Chapter 37

Huang Youwei was very humble, and hurriedly said after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, it's He Province."

"How is your relationship with the boss of the He Province Traditional Chinese Medicine Company?"

Huang Youwei didn't know what Chen Bing meant, and he was a little expectant.

"Mr. Huang, this matter is of great importance to me. Tell the truth."

"The relationship is not bad."

"Okay, that's it. I'll come to the provincial capital to meet you right away. Let's go to He Province."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

He returned to the purchasing station and found Zhou Dahai: "Dahai, I'm going to the provincial capital, and I'll leave the matter here to you."

When Zhou Dahai heard this, he said anxiously: "Okay, Brother Bing, but what about Li Dapeng?"

"Don't worry about him. After eight o'clock, you continue to let the tractor go to various villages to find the village director. We will increase the price of the other party's purchase price. We will add [-] cents to the commission of the village director and [-] cents per catty to the villagers. "

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

Before Chen Bing left, he had to say hello to Yang Xue, otherwise, she would be anxious if she didn't come back at night.

Chen Bing quickly ran to the plastic processing factory.

As soon as he walked to the door, he saw Guoguo and a few children playing with mud.

Chen Bing quickly pulled Guoguo up and reprimanded him: "Guoguo, how can a girl play in mud and get her clothes dirty? Your mother won't beat you to death! Where's your mother?"

"Mom is inside!"

Guoguo heard Chen Bing looking for Yang Xue, and hurriedly shouted, "Mom, Mom, Dad is here to look for you."

As soon as Chen Bing walked to the door, Gao Qiang came out to greet him, with a humble face, bent over: "Mr. Chen, are you here to find Xiaoxue?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"Xiao Liu, go and call Xiaoxue here." Gao Qiang hurriedly said to a man next to him.

In fact, Yang Xue was called by Guoguo a long time ago.

Yang Xue was wearing work clothes, but they were clean.

When Gao Qiang saw Yang Xue coming out, he hurriedly said to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, our factory has the cleanest archives room, so I will arrange Xiaoxue to work in the archives room. If you are not satisfied, just ask."

Chen Bing didn't want to talk to this sycophant: "Thank you." Turning his head to Yang Xue, he said, "Xiaoxue, I have something urgent to go to the provincial capital, and I won't be coming back at night. Take Guoguo with you. If you have something to do, go to Dahai."

"Mr. Chen, you can also find me."

"Need not."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned and left.

When Chen Bing arrived at the bus station, there happened to be a shuttle bus bound for the provincial capital. He bought a ticket and sat on the bus. He arrived at the provincial capital around two o'clock, had a casual meal, and rushed to the Chinese herbal medicine company.

Huang Youwei knew that Chen Bing was coming, so he cleaned up the company in advance. If Chen Bing refused to keep it a secret, he would definitely hang up a banner and hire a group of people to beat gongs and drums to welcome Chen Bing in.

Chen Bing saw Huang Youwei leading the team members of the medicinal material company to meet him at the gate of the medicinal material company, and nodded slightly.

He straightened his chest and walked directly inside.

Huang Youwei held Chen Bing's hands tightly: "Welcome Mr. Chen to guide the work, let me introduce you."

"Boss Huang, no need, go to your office, I have something to see you, the others should leave!"

Chen Bing's arrogance has been cultivated through years of career as a chairman.

His words do not allow the other party to resist.

Huang Youwei bent over and nodded: "You all go away."

Chen Bing walked towards Huang Youwei's office.

Huang Youwei followed closely behind.

Chen Bing entered, Huang Youwei closed the door: "President Chen, what are your orders?"

"President Huang, let me ask you one more question, how is your relationship with the boss of Hesheng Chinese Medicinal Materials Company?"

"We have a good relationship. We are classmates. After graduation, I stayed in Lingxi, and he went to He Province." Huang Youwei rubbed his hands gently: "Mr. Chen, I have already told him to call after you finished calling." , tell him not to accept Li Dapeng's scorpion."

"Oh? What did he say?" Chen Bing stared at Huang Youwei tightly.

"He said yes."

"Hehehe." Chen Bing stood up quickly: "Boss Huang, you should contact him immediately and tell him not to tell Li Dapeng about not accepting the scorpion, we will go see him right away."

"You said we're going to He Province right away?"

"Have any difficulties?" Chen Bing pressed on step by step: "Mr. Huang, if possible, I can transfer the boss of the Chinese herbal medicine company from He Province to Lingxi Province to be the boss of the Chinese herbal medicine company."

Chen Bing's words almost frightened Huang Youwei to death: "Mr. Chen, I will arrange a car right away. He Province is only [-] kilometers away from us. If we go fast, we can arrive at six o'clock in the afternoon."

"Okay, Mr. Huang, you are my best friend, and I will not treat you badly."

Huang Youwei worked quickly, and after 10 minutes, the two of them set off.

At seven o'clock, at the Forest Garden Hotel in He Province, Chen Bing met his old classmate Lin Kenan.

Lin Kenan is in his 40s, with a red face, a crew cut, and a handsome appearance.

"Old classmate, is this Mr. Chen you mentioned?" Lin Kenan asked.

"Old classmate, he is Mr. Chen."

Chen Bing smiled and said, "Mr. Lin, Huang and I are always friends. I need your help today."

"Mr. Huang has already told me about Mr. Chen. I admire him very much. It is really admirable that a gentleman like Mr. Chen can work hard!"

Chen Bing picked up the teapot and filled the cup in front of Lin Kenan with tea, hehehe laughed and said, "But you, Mr. Lin, are going to spoil my good deed?"

After hearing this, Lin Kenan was not overly nervous: "Mr. Chen, is it because of Li Dapeng? I have already told Mr. Huang, and I will immediately notify Li Dapeng that I will not accept a catty of his scorpions."

Chen Bing was playing with a teacup in his hand, and smiled slightly: "Thank you Mr. Lin, thank you Mr. Lin for looking up to Mr. Chen. I, Chen Bing, like to make friends. If there is a chance, I really want to invite Mr. Lin to work in Lingxi." .”

Lin Kenan's hometown is in Lingxi, he really wants to go back, but there is no suitable location.

When Huang Youwei told him that Mr. Chen was the leader of the Lingxi Provincial Party Committee, his envy was beyond words.

"Chen can help me?" Lin Kenan stood up and stared at Chen Bing closely.

"Hehehe, they are all friends. Mr. Huang's friends are my friends."

After hearing this, Huang Youwei said proudly: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Lin and I are classmates, and we have a good relationship."

"I know that."

After hearing this, Lin Kenan was very excited: "President Chen, tell me, I will do whatever you want me to do, even if you let me die, I am willing."

"Okay, then I will order."

Chen Bing whispered, Lin Kenan nodded while listening.

After talking, the three of them ate and drank. The next day, Chen Bing rushed back to Lingxi, just in time to run into Liu Nan who came to Lingxi to meet the scorpion.

"Master Liu, how are you doing today?"

Liu Nan shook her head slightly: "Mr. Chen, the other party has set up a card in the village, and the price paid is high. Many villagers don't pass through the village, but hand them over directly. Therefore, the number of scorpions pulled to Lingxi today is less than one-third of the previous one." one."

Chen Bing had to admire Li Dapeng's ability. In such a short time, he destroyed the fortress he had built so hard.

(End of this chapter)

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