Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 315 Resignation

Chapter 315 Resignation
"Why, there must be a reason for not leaving?" Chen Bing asked.

"Mr. Chen, Dapeng Bicycle Factory was established under my watch!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "For us as an enterprise, the factory is like our own child. I can understand this, but I can ask, what kind of treatment are you currently receiving at Dapeng Bicycle Factory?"

"Sales manager, with an annual salary of [-]!"

Jiang Cheng smiled slightly.

"Mr. Jiang, how much more? Ask, is there a manager with an annual salary of [-] in Shencheng?" Qi Dongguo saw Jiangcheng's dismissiveness.

Jiang Cheng laughed when he heard this: "Manager Qi, it's not about [-] to [-] yuan. May I ask, has Dapeng Bicycle Factory given you shares?"

Qi Dongguo shook his head: "No shares, our group of old people all talk about annual salary!"

Chen Bing took the wine bottle and served Qi Dong Guoman with wine: "Manager Qi, let me tell you something, don't mind, you don't have shares in Dapeng Bicycle Factory, so Dapeng Bicycle Factory can't be said to be your child!"

After Jiang Cheng said, Qi Dongguo was stunned.

"Think about it, no matter how big this company grows, you don't have shares, so it has nothing to do with you, and it has nothing to do with you after listing. For you, it's just a little salary, whether it's annual salary or monthly salary, it's all salary. As long as you are paid and have no shares, as far as the company is concerned, you are no different from a part-time worker. Therefore, to judge whether a person is the owner of the company, you must first ask him whether he has shares in the company. With shares, he can be regarded as the owner of the factory!"

After Chen Bing spoke, Qi Dongguo's expression turned ugly.

"Manager Qi, the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. I am a person who understands the world. I am the person who likes to talk about benefits the most. It is not like those hypocrites and hypocrites who talk about it. , in the end, I’m not willing to give anything!”

"If Dahai has told me about my entrepreneurial journey, you should understand that I am a capable person. Now Jiahe has a total asset of over [-] million yuan. Therefore, this bicycle factory has the backing and will not give up halfway."

"Manager Qi, if you work with me in this bicycle factory, then the position of general manager is yours. As for the salary, the annual salary is [-] yuan, and I can give you [-]% of the shares so that you can truly become the owner of the factory. Owner!"

Qi Dongguo was tempted by Chen Bing's words.

"Manager Qi, think about it, how much of your salary can be left to the children, but your shares can be left to the children. As I said just now, whether a person is the owner of the company depends on the person's ownership. If you don’t own the shares of the company, you now own 1000% of the shares of the company, then you are the second largest shareholder of the company. In the future, our bicycle factory will grow and develop, and the assets will reach [-] million. You will be a millionaire with assets reaching [-] million , you are a multi-millionaire, and if your assets reach one billion, you are a billionaire!"

Chen Bing's words hit Qi Dongguo's weakness thoroughly.

He was originally an ambitious person, but his ambition has not been stimulated yet.

In his previous life, because of the issue of shares and treatment, he finally resigned in anger and established Da'an Motorcycle. In the end, he got out of control and became a famous motorcycle tycoon!

"However, your bicycle factory has no shape yet!"

"You don't have to worry about that. If you have money, everything is easy to do. If you agree, we can sign the contract immediately. Your salary will take effect immediately, with an annual salary of [-]!"

What the hell!

Chen Bing's words moved not only Qi Dongguo's heart, but also Zhou Dahai's.

In order to stimulate Qi Dongguo again, Jiang Cheng pointed at Zhou Dahai: "Manager Qi, what do you think of Dahai?"

"Very good, very honest, very diligent!"

"Do you know his worth?"

Qi Dongguo shook his head slightly.

"Our Jiahe market value is now worth 5.00 million, Dahai owns [-]% of the company's shares, do the math!"

After Jiang Cheng said, Qi Dongguo opened his mouth wide in surprise.

"Five million! Dahai is now assembling bicycles in your bicycle factory. You think he is a stinky worker who can't get a hundred yuan a month, but you never imagined that he is worth millions!"

Qi Dongguo stared at Zhou Dahai again.

"Manager Qi, I came here with Brother Bing, who gave me 5.00% of the shares!"

"Since you are a shareholder of Jiahe, let me ask you, why did you come to the bicycle factory?" Qi Dongguo asked.

"I have a feud with Jiahe's general manager Liu Weidong. This is one aspect, and another aspect. I don't like making drinks, but I like bicycles!"

Qi Dongguo finally understood.

"Manager Qi, this is a big deal. You have to think it over carefully. As the saying goes, a tree moves the dead and the living. I hope you move it, maybe it will have an unexpected effect!"

"Mr. Chen, can I think about it again?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Okay, I'll wait for your news!"

"it is good!"

"drink wine!"

Jiang Cheng knew that Qi Dong would compromise with the Congress, and he didn't understand the character of other people, but he really understood the character of this kind of rich man.

A poor person may pay attention to face and friendship, but a tycoon like Qi Dongguo, if interests and friendship are in front of him, he will eventually choose interests, otherwise, his business will not be so big.

"The sea follows you too!

"Yes, follow me!"

"Will you give him shares!"


"Although Jiahe has his shares, Mr. Liu is here. He will definitely not be able to return to the food company at present, but can only stay in the bicycle factory. Therefore, I want him to be the head of the bicycle factory. Since he is the head of the house, I have to give him Shares, Dahai, continue to give you 5.00%!"

Zhou Dahai said happily: "Thank you Bingge, after I come, can I be the manager of the production department, the production and assembly of bicycles, I am now a heavyweight!"

After Zhou Dahai said, Qi Dongguo said: "Mr. Chen, Dahai is very talented in this area!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Manager Qi, agree. If you agree, we can sign the contract right away. My work here will be finished in a few days. After finishing, we will go back to Lingxi together!"

"Are you going to build a factory in Lingxi?"

"Yes, for now, the gap between the rich and the poor between the north and the south will become wider and wider. When the three major items of marriage in the south are TV, refrigerator and washing machine, the three major items of marriage in the north are still inseparable from bicycles!"

"Mr. Chen, I have a principle in doing things. Since I want to leave, I have to go in a dignified manner. I will go back and explain my work clearly, and then I will go with Mr. Chen!"

"Okay! I'll wait for you, I just don't know, how long will it take?"

"Two days!"

"Okay, then I'll wait for you for two days."

"Did Dahai resign?" Qi Dongguo asked.

(End of this chapter)

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