Chapter 287
Chen Bing took out a wad of money from his pocket and put it in the basket: "Little girl, may I ask, who else is in your family?"

"Mom and Dad passed away!"

"Then let me ask, who are you who is staring at you from behind?"

Just as the little girl was about to turn her head, Chen Bing said, "Don't turn your head!"

Although the little girl was small, she was very obedient and did not turn her head. Chen Bing pretended to count the money.

"Son, the money in the basket is for you!"

"Thank you brother!"

"Don't turn your head, tell brother, who is that man in yellow short-sleeved behind you?"

"That's my dad!"

"Didn't you just say that Dad is dead?"

After hearing this, the little girl stopped talking, with tears in her eyes: "Son, don't cry, give this money to Dad, and ask Dad to buy you more good things to eat!"

The little girl nodded and turned to Chen Bing, "Thank you brother!"

"Call me uncle!" Chen Bing said.

"Yes, uncle!"

The little girl ran away towards the distance.

At this time, the man stared at the little girl, threw the cigarette in his mouth on the ground, and chased after the little girl.

Chen Bing waved quickly.

Hao Yong stepped forward immediately.

Chen Bing said: "Did you see that man in front, catch him!"

Hao Yong nodded slightly: "Okay."

Chen Bing said to Yang Xue and Guoguo: "Xiaoxue, take care of Guoguo, don't move around, wait here!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Sa Yazi chased after Hao Yong.

Although Chen Bing is young, compared with Hao Yong, he is not at the same level.

At this time, the man was already beside the little girl. He stuffed the money in the basket into his pocket, put a handful of flowers into the little girl's basket, and put a dry steamed bun along the way.

After the man finished all this, he stood up quickly and looked around, as if he smelled danger!
He saw Hao Yong galloping towards him, he felt wrong, he wanted to run away, but it was too late, he was Hao Yong's opponent, he was instantly knocked down by Hao Yong.

And, put a foot on the chest.

Chen Bing also quickly ran to the little girl. The little girl saw Chen Bing and wanted to run, but was hugged by Chen Bing.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The little girl cried out in fright.

Chen Bing hurriedly said: "Little girl, don't cry, uncle is not a bad person, uncle is here to save you!"

Chen Bing experienced this kind of thing in his previous life, and this kind of thing has been reported many times in the news.

Many little flower sellers and physically disabled children asked people for money, all of which were instigated by gangs.

At this time, Chen Bing thought of the report of his previous life, and suddenly felt compassion.

If you encounter it, you can't ignore it.

"elder brother!"

"My child, call me uncle!"


"Tell uncle, where are you from?"

The little girl shook her head slightly: "I don't know!"

"Are your parents really dead?"

The little girl nodded slightly: "When Mom and Dad died, only grandparents are left. I was playing in front of the door, and that uncle gave me a candy, so I followed!"

Many little girls in the countryside were abducted by a piece of candy.

"Son, don't cry, don't cry, uncle will help you!"

Chen Bing took out his phone and dialed 110.
"I want to call the police, there is a trafficker here!"

After a while, the police came and took the man, the little girl and Chen Bing to the police station.

After the police came, Chen Bing asked Hao Yong to go back to find Yang Xue quickly, and don't let Yang Xue do anything else, after all, Yang Xue is still pregnant.

An hour later, a policeman walked up to Chen Bing, stretched out his hand, and held Chen Bing's hand tightly: "Hello, Mr. Chen, thank you for helping us crack down on this criminal group!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing said, "Is this really a criminal group?"

The policeman looked at Chen Bing in surprise: "It's true, of course it's true!"

"Mr. Chen, you didn't know if it was a criminal group at the time, how could you arrest him?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Comrade police, when this little girl came to sell flowers in front of me, I felt a little wrong. Think about it, how can the family trust her to sell flowers for such a small girl? A daughter, as big as her, usually, she goes out with us, and when she is tired from walking, I have to carry her on my back, but I feel a little strange that such a little girl sells flowers!"

What Chen Bing told the police was a lie, how could he conclude that this girl was trafficked?
It was because of the previous life TV reports, but she couldn't tell the police about her past life. If she did, she was really afraid that the police would arrest him and say that he was promoting superstition.

"and after?"

"Later I asked the little girl, where is your family? He said that Mom and Dad passed away. At this time, I saw a man not far from her watching her every move. I pretended to talk to her and continued to ask Who is the man, she said it was her father, I was even more skeptical, so I asked my security manager to chase after him!"

"Hehehe, what kind of work does Mr. Chen do!"

"Chen Bing, Chairman of Jiahe Food Company!"

"so much!"

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, this is what I should do!" Chen Bing said.

"You are such a righteous businessman!"

Chen Bing was very happy after hearing this.

"Mr. Chen, we will report on TV and major media about what you did this time. I hope you don't mind!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing said happily: "I don't mind, but, Comrade Police, I have a request. I don't know if it will work?"

"You say!"

"When reporting, can you tell me my identity, Chen Bing, chairman of Jiahe Food Company!"

After hearing this, the policeman said: "Okay, our leader has another suggestion. If possible, I can do an exclusive interview with you!"

Chen Bing nodded again after listening: "Yes, yes, can I ask, which TV station can this interview be on?

The policeman nodded after hearing this: "Maybe, but I dare not promise you!"

"Okay, okay, I promise, I promise!" Chen Bing said happily.

(End of this chapter)

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