Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 35 The True God Can’t Be Seen From His Clothes

Chapter 35 The True God Can’t Be Seen From His Clothes

"He beat me!"

The man is full of domineering: "You are fucking blind, dare to beat my wife? You don't want to live anymore."

He quickly drew a dagger from his body.

In the 80s, the country was still very chaotic, and it was common for those punks to wear daggers on their bodies.

He took out his dagger and stabbed directly at Chen Bing.

The people next to him shouted loudly.

Zhang Dong and Wang Rui also shouted loudly.

However, it was too late for the two of them to stop.

The opponent was really ruthless, and the dagger was directly aimed at Chen Bing's neck. It seemed that Chen Bing was going to die.

Damn it, this grandson is either a lunatic or a capable person, otherwise, he wouldn't even raise a knife to kill him.

Killing people has to pay for their lives, especially in the 80s, killing people has to eat peanuts.

Yang Xue screamed directly.

Yang Xue was behind Chen Bing, Chen Bing couldn't hide, and he couldn't retreat, for fear of hurting Yang Xue.

He took a step forward, grabbed the opponent's wrist, and folded it backwards. The opponent screamed and the dagger fell to the ground.

When the opponent saw the dagger fell to the ground, he punched him again. Chen Bing dodged his head and ran to the opponent quickly. He hugged the opponent's neck with his hands and put his knee on the opponent's crotch.

"Oh my God!"

The other party yelled, fell to the ground, and rolled over with his crotch in his arms.

Ordinary people, Chen Bing can't be so ruthless, but the opponent is holding a knife, Chen Bing wants to knock him down with one move, and he will never give the opponent a chance to fight back, otherwise, the opponent will go crazy and hurt Guoguo and Yang Xue, this is not a joke .

The people next to him never dreamed that Chen Bing was so powerful.

In his previous life, in order to defend himself, Chen Bing specially invited a martial arts coach to practice for a period of time. Although the martial arts were not considered strong, he still had general grappling skills.

Zhang Dong didn't expect Chen Bing to be so powerful.

In their circle, Wang Hao was considered a ruthless character. Unexpectedly, he was knocked down by Chen Bing two or three times.

"Mr. Chen!"

Zhang Dong hurried over and bowed his body.

Everyone was shocked when they heard the word 'Mr. Chen'. They looked at the clothes of Zhang Dong and Wang Hao, and then at the clothes of Chen Bing and Yang Xue.

Is he a boss?

Wang Hao's ability to resist blows is very strong, just for a while, he jumped up and stood up.

"Boy, if I don't kill you today, I won't be Wang Hao."

After speaking, he was about to rush over again, Zhang Dong rushed forward, grabbed him, put his mouth next to Wang Hao's ear and said a few words.

After Wang Hao heard this, his legs went limp.

Seeing Wang Hao's appearance, Zhang Dong quickly supported him.

Seeing the man's appearance, the woman ran up to him: "Can you do it, a piece of trash who eats so much, grows so fat, and talks about how powerful she is, and can't even do such a poor man, what do I want you to do!"

Wang Hao was scolded and scolded: "You shut up the fuck."

Wang Hao walked up to Chen Bing, endured the pain in his crotch, bent over, and smiled, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, it's my wife who is wrong."

Chen Bing knew that Zhang Dong had told him his identity just now.

"It's just your wife, isn't it?"

Wang Hao hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, it is my wife who is wrong, and I am also wrong. I don't know Taishan with my eyes, please bear with me."

"Is that the end of the matter?"

Wang Hao is a gangster, but he is very smart. He knows that no matter how powerful he is, if he fights with the top son of the provincial party committee, he will not know how he died.

"Mr. Chen, I will punish myself." After Wang Hao finished speaking, he raised his palm and slapped himself hard on his face a few times.

There were two strands of blood left at the corner of his mouth.

The woman never dreamed that her usually domineering husband would be like this in front of such a poor man. She grabbed Wang Hao's hand and said, "What are you doing? You're just a bad boss. Is it necessary?"

Wang Hao shook off the woman's hand: "You fucking shut up, if you don't, I'll divorce you, you prodigal son."

You have to forgive others and forgive others, Chen Bing doesn't want to make things big.

"Chief Zhang, why are you here?" Chen Bing turned his head to Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong really regretted it today. He regretted why he came out with this bastard Wang Hao. Chen Bing was already dissatisfied with him. This time, he will definitely be even more dissatisfied.

After Chen Bing asked, he said tremblingly, "Mr. Chen, I came to Yangqing on a business trip, and I didn't expect to meet you."

"Are you friends?"

Chen Bing stared at Zhang Dong.

Zhang Dong quickly waved his hands after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, I'm not really a friend, just an acquaintance."

Chen Bing was very satisfied with Zhang Dong's answer, and Wang Hao could also figure it out. In a critical moment, as a human being, he would choose to protect himself.

Chen Bing walked up to the woman and stared at her: "How much is your clothes, I will pay for it."

The woman is now sure that Chen Bing's identity is unusual, otherwise, her husband and Chief Zhang would not be like this.

"I bought it from Hong Kong City. My husband said it was made in foreign countries."

Chen Bing walked up to the woman and opened her collar.

The woman didn't know what Chen Bing was going to do, so she shivered, but she just gave up, if he wanted her, she would give it to her. Although this man didn't know his identity, he was definitely not a simple person who could scare her husband like that.

"Hehehe, I bought it in Hong Kong City and made it in a foreign country, so why does it say 'made in China' on the label?"

"What'made in china'? I don't understand." The woman lowered her head and said.

"Hehehe, you have to ask your husband about this."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he took out 20 yuan from his body and threw it in front of the woman, grabbed Yang Xue and Guoguo's hands, turned and left.

They went up to the third floor, Guoguo whispered, "Dad, what does 'made in china' mean?"

After hearing this, Chen Bing said in surprise, "Guoguo, can you say it again?"

Guoguo read it again.

Chen Bing hugged Guoguo happily: "Guoguo, you are so smart and have a great memory. Dad told you that it means it was made in our country."

"Xiaoxue, Guoguo's pronunciation is very accurate, and her memory is also good. Cultivate her well. In the future, let her go to a better university and preliminarily set her major in foreign languages."

Yang Xue didn't understand Chen Bing's thoughts: "Why do you want to learn a foreign language?"

"Hehehe, I'll tell you later."

In his previous life, Chen Bing was the boss of Haiding Group, which owned 50 billion yuan. In this life, he will use the brand of Haiding Group to make Haiding Group a world-renowned enterprise.

Everyone is going to get old, and when I get old, the Haiding Group needs a successor. Guoguo is my first child. It stands to reason that she is the most likely to become the second head of the Haiding Group.

For the head of a company, especially a large company that spans the world, English must be understood, not only understood, but also fluent.

After buying clothes and eating, the three of them drove back by car.

The most difficult thing for Chen Bing is to ride a car. In his previous life, he had a Marbach and a Bentley, and he got in and out of the car to pick up the car. In this life, he is not used to the sudden rush of the bus. He is not used to the smell of sweat in the car. .

Guoguo sat upside down and was happy, giggling and laughing all the way.

"Guoguo, when Dad earns enough money for a while, he will buy a car for our family and stop taking the bus."

"Bragging, what are you bragging about? After a while, even in a lifetime, I won't be able to afford it!" The voice was sour.

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(End of this chapter)

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