Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 297 Dragon Head

Chapter 297 Dragon Head
Qin Dong slapped the table, Chen Bing smiled slightly: "President Qin, what are you doing, don't get angry, absolutely don't get angry, getting angry is bad for your health!"

"Mr. Chen, do you know what you are talking about, your Jiahe wants to be the boss of the food industry?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Mr. Qin, I want to be the boss. What's so strange about it? When you were in elementary school, the teacher didn't tell you that a soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. For our industry, if you don't want to be a dragon The boss’s company is not a good company, don’t you think?”

"But you want to think about your strength?"

"Hehehe, Mr. Qin thinks my strength is not good enough?"

"Are you confident that you can beat me?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly and said: "It depends on how to deal with it. If Er Lele does this in the focus interview this time, I don't think you, Er Lele, will be able to do it a few times. So, Mr. Qin, I don't think you should be here now Bark at me, but look at how to go back and deal with the aftermath. If my guess is right, you guys will never want to turn around in three months. In these three months, you will definitely be devastated to deal with returns and company expenses everywhere. !"

Chen Bing has been in the business all his life, and he knows what it would be like for a food company to have such a thing happen.

In Chen Bing's eyes, Qin Dong was a gentle and refined person, but this time, he was furious.

"Mr. Chen, you are so despicable, you will do everything you can to bring me down!"

"Hehehe, shopping malls are like battlefields!"

"Then let's see you on the battlefield!"

After Qin Dong finished speaking, he turned and left.

Chen Bing shouted: "Boss Qin, tea money?"

"A boss like you is short of a cup of tea money?"

Chen Bing stood up and shook his head slightly: "Boss Qin, I'm not short of money for a cup of tea. The main reason is that you invited me to drink tea. You should pay for it."

Qin Dong took out two hundred yuan and threw it on the table, then turned and left.

Qin Dong left, Chen Bing frowned slightly, and sat back at the table.

He knew that he was very angry with Qin Dong today, and he just wanted to be angry with Qin Dong, because if he was not angry with Qin Dong, Qin Dong would not be able to show his flaws.

A person can only expose his shortcomings when he is in a rage.

In fact, Chen Bing was still a little scared when he faced the furious Qin Dong just now. After all, he knew Qin Dong's kung fu. If Hao Yong was not standing behind him, he would not have dared to do so anyway.

"Hao Yong, Qin Dong is a special soldier, and you are also a special soldier. What do you think Qin Dong will do next?"

"Mr. Chen, I can't tell. Qin Dong is a special soldier, and I am a special soldier. However, in the mall, his status has changed. Therefore, if I try to guess his mind as a special soldier, I will definitely not be allowed!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly after hearing this: "What you said makes sense!"

"But I can clearly feel his murderous intent!"

"Yes, if you are not here today, I will definitely be beaten!"

"He is not my opponent!" Hao Yong spoke simply and directly.

"He also knows that it's not your opponent, otherwise, he will attack me!"

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" Hao Yong asked.

"Drink tea first, after drinking tea, let's go back, the soldiers will come and cover the water and earth!"

Hao Yong sat down, and the two slowly sipped the tea.

"Mr. Chen, is it poisonous?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "No, shopping malls are like battlefields, but they are different from battlefields. Killing people in the battlefield does not pay for their lives, but killing people in shopping malls pays for their lives. Although Qin Dong is angry now, he is still a very important rich man. He will not take such a risk! "

Hao Yong nodded again.

After the two finished their tea, Chen Bing and Hao Yong went back.

On this day, what Chen Bing paid most attention to was the focus interview column.

Grandma, it was hard to wait until [-]:[-], and when he faced the TV screen again, the reports of Erlele Food's problems were gone.

Chen Bing secretly admired Qin Dong's ability. It is really extraordinary that the Focus Interview column canceled the report on his company in such a short period of time!
However, it's too late.

This kind of thing is most afraid of fermentation. As long as it is reported, even if the source is pinched, people will talk about it after dinner.

Therefore, it is certain that Er Lele will be hit hard this time.

"Father, have you finished watching?" Guoguo urged from the side.

Yinger blinked her big eyes and watched.

"We want to watch cartoons!"

Only then did Chen Bing recall.

"Bingzi, what are you thinking? If you don't want to watch it, let the two ancestors watch it. They will eat me up in just a short while!" Yang Xue said.

"Okay, okay! Look!"

When the two children heard that they could watch cartoons, they hurried over to change the channel happily.

Chen Bing went over and lay down next to Yang Xue.

Yang Xue was still touching her stomach with her hands.

Yang Xue's belly is getting bigger and bigger now.

Chen Bing frowned slightly, and he will give birth in five months!
Grandma, there are three in this life!

Although he loves children, he can't stand the three children arguing together.

"What are you thinking about?" Yang Xue asked Chen Bing thoughtfully.

"Thought nothing?"

"Bingzi, do you think it's a boy or a girl?"

Yang Xue is most concerned about this issue now, she just wants to give birth to a boy for Chen Bing.

"Boys and girls are the same!" This is what Chen Bing said.

To be honest, he still wants to have a boy. After all, he owns a large company. Boys are relatively better than girls, and it is easier to run a company.

"I just like boys, Bingzi, but what if the baby is not a boy, or can we give the baby away?"

When Chen Bing heard this, he was completely angry: "What are you talking about, I, Chen Bing, can't afford it!"

Chen Bing glanced at Yinger, leaned against Yang Xue's ear, and whispered, "What are you talking about, as long as it is my Chen Bing's child, even if there are ten children, I will not give it away!"

"Who gave you ten children!"

"Hehe, ten will be born!"

However, in those days, some rural women could really have ten children in their lifetime.

"Okay, let's get down to business!"

"Say it!" Yang Xue said.

"Look, your belly is getting bigger and bigger. I want to bring my godfather and godmother over to take care of the two children!"

Yang Xue looked at her stomach and knew that if she really gave birth, it would be a problem for these two children to go to school, and Chen Bing would definitely not be able to count on it.

But why do you want to be a father and a mother?Why not bring your own parents?
"I think it's better to be parents!"

"Mom and Dad have too many things to do at home, so they can't come. Besides, there are Fangfang and Qiangzi. When Mom and Dad come, they will definitely come. In that case, they join forces and let Fangfang and Qiangzi enter the factory. What should we do?"

"Just go in, anyway, it's your own sister, who is it not for?"

"Why do you say that? Did they enter the factory to work? No, I can guarantee that as long as they enter the factory, within half a year, the factory will definitely be a mess!"

(End of this chapter)

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