Chapter 38

Before six o'clock, Chen Bing rushed back to the purchasing station.

The buying station, which is usually busy with traffic, is actually empty today.

Seeing Chen Bing coming back, Zhou Dahai ran over and said, "Bingge, I think we won't be able to harvest our scorpions in a few days."

Chen Bing patted Zhou Dahai's shoulder: "Why?"

"That Li Dapeng is so hateful, he sent people to block the village entrance to collect the villagers' scorpions."

"That's what he does."

"Then what do we do?"

"As I ordered, the price was increased every night until we lost money."

Zhou Dahai didn't know what Chen Bing meant, and stared at Chen Bing suspiciously.

"Don't think too much, do you trust Brother Bing?"


"You can do whatever Brother Bing says, but there is only one condition, you are not allowed to tell your father what Brother Bing says or does."

Zhou Dahai is stupid, but Zhou Xiaodong is good, if he is not good, he can't be the village director.

"Understood Brother Bing." Zhou Hai said.

"Well, go back to bed early, I have to rest for the last two days."

At noon the next day, Chen Bing called Huang Youwei again, and Huang Youwei said happily: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Lin called me just now, saying that he had someone notify Li Dapeng that the Provincial Medicinal Materials Company is expanding. There is nowhere to put the scorpions, and they will be harvested after seven or eight days."

"What did Li Dapeng say?"

"Hehehe, Li Dapeng was afraid that the scorpion would die, so he begged Mr. Lin to let him take the scorpion. At that time, Mr. Lin told Li Dapeng that an animal like a scorpion would not starve to death in seven or eight days, but it would be hard to say if it exceeded seven or eight days. .”

Chen Bing knew that the scorpions purchased by the medicinal material company had to be live, because scorpions were to be used as medicine, and when they received a batch of dead scorpions, they had no idea how the scorpions died. It would be troublesome if people were eaten and sick.

Chen Bing's eyes showed a trace of viciousness: "Li Dapeng, I have prepared a jug of fine wine for you, let you have a good drink."

In the past two days, Chen Bing continued to increase the price, and Li Dapeng also continued to increase the price.

Chen Bing knew very well that if Li Dapeng sold it at a price of 15 yuan per catty, there would be absolutely no profit, and he might even lose money.

Why did Li Dapeng do this? If he knew that he was losing money, he would do this. That would be to ruin himself. If he ruined himself, then the scorpion market in Ningzheng County would be owned by him alone. He alone has the final say, and he can give as much as he wants. It can also be said that he has achieved the most basic monopoly.

If any industry wants to make money, it must have pricing power, and if it has pricing power, it must achieve a virtual monopoly.

When Chen Bing first started, there was only his family. He set the price of scorpions at eight yuan per catty, and the villagers were very happy without saying anything. If he set the price of scorpions at five yuan, the villagers were still very happy. After all, this is worthless. Trading, something that grows naturally, does not require investment, just put in a little effort.

Farmers have plenty of strength, and strength is an inexhaustible thing, and it will be all there after a night of sleep.

The amount of scorpions collected by Chen Bing is getting smaller and smaller every day, while that of Li Dapeng is getting bigger and bigger.

On August [-]th, Zhou Dapeng found Chen Bing and said anxiously: "Brother Bing, Li Dapeng is looking for a house to put scorpions in. People around Li Dapeng said that the scorpions in Li Dapeng's hands can fill several houses."

Chen Bing smiled hehehe: "Mr. Li is going to get rich."

Zhou Dahai looked helpless: "Bingge, should we just forget about it?"

Chen Bing pinched his fingers, it was only the fifth day, and on the eighth day, he would go to Li Dapeng.

Chen Bing did a rough calculation. During these eight days, Li Dapeng had to invest at least 40 yuan. Hehehe, he didn't have any profit on the 40 yuan, because the profit was exhausted in the bidding with Chen Bing.

Now Li Dapeng gives 13 yuan per catty to the scorpions of the masses, and an octagonal per catty to the village directors. Hehehe, plus other expenses, Li Dapeng is doing a loss-making business.

Chen Bing knew that as long as he insisted, Li Dapeng would not lower the price. If he did not insist and closed the Haiding Chinese medicinal material purchasing station, Li Dapeng would immediately reduce the price of 13 yuan per catty to the villagers to five yuan, maybe three yuan.

Li Dapeng made wishful thinking.

The fifth day

The sixth day

The seventh day

Eighth day

Chen Bing dialed Huang Youwei's phone number: "Mr. Huang, how are you doing over there?"

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Lin just called. He called Li Dapeng at [-] o'clock this morning and said that the Hesheng Medicinal Materials Company has decided to stop buying scorpions."

"Okay, Li Dapeng will definitely go crazy after hearing this. You tell Mr. Lin that you and Mr. Lin should contact medicinal material companies in other provinces. You must not let Li Dapeng sell scorpions to medicinal material companies in other provinces."

After Chen Bing spoke, Huang Youwei laughed: "Mr. Chen, it's impossible. His scorpion has not eaten for eight days and has reached its limit. Now it is too late to go to other provinces to contact the market."

"Is there any acquisition by a businessman?" Chen Bing wanted to be sure.

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, it's definitely not. Li Dapeng's purchase price is so high. If you give it to those peddlers, you will pay for it. Besides, he has such a large amount that those peddlers can't eat it. Also, Scorpion Having been hungry for such a long time, it is impossible for those traffickers to let the scorpion die in their own hands."

Chen Bing was right when he thought about it, he could imagine Li Dapeng's appearance at this time.

"Hehehe, 40, 40, 40 in [-], that can definitely build a small factory."

Chen Bing knew that this money might be all of Li Dapeng: "Hehehehe, fight with me, you are far behind!"

Chen Bing was going to see Li Dapeng, such a good scorpion should not be ruined.

He dressed up specially, and even went to the barber shop to get a haircut, trying to make himself as stylish as possible.

When Chen Bing came to the purchase station, he saw Zhou Dahai sitting at the table in a daze.

When Zhou Dahai saw Chen Bing, he didn't raise his head, and said lazily, "Bingge, you're here!"

"What's wrong with the sea?"

"No business, close the door, Brother Bing, there is no village that delivers scorpions." Zhou Dahai held his head in his hands.

"Your dad didn't send it either?"

When mentioning Lao Zhou, Zhou Dahai became depressed: "Bingge, don't mention my father in the future, he also rebelled!"

Chen Bing patted Zhou Dahai's shoulder: "Go, brother will take you to meet someone!"


"Li Dapeng."

"See what Li Dapeng is doing?"

"Don't ask, just follow me."

Li Dapeng's office.

Li Dapeng had sunken eye sockets, disheveled hair, an ashtray full of cigarette butts, and an account book in front of him.

"Mr. Li, can you rest on the bed for a while?" This is Li Dapeng's deputy, Wen Cheng.

"Did He Province call again?"

Wen Cheng shook his head: "Mr. Chen, stop fantasizing, it won't happen."

Li Dapeng slapped the table with a slap: "Damn Lin Kenan, I fell for his tricks. He asked me to take the scorpions. I took them. At this time, he doesn't want them anymore. Where do you think I will send so many scorpions? 40 Wanna, this is all I have!"

Li Dapeng actually lay down on the table and started crying.

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(End of this chapter)

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