Chapter 298
Yang Xue dared not go against what Chen Bing decided: "Then do as you say!"

"Tomorrow, I'm going to find a school for Guoguo and Yinger, and let them go to school, so that you can relax a bit, otherwise, you have to go to work every day, and you have to take two children with you!"

Yang Xue nodded slightly after hearing this: "It's fine, usually with one child, Director Li always makes irresponsible remarks, but if he brings two children, he still won't send me home!"

"Well then, I'll go find a school for the child first, and when I find a school, I'll bring the godmother and godfather over!"

"But, Bingzi, godfather and godmother are here, where do you live?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly, this is a problem, where to live?
Their house can't accommodate them, and besides, there is a baby about to be born soon.

"Buy a set!"

Chen Bing is rich and powerful now, if it was before, he would not dare to think about it.

Yang Xue didn't say anything.

A man has the ability, what can he say, the man's decision is God, she just obeys!
The next day, as soon as Chen Bing arrived at the factory, Liu Weidong walked in.

"Mr. Chen!"

"Mr. Liu."

"What are you doing, so flustered!"

"Hey, one child was enough to make a fuss before, but now, there are two more children, what do you think, besides, Xiaoxue is still pregnant, so I want to send them to school!"

After hearing this, Liu Weidong laughed and said, "Congratulations, now we have two daughters!"

"Mr. Liu, the two children are very cute. If our Xiaoxue can give me another son this year, then I will be consummated!"

"Mr. Jiang, you said to find a school for your child, which school are you planning to go to?"

"I can still do that, the one closest to home!"

"Yangqing Kindergarten?"

"Yes, you can go to kindergarten for one year, and you can go to elementary school next year!" Chen Bing said.

"Then you don't have to go. I know the principal of Yangqing Kindergarten. I'll just make a phone call later!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing said happily, "You said you knew each other?"

Liu Weidong nodded and said, "Yes, I know."

"How do you know each other?" Chen Bing asked.

"You forgot, what I used to do, tell you, don't look at the job I did before, it was a job dedicated to serving people, but in the eyes of others, I am a superior existence, so don't talk about Yang Qing The principal of the kindergarten is the principal of Yangqing Primary School, junior high school, and high school, and I know them all!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing held Liu Weidong's hands happily: "Mr. Liu, thank you so much, I will leave the matter of your two nieces to you!"

Liu Weidong happily agreed, and immediately took out the phone book and dialed a number: "Hello, is this Director Jiao?"


"I'm Liu Weidong, former Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee!"

When Liu Weidong said it, he added an original word in front of the Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee.

"It's Chief Liu, hello, hello, what's the matter?"

Ke Na, secretary of the municipal party committee, is a popular person in front of senior city officials.

"President Jiao, I have a friend's child who wants to come to your kindergarten. Isn't it the time for the start of school now? I want to go early. I wonder if it can be convenient!"

"Section Chief Liu, is that all?"

"That's right, that's it!"

"Small matter, what's the name of the child, let tomorrow come!"

Liu Weidong hurriedly expressed his thanks: "One is called Chen Guoguo and the other is called Chen Ying, they are two sisters."

"Okay, okay, let the child come tomorrow!"

Liu Weidong hung up the phone.

After hearing this, Chen Bing showed joy on his face.

"Mr. Liu, thank you so much!"

"Mr. Chen, you are the boss!"

"Mr. Liu, let me tell you that I, the boss, have power in the company, but outside, I'm not as good as you!"

"Mr. Chen, you really know yourself and your enemy!"


The two laughed.

"Mr. Liu, you must be here today for something?"

"Mr. Chen, it's like this. Everyone in the factory knows about Ying Er and thinks it's a happy event. After all, there is an extra daughter, so I want Mr. Chen to treat me to dinner!"

Chen Bing laughed twice after hearing this: "Prepare to hit me Qiufeng!"

"That's right, you are the fattest in our factory, so of course I want to beat you!"

"No problem, tonight, we are at Yangqing Hotel, and I will take my two children with me then!"

"And Xiaoxue!"

"Okay, okay, all five of us are here!"


"Yes, there is another one in Xiaoxue's stomach!"

"Mr. Chen is really a thriving man!"

"That's because I'm kind!"

The two laughed again.

"Mr. Chen, then I'll ask Director He to do it quickly!"

Chen Bing nodded.

Liu Weidong shouted outside: "Director He!"

He Mei responded.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Liu!"

"Go to Yangqing Hotel and book a private room. Tonight, we will congratulate Mr. Chen!"

He Mei also knew about Chen Bing's adoption of Ying Er: "Alright Mr. Liu, I'll go right away!"

After He Mei left, Chen Bing was still excited.

"You have three children now, but I only have one. It seems that I also have a plan to create a man!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "That's right, our Jiahe Food Company needs successors, so Mr. Liu, work harder!" '

"Then you give me ten days off, and I will go back to complete the human creation plan!"

When Chen Bing heard that Liu Weidong wanted to leave, he shook his head like a rattle: "No, this is absolutely not possible. The company is so busy now, how can you, the prime minister, leave?"

"Hehehehe, it seems that your support for my human creation plan is fake!"

The two laughed again.

After laughing for a while, Chen Bing said, "Mr. Liu, did I meet Qin Dong yesterday?"

Liu Weidong said, "What did he say?"

"Very furious!"

"He has kung fu, he didn't beat you!"

"No, who am I, Chen Bing, to beat him up? I know he has kung fu, so I took Hao Yong with me when I went. No matter how good his kung fu is, he is still a little bit worse than Hao Yong!"

Liu Weidong nodded slightly: "Mr. Chen, you still have to be careful. This person is not an ordinary person. He is ruthless. I heard that he is as good as you in doing things, and he doesn't play cards according to the rules!"

"Yeah, I never dreamed that he would propose to me to buy our Jiahe food company?"

"Acquisition?" Liu Weidong said.

"Yes, if our Jiahe competes with Er Lele, and Er Lele wins this time, he will have the confidence to talk about the acquisition. Grandma's, if he loses, why still buy?"

"This is where he excels!" Liu Weidong said.

"He offered 4000 million at the time."

"How much?" Liu Weidong asked in surprise.


"My grandma, he is so generous!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect that he would be so generous! What happened next?" Liu Weidong continued to ask.

(End of this chapter)

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