Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 34 The Poor Are Bullied Everywhere

Chapter 34 The Poor Are Bullied Everywhere
An hour later, the family of three arrived in Yangqing.

Yang Xue and Guoguo stared straight at Yangqing's high-rise buildings.

"Mom, that building is so tall!"

"Mom, that kid's clothes are so beautiful!"

"Mom, why doesn't that aunt wear pants, her thighs are leaking!"

Guoguo is curious about everything she sees. In fact, Yang Xue is also curious.

Chen Bing looked at the two women, as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden.

"Xiaoxue, have you ever been to Yangqing?"

After Chen Bing asked, Yang Xue glared fiercely: "How can I have money? The pitiful salary I earn is not enough for you and your cronies to waste."

Chen Bing smiled naively, how could he forget this, and he was scolded for nothing!

Yang Xue has never been to Yangqing, but Chen Bing has been. In his previous life, he stayed in Yangqing for several years.

Therefore, I know the streets and alleys of Yangqing clearly.

"Let's go to Lijing Department Store."

Lijing Department Store is the most upscale department store in Yangqing City in the 80s.

Here, everything is available, but the price of each commodity is high.

Expensive prices keep 90.00% of consumers out of the door.

In the 80s, when a piece of clothing was priced at about 2 yuan, the clothes in this place were all over ten yuan, and some even cost hundreds.

Yang Xue and Xiao Guoguo were dazzled, they liked this and that too, especially Xiao Guoguo yelled the most: "Dad, I want this, Dad, I want that"

Before Chen Bing could speak, Yang Xue saw the high-grade decoration of the store, so she hurriedly took Guoguo away.

Guoguo is excited for a while, and feels wronged for a while.

"Smelly mother, stinky mother!"

"Bingzi, let's go outside. The clothes here are quite expensive. Look, those salesmen are staring at us strangely."

"That is, if you only want to buy it in their store, they think you can't afford it."

"I just can't afford it. How much is my monthly salary to buy just one piece of clothing?"

Yang Xue looked at a set of skirts and saw that she liked them very much, but when she saw the price on the back, she stuck out her tongue and quickly put them down.

Yang Xue secretly said: "This piece of clothing is 75, and my monthly salary is only [-]. I bought the clothes, what will the family eat?"

Chen Bing looked at Yang Xue and smiled, it was still early, let this Grandma Liu take a good look at this Grand View Garden.

At this time, Chen Bing saw a booth with several telephones. The department store may have set up a public telephone hall for the convenience of customers.

"Xiaoxue, you take Guoguo here to look at the clothes, I'll make a phone call, don't run away!"

Yang Xue was immersed in excitement, and nodded happily: "Go."

Chen Bing ran to the phone: "Boss, make a call."

"Okay, ten cents a minute."

Chen Bing dialed the phone.

"Boss Huang, I'm Chen Bing."

Huang Youwei's voice came from the phone: "Mr. Chen, what's the matter?"

"Mr. Huang, the competitor I met here is called Li Dapeng. Since our Lingxi Chinese herbal medicine company confiscated his medicine, he must have sold it outside the province. Have you contacted the Chinese herbal medicine company in other provinces?"

"Mr. Chen, there are several provinces to contact. If you need anything, just ask."

"Get in touch and see which province Li Dapeng sold to. What is the price?"

Although the business of collecting scorpions could not last long, Li Dapeng stepped in when Chen Bing was doing well, which seriously affected his money. He had to teach Li Dapeng a lesson no matter what.

"I understand Mr. Chen."

At this moment, Chen Bing heard Guoguo's cry, he quickly turned his head to see that Guoguo fell to the ground, and a woman was pointing at Yang Xue.

Damn, what's wrong with this, why is my poor wife being bullied everywhere.

Chen Bing quickly dropped the phone and ran towards Yang Xue.

The voice of the boss of the telephone hall came from behind: "I haven't paid you yet!"

While running, Chen Bing took out two yuan from his pocket and threw it on the ground.

"How can I pay for my clothes if you come to Lijing in such poor clothes?"

The woman is in her 20s, with ultra-fashionable curly hair, a pale yellow dress, and red high-heeled shoes. She looks like a wealthy owner.

The salespersons in the store stood by, all looking like they were watching a play.

Chen Bing ran over and pushed the woman away: "If you have something to say, don't point your finger at my wife."

The woman saw Chen Bing and looked over from head to toe: "Who are you?"

"She is my wife, who do you say I am?"

The woman quickly walked up to Guoguo and grabbed Guoguo from the ground: "Look at my clothes, my clothes, but my husband just bought them for me from Hong Kong City, how do you think I will pay for them?"

Guoguo cried out in fright.

Guoguo was holding a bottle of Wahaha in his hand, which was bought by Chen Bing when he got out of the car.

"Let go of my daughter!"

The woman's hand was still holding onto Guoguo's small arm.

"Some wild children are born and no one raises them."

After Chen Bing heard this, he slapped the woman on the face: "You treat a child like this, I think you are a wild child who has been born and not raised."

The woman never dreamed that Chen Bing would beat him.

Chen Bing pulled Guoguo to his side, touched Guoguo's small head: "Don't be afraid, there is a father."

Yang Xue also involuntarily leaned towards Chen Bing.

"There's a big problem, this poor guy beat Miss Niu." A salesperson said.

"It's miserable, it's miserable!"

"You don't even know what Miss Niu's father does."

"Hey, bear with me, what's the big deal, this place is not where the poor come."

From a few words, Chen Bing could tell that the identity of this woman was not simple.

No matter how simple it is, and don't bully my wife and children, otherwise, what do you want my husband to do?
Chen Bing's palm print was on the woman's face. She wiped away her tears and turned around quickly, as if she was looking for someone.

Yang Xue tugged at Chen Bing's clothes, and said a little scared, "What should I do?"

"It's okay, don't worry, everything depends on your husband."

At this time, there are more and more people watching the excitement.

Chen Bing grabbed the hands of Yang Xue and Guoguo to leave.

Seeing that Chen Bing was about to leave, the woman rushed over and blocked the way: "I want to leave after hitting someone. It's not that easy. Just wait."

"What are you doing? You want to blackmail me. Is it a concussion or insufficient blood supply to the brain? Do you want to go to the hospital and check it for you?"

In the previous life, as long as he hit the other party, the other party would go to the hospital, so Chen Bing asked this question.

"What kind of hospital am I going to? Just wait, I'll let you go around today without food."

At this moment, the woman screamed: "Wang Hao, Wang Hao, I was beaten!"

The woman grabbed her clothes and hair vigorously twice, making herself look like a shrew as much as possible.

The people around knew that Chen Bing couldn't ask for favors today, after all, women's clothes were there.

At this moment, two men and a woman rushed over.

The man who arrived first was in his thirties, wearing trousers, a denim shirt, and a BB camera pinned to his waist.

He rushed to the woman and shouted loudly: "Miao Miao, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Bing did not expect that Zhang Dong and Wang Rui followed this man.

Zhang Dong and Wang Rui didn't expect to meet Chen Bing and Yang Xue here either.

(End of this chapter)

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