Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 288 Good Deeds

Chapter 288 Good Deeds
After hearing this, the policeman said: "Okay, come here and register, and write down your contact information, etc., so that we can contact you!"

Chen Bing nodded again.

Grandma, it’s true that good people get rewarded!
Focus interview, Grandma's, if I can do a focus interview, then I can take advantage of the interview and promote my Jiahe food company well.

This time I smashed a criminal group and saved thirteen children. When they saw themselves and saw their reports, they would think of Jiahe Food.

My God, then this ad is definitely more powerful than CCTV's ad!

This is not the main thing, the main thing is that this advertisement is still free!

Chen Bing was excited when he thought of this!
Just as Chen Bing was about to leave, the little girl came out.


When the child first met the child, the child's clothes were dirty and hadn't been washed for a long time. Now, the face is washed clean by the police.

"Son, are you hungry?" Chen Bing asked.

"I'm not hungry, the police uncle gave me something to eat!"

"Okay, kid, the police uncle will take you to find your grandparents!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he took out a wad of money from his body, a total of [-], and stuffed it into the little girl's hands: "My child, after seeing grandparents, give these money to grandparents!"

The little girl didn't take the money: "Uncle, the police uncle said that my grandparents passed away after I was kidnapped by the bad guys!"

Chen Bing was shocked immediately after hearing this: "What did you say, your grandparents passed away?"

Chen Bing didn't wait for the little girl to answer, and quickly stared at the policeman: "Is this true?"

"it is true?"

"We asked the criminal about his home address, and we quickly contacted him. Unfortunately, shortly after his grandparents disappeared, the two old people committed suicide!"

Chen Bing was shocked again after hearing this: "You said suicide!"

"Yes, the parents of the child left before the two old people, and the two old people were greatly stimulated mentally. In addition, the child was lost and they searched for it for two months, but they couldn't find it. The old man thought that the child would never come again If you can't find it, you will take poison and kill yourself!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing couldn't help taking two steps back: "My child, poor child, why are you suffering more than me!"

"Uncle, I'm homeless!"

The child is nearly six years old and has already understood everything. She clearly knows that in this world, she has no relatives.

Chen Bing is a hard-hearted person, but at this moment, his eyes were red, and he couldn't help hugging the child: "Son, poor child!"

The little girl also shed tears.

The policeman also shed tears.

"Comrade police, what will you do like a little girl?"

"See if there are other relatives to adopt, but unfortunately, he has no other relatives."

"How would that be?"

"Welfare home!"

said the policeman.


The policeman nodded again.

This child is about the same age as Guoguo, so he was sent to an orphanage at such a young age.
Chen Bing didn't think about it.

Suddenly, he made a bold decision that she wanted to adopt the child, but, based on his understanding of the adoption policy, he was not yet eligible for adoption.

Suddenly, he had an idea. After his death, his biological parents would have no children, so he could adopt her and raise her as a granddaughter. At that time, wouldn't he be able to raise her?
Chen Bing was extremely happy when he thought of this.

"Comrade policeman, can I adopt this child? After all, I saved this child, so it's fate!"

When the little girl heard that Chen Bing wanted to adopt her, she walked up to Chen Bing quickly like a kitten: "Uncle, I'll go with you!"

"Do you have any children?"

"There is, a girl, as old as him."

"I'm sorry, but under your terms, this child cannot be adopted yet!"

"Comrade policeman, but I have the ability. Let alone one, I can afford ten. I told you that I am the chairman of Jiahe Food Company, and my current assets are tens of millions."

Hearing Chen Bing's words, the policeman smiled slightly: "Mr. Chen, I know your ability, but the country has an adoption policy! Let me ask you, have you turned [-] this year?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "No!"

"This is a mandatory indicator in the national policy. You must be 30 years old before you can adopt an adoptee. So, you can't yet!"

Chen Bing originally thought that his conditions were not enough because he had children, so he said that he was capable of raising children.

Now this one is really restrictive, it's not that I say I'm 30 years old and I'm 30 years old.

Grandma's, let's go in and check, and it's all clear.

"What should I do?"

"It can only be adopted by others!" said the policeman.

At this time, the little girl blinked her eyes and stared at Chen Bing. After a while, she stretched out her little hand and grabbed the corner of Chen Bing's clothes.

Chen Bing's heart suddenly softened.

"Comrade policeman, no one can adopt this little girl. Only I can adopt it. I have a godmother. Her son has passed away. The old couple are very good people. They have no children now, can they be adopted?"

After Chen Bing spoke, the policeman said, "In principle, yes!"

At this moment, Hao Yong walked in with Yang Xue and Guoguo. "

When Chen Bing saw Hao Yong, he quickly asked Hao Yong to call Jia Hu and asked Jia Hu to go to Dawa Village, Guyuan Town to pick up his parents from his previous life to Yanjing. "

Hao Yong nodded quickly after hearing this.

Chen Bing handed the eldest brother to Hao Yong, and asked Hao Yong to contact Jia Hu to explain the situation here.

After Hao Yong explained to Jia Hu, Chen Bing took out his phone and called the village committee of Dawa Village.

The person who answered the phone was Wang Qiang, director of the village committee of Dawa Village.

After Chen Bing told Wang Qiang, Wang Qiang was very happy and quickly went to find Chen Shuanlao and Gao Qiaorong.

Let the old couple answer the phone.

The old couple answered the phone, it turned out that this was the case, which almost made the old couple die of joy.

Moreover, Chen Bing told them that this child is pitiful, as long as they adopt this child, he will be responsible for all the child's future expenses.

The old couple quickly agreed.

The old couple had no children under their knees now, and they just waited for such a child to accompany them to talk to relieve their boredom. Hearing what Chen Bing said, they immediately agreed.

After Chen Bing finished making arrangements, he stared at the little girl happily.

"Son, tell uncle, what's your name!"

"Chen Ying?"

"Chen Ying? Your surname is Chen?"

The little girl nodded and said, "Is the surname Chen?"

The policeman said: "Mr. Chen, he is from Chenjia Village, and all the surnames in their village are Chen!"

"It's really God helping me!" Chen Bing really wanted to laugh out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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