Chapter 36

Chen Bing turned his head and saw a young man wearing a peaked cap.

Chen Bing was about to fight back when he saw Zhang Dong again.

Grandma, it's a small world.

When Zhang Dong saw Chen Bing, he hurried over and said humbly, "Mr. Chen, I never expected to meet you again."

The man with the peaked cap looked at Zhang Dong, and slowly lowered his head when he heard Zhang Dong call Chen Bing "Mr. Chen".

Standing next to Chen Bing, Zhang Dong said apologetically, "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry I surprised you today."

"It's okay, it's a good thing you came today, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to get away."

Zhang Dong said happily: "Mr. Chen, it is my good fortune to be able to rescue you."

"Who is that Wang Hao? Why is he so awesome?"

"He is the security manager of the steel factory. I heard that he has two skills. When the boss is on a business trip, he acts as a bodyguard for the boss. Unexpectedly, his skill is far worse than that of Mr. Chen."

After hearing this, Chen Bing said, "Xiaoxue, I remember that your female classmate is an office director of the steel factory?"

Yang Xue nodded: "Yes, Zhao Na, her husband is Director Wang of our County Industrial Bureau."

Chen Bing nodded slightly
Chen Bing talked with Zhang Dong all the way, and learned a lot about the customs of Ningzheng County and even Yangqing City.

After getting off the car, Zhang Dong gave Guoguo a lot of food he had bought. Zhang Dong and his wife Wang Rui kept staring at Chen Bing and Yang Xue as they left.

Tired all day, Chen Bing went back to rest early, Guoguo and Yang Xue did not sleep, the two of them took the newly bought clothes and looked around in the small mirror.

For Guoguo and Yang Xue, today is the happiest day in so many years, and it is also their most extravagant day.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing ate casually and went to the purchasing station.

When he arrived at the purchase station, Chen Bing took another look and found that the number of people handing in scorpions had decreased by nearly half.

"Mr. Chen."

"Uncle Zhou."

Chen Bing took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it to the director of Liangjia Village.

"That Boss Li has come up with a new trick?" Zhou Xiaodong asked.

"Uncle Zhou, I still have to ask you. I asked the tractor to tell you one by one. Why are there so few villages paying scorpions today?"

"Mr. Chen, that Boss Li is amazing. He set up a purchase point directly at the entrance of the village. He also promoted the villagers. As long as we give the villagers ten yuan, they will give eleven."

Chen Bing clenched his fists. This little red guy, what a fucking bastard, wants to ruin the market.

At this time, a black Santana came galloping, and someone shouted: "It's Boss Li's car!"

The crowd suddenly boiled.

Li Dapeng!
Santana stopped in front of Chen Bing, a puff of dust rushed towards his face, and Chen Bing slapped him lightly with his hand.

Li Dapeng got out of the car wearing a black shirt, straight trousers, and shiny leather shoes. He scanned around and fixed his eyes on Chen Bing.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Boss Li!"

The onlookers took two steps towards the distance. They were not fools. Chen Bing and Li Dapeng were at war with each other. If they were close, their blood might splash on their bodies.

"I don't know why Boss Li came to buy the station?" Chen Bing asked directly.

"Mr. Chen is amazing. In Ningzheng County, there are not many people who can make me Li Dapeng run around."

Chen Bing took out a pack of cigarettes, took out two cigarettes, and threw one to Li Dapeng: "Mr. Li doesn't have to run away, I'm afraid this small buying station will dirty Mr. Li's body."

Li Dapeng smiled slightly: "Mr. Chen, I can't run away. In such a hot market, it can't be because of our malicious competition that there will be no profit in the end, right?"

"Mr. Li, how can this be called malicious competition?"

Li Dapeng stuffed his hands into his pockets, raised his head and chest, deliberately pretending to be arrogant.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen is pretending to be confused. Mr. Chen is always a business genius. Before doing this, he should first settle the provincial Chinese herbal medicine company and cut off other people's way. Mr. Chen will definitely think that this is an exclusive business. However, Mr. Chen did not expect that Mr. Chen of the Lingxi Provincial Chinese Medicinal Materials Company can handle it. I am a big country with so many provinces and cities. Mr. Chen can't handle all of them. I, Li Dapeng, have been in society for so many years, and there are some Contact, unfortunately, I got a connection, today I'm here to talk to Mr. Chen, instead of us desperately lowering the price, why don't we join hands and make a good quick money!"

"Okay!" Chen Bing knew that Li Dapeng weasel gave the chicken New Year greetings, so he didn't have any good intentions, and continued: "I don't know how Mr. Li cooperates!"

"Closing down your Haiding Traditional Chinese Medicine Purchase Station, how about the two of us opening one together?"


Chen Bing didn't know what kind of medicine Li Dapeng was selling in his throat.

"Mr. Chen is happy, so it's decided. We jointly invest 30.00. Mr. Chen holds 70.00% of the shares, and I hold [-]% of the shares!"

Li Dapeng deliberately provoked Chen Bing, but he never dreamed that Chen Bing was not angry at all, but laughed instead.

"Mr. Chen, isn't Mr. Chen very happy with my proposal?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Li is really generous, but I can't figure it out. We both offered 70.00. Why did Mr. Li want 30.00% of the shares and give me [-]%? Is it because Mr. Li has a big head?"

After Chen Bing asked, the people next to him laughed.

"Mr. Chen, you didn't even look at it. How many scorpions are there on your side today?"

"I see, Mr. Li's methods are brilliant."

"Let me tell you this, now 70.00% of the scorpion market in Ningzheng County is in my hands, so I will give you 30.00% of the shares, depending on the sales channels in your hands."

Chen Bing smiled again after hearing this: "Mr. Li, let me evaluate you in one sentence: I have seen shameless people, but I have never seen Mr. Li so shameless."

The crowd boiled again.

Li Dapeng's face turned into a pig's liver color: "Mr. Chen, don't toast and refuse to eat fine wine, money is not so easy to earn, and you should rest after earning so much."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Mr. Li has also learned to threaten, but tell Mr. Li the truth, I, Chen Bing, are afraid of everything except threats."

"Well, let's wait and see!"

Li Dapeng got into the car, and Santana left without a trace.

Zhou Dahai looked at Santana who was going away: "Bingge, this boss doesn't seem to be a good person!"

Zhou Dahai's words are really funny, he doesn't look like a good person, damn it, he is directly a bad person.

"President Chen, what should we do?" Seeing Li Dapeng leaving, Zhou Xiaodong asked anxiously.

"Uncle Zhou, it's okay, I'll think of a way."

"Or, like them, we will also set up a scorpion acquisition point at the entrance of the village."

This method is not impossible, mainly because it is too troublesome.

"Go ahead, I'll think of a way!"

After Zhou Xiaodong and Zhou Dahai left, Chen Bing went to the telephone hall next to him again and called Huang Youwei.

"Mr. Chen, what are your orders?"

"Mr. Huang, have you found out what I told you?"

"Mr. Chen, I found out. I made a phone call, and finally found out that Li Dapeng's scorpion was handed over to the He Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Company."

"He Province?" Chen Bing asked in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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