Chapter 316

"Manager Qi, let's resign together!" Zhou Hai said

Zhou Dahai was very happy to hear that Jiangcheng was going to build a new factory. This factory has nothing to do with Jiahe, so it has nothing to do with Liu Weidong.

Zhou Dahai got excited when he thought of this.

After talking about the matter, they drank for a while and then broke up.

It was past ten o'clock when Chen Bing returned to the hotel at night.

But Hao Yong was very anxious.

"President Chen, where have you been?"

"What's the matter, what happened?"

"Mr. Yang can't get through with your elder brother, and I can't get through either!"

"what happened?"

"He said her brother bought the stock!"

Chen Bing said happily, "How much did you buy?""

"A whole million!"

Chen Bing was so happy after hearing this, he was happier than seeing Qi Dongguo.

"When will the contract be signed?"


Chen Bing said: "Okay, that's it, let's rest early and contact them tomorrow!"

The next day, following Yang Zhong's instructions, Chen Bing signed a stock purchase and sale contract with the stock owner in a hall.

Holding 120 million stocks in his hands, Chen Bing was full of emotions. How much will they be worth in ten years, and how much will they be worth in 20 years!
After the stock issue was settled, Chen Bing contacted Zhou Dahai again.

The entrance of Dapeng Bicycle Factory.

Zhou Dahai had a gloomy face.

"What's going on here?"

"Bingge, I resigned, but the boss won't let Manager Qi resign!"

"Oh, what does that mean?"

"He said that he can also give Manager Qi an annual salary of 10 yuan, and he can also give Manager Qi [-]% of the shares!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly after hearing this.

"What did Manager Qi say!"

"Manager Qi is also in a difficult situation. Think about it, he and Li are always friends, and they have stayed in Dapeng Bicycle Factory for so many years, so he can't bear to let him go now!"

It seems that I have to find Li Dapeng to solve it myself.

"Bingge, you said you wanted to find Li Dapeng yourself?"


"No, Li Dapeng is very angry now, stop fighting!"

Chen Bing pointed to Hao Yong behind him: "With him here, I'm not afraid!"

"Go, if I don't show up, Manager Qi won't be able to resign!"

The three walked towards the factory.

The security guard wanted to stop them, but when they saw that they were being given Chinese cigarettes, they quickly let them in.

"Dahai, you have made friends with a nobleman!" a security guard said.

"That's my soldier!"

In Li Dapeng's office.

Li Dapeng was talking to Qi Dongguo.

With a teacup in his hand, Li Dapeng poured water for Qi Dongguo himself.

Qi Dongguo was flattered, he had been with Li Dapeng for so many years, Li Dapeng had never been so kind to him, and he was a little touched for a while.

"Mr. Li, I'll come in person!"

"Manager Qi, this factory is grown under our watchful eye. Tell me, what will the factory do if you leave at this time? Do you have the heart to close down the factory because it doesn't have a good sales manager?"

"As for that Chen Bing you mentioned, he's just a little rascal. He used that kind of unappealable moves to create harmony. The business world doesn't like his style of play!"

At this moment, the door of Li Dapeng's office was pushed open by Chen Bing.

"Hehehe, Mr. Li, there is no one who pours dirty water on people behind his back. Who says my style of play is shameful, who says my style of play is unworthy?"

Li Dapeng stared at Chen Bing, he did not expect that Chen Bing was so young.

"Chen Bing, you are Chen Bing!"

"Yes, Mr. Li, I am Chen Bing!"

"I have no grievances with you, why are you poaching my corner!"

"Mr. Li, where did this start? Haven't you heard of good birds choosing trees to live in?"

Li Dapeng's face became gloomy. He knew that Chen Bing might not be his opponent in a war of words, so he shouted outside: "Security, I will drive someone out in the future!"

At this time, four or five security guards came in.

Qi Dongguo and Zhou Dahai saw it, they were stupid, this is going to be serious!
However, Chen Bing was not afraid.

Those security guards knew Zhou Dahai and knew that Chen Bing was Zhou Dahai's elder brother, so they were too embarrassed to do anything.

"Do it, if you don't do it, you will resign immediately!"

Li Dapeng threatened with his job.

Those security guards screamed and rushed towards Chen Bing quickly.

Hao Yong immediately stepped forward, kicked and beat, and within 2 minutes, all five security guards were thrown to the ground.

Everyone at the scene was dumbfounded, even Zhou Dahai was dumbfounded. He knew that Hao Yong was amazing, but he didn't expect him to be so amazing!

"You all go out, I'll talk to Mr. Li!" Chen Bing said domineeringly.

Chen Bing really stunned them, everyone in Li Dapeng's office left in an instant, and Li Dapeng was the only one left!
Chen Bing sat on Li Dapeng's sofa: "President Li, don't calm down, let's sit down and talk!"

Li Dapeng said angrily: "Chen Bing, I know you have a great career, but don't bully others too much!"

"Mr. Li, please calm down. I really like Manager Qi. He has no development with you?"

"What are you talking about, he has no development with me?"

"Yes, for so many years, you didn't even give him the position of general manager, and you didn't even give him a share. What kind of development do you think you can have?"

"Mr. Chen, I've already told him to give him [-]% of the shares!"

"Mr. Li, why didn't you give it before, but now it's not voluntary. Even if you give the shares, you feel uncomfortable. No one knows what will happen after this incident!"

"What do you mean?" Li Dapeng said again.

"Mr. Li, give me Manager Qi, and I will definitely repay you in the future!"

"I don't need your reward!"

"President Li, let me ask you, can you give him the position of general manager of the factory?"

Li Dapeng did not speak.

"President Li, but I can give it to you. If you insist on blocking Manager Qi with 20.00% of the shares, then I will use 20.00% of the shares to make Manager Qi resign again. If you are willing to give Manager Qi [-]% of the shares, then With an annual salary of [-] and the position of general manager, I, Chen Bing, will leave immediately!"

Li Dapeng's face turned red.

"Chen Bing, why are you poaching my corner! I have no grievances with you, there are so many powerful people in the world, why do you target me?"

"Mr. Li, to be honest, I really don't like other people, but Manager Li!"

Chen Bing shouted to the outside: "Manager Qi, come in!"

Qi Dongguo could hear the conversation between Chen Bing and Li Dapeng clearly.

Regarding Chen Bing's question, Li Dapeng was secretive just now, which allowed Qi Dongguo to get to know Li Dapeng better.

"Manager Qi, let me ask Ni again, do you want to stay in Dapeng Bicycle Factory or follow me to build a new bicycle factory? You decide for yourself, I won't force you!"

After Chen Bing asked, Qi Dongguo walked up to Li Dapeng: "President Li, I'm sorry, I really want my own business, I really want a company to have my own shares, I really want to be the owner of a company! I'm sorry!"

(End of this chapter)

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