes, can you? Put it away, don't change it, Guoguo said that day that her Barbie dolls have several clothes, but she doesn't have any. I think so, tomorrow I will take you and Guoguo to the city for a stroll, and buy some clothes for you."

"How much will it cost?" Yang Xue felt distressed when she mentioned spending money.

Chen Bing pinched Yang Xue's nose: "If you have a husband who makes money, you can spend it vigorously."

Yang Xue knew that Chen Bing was different from the past and could really make money.

She stood up and gently rested her head on Chen Bing's shoulder.

"It's so fragrant!"

Chen Bing gently smelled Yang Xue's body like a cat sniffing a bone.

"you are so bad."

"Tomorrow, I will accompany you to buy clothes and play with you. In the evening, why don't you take good care of me?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he put his arms around Yang Xue's waist, ready to imprint Yang Xue's lips.

"Dad, is Mom's mouth sweet? Why do you want to kiss Mom's mouth!"

Yang Xue pushed Chen Bing away: "Guoguo is here!"

Chen Bing stared at the curious Guoguo, hehehe laughed and said, "Guoguo, mother's mouth is made of honey, of course it's sweet."

Guoguo believed it, and rushed to Yang Xue: "Mom, Guoguo wants to be sweeter, and Guoguo also wants to have her mother's mouth."

Yang Xue gave Chen Bing a hard look, bent down helplessly, and let Guoguo kiss her.

After the kiss, Guoguo smacked her mouth: "Father is a liar, and mother's mouth is not sweet."

After hearing this, Chen Bing hugged Guoguo excitedly and turned around.

There was nothing to say all night, and after dinner the next morning, Yang Xue was still dressing up, and Chen Bing rushed towards the purchase station quickly.

After he came, he found that the line to deliver the scorpions was lined up, and Zhou Dahai was organizing people to pay the money.

Chen Bing glanced around with his eyes, and it seemed that everyone who was supposed to come had come.

Everyone in the world is benefiting, and I gave enough benefits last night. If they were not fools, they would give the scorpions to me.

"Hai Hai, look at the harvest, I have something to do at home, I have to be busy today."

After Chen Bing arranged for Zhou Dahai, he hurried home.

Pushing open the door, Yang Xue was dressing up.

Chen Bing was fascinated by it. Although there were no good cosmetics in that era, and Yang Xue didn't have any cosmetics, but she was a natural beauty, she dressed up a little bit, like a blooming peony, pure and noble, noble and elegant. tender and beautiful.

"What are you looking at, hurry back and dress your baby girl."

"Xiaoxue, you are so beautiful!" Chen Bing said involuntarily.

"It's just your mouth, hurry up and dress Guoguo."

Chen Bing lowered his head and saw Guoguo muttering, "What's the matter, baby, did your mother bully you?"

"Dad, there are so many good clothes for Barbie dolls. Look at me, it's just this one with a hole. I asked my mother to buy one for me, and my mother scolded me." Two drops of tears flowed from Guoguo's eyes immediately tears.

"Hehehehe, just for this, Dad promises you, I will buy it for you today."

"Really, dad is the best." Guoguo quickly stood up and kissed Chen Bing lightly.

Guoguo's action melted Chen Bing's heart.

Yang Xue came over and quickly put on Guoguo's clothes: "Just let her get used to it, what will happen when she grows up?"

"It's okay, girls need to be rich." Chen Bing sat on the bench and watched Yang Xue dress Guoguo.

"Rich? When you grow up, you eat too much and are lazy. Who will support you?"

Chen Bing said: "I'll take care of it, so hurry up and clean it up. After we clean it up, let's go to Yangqing."

"Go to Yangqing? Are there any in the county?"

"Go to Yangqing, I finally have time today, I will take you to Yangqing to buy clothes."

The family of three went out and rushed to the bus station to Yangqing. Chen Bing bought two tickets to Yangqing.

Guoguo kids, don't need a ticket.

For Yang Xue, Yangqing is a big city in her eyes.

"Father, it's time to get in the car!" Guoguo shouted happily.

Chen Bing found a seat slightly back, and the family of three sat down. Within 10 minutes, the huge bus was full, and some people were standing directly.

In the 80s, it was still very profitable to engage in transportation, and the transportation management did not check for overloading, and there was no speed limit.

If those passenger cars can't pull the guests, they will drive very slowly. If they are full, they can drive the car into the air.

(End of this chapter)

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