Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 317 Leave

Chapter 317 Leave
Li Dapeng was dumbfounded, he knew that Qi Dongguo would not be able to stay.

Chen Bing smiled: "Mr. Li, look, this is Manager Qi who wants to leave!"

Li Dapeng stood up quickly after hearing this: "Mr. Chen, you poach my corner, our beams are tied today!"

"Hehehe, Mr. Li, if such a trivial matter has ended, then Mr. Li's structure is too small. If you don't like it, you can go to my bicycle factory to poach corners when my bicycle factory is established!"


Li Dapeng pointed at Chen Bing.

Chen Bing's face was vicious.

"Mr. Li, I have a habit. I am most afraid of being pointed at my head. I hope you don't. This is the first time, so I don't care about it. If there is a second time, don't blame me for being rude." Already!"

Chen Bing's aura was unusually strong. After speaking, his eyes stared at Li Dapeng, and Li Dapeng's hand fell down involuntarily.

"Manager Qi, hand over the procedures, Dahai and I will wait for you outside!"

Qi Dongguo walked up to Chen Bing and said, "Mr. Chen, Mr. Li and I are friends. We've been together for such a long time, so we're going to get together and part ways. Please leave first. In the evening, I'll find you at your hotel!"

Chen Bing stared at Qi Dongguo, and then at Li Dapeng for a while: "Okay, Manager Qi, then I'll wait for you!"

"Dahai, do you have any work to hand over?"

Zhou Dahai shook his head: "No, I am in charge of technology. After I leave, someone will take over, no need to hand over!"

"Okay, then let's go!"

Chen Bing and Zhou Dapeng left, he knew that he had to give Qi Dongguo some time to relax, what he said just now was right, Li Dapeng was his friend, and he didn't want to make trouble because of his resignation!

"Dahai, do you have any unfinished business here?"

"Bingge, when shall we go back?"

"After finishing here, I will go back tomorrow!"

"Then I have to go to Xiaohui and explain to Xiaohui that she doesn't have much money, so I'll give her some money!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then you go, I'll go back to the hotel first!"

The stock market has been resolved, and Qi Dongguo's problems have also been resolved. Next, let's go back to Lingxi and set up a bicycle factory!
In his previous life, Qi Dongguo was a motorcycle tycoon, but in this life, he wants Qi Dongguo to become a motorcycle tycoon.

However, it takes a lot of time and a lot of money to manufacture motorcycles out of the blue now, and Jiahe can't afford it at the moment.

Besides, his principle of doing things is that the two companies don't want to have too many financial entanglements, so he started from the bicycle factory.

As for the current demand for bicycles, Chen Bing knows that the manufacture of bicycles is now in the middle of the golden period, and the demand for bicycles will skyrocket for at least ten years!
Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng smiled.

In the evening, both Zhou Dahai and Qi Dongguo returned to the hotel.

A smile appeared on Chen Bing's face.

For grandma, starting a business is mainly about people. As long as there are people, in the era when pigs can take off, it is easy to start a business.

The next day, Chen Bing was about to leave with Qi Dongguo and Zhou Dahai. At this time, Yang Xian came over and insisted on seeing Chen Bing and others off.

Chen Bing had no choice but to stay for one more day.

When Zhou Dahai heard that he could stay in Shencheng for a day, his mouth burst into joy.

Others drank farewell wine, but Zhou Dahai went to Shencheng University to meet Zhao Hui!
With regard to this, Chen Bing understood that it was normal for a young couple to be separated, and it was inseparable.

Three days later, on October [-]th, they arrived in Lingxi.

For Chen Bing, Lingxi is an all-too-familiar place, and he earned billions of dollars in his previous life in Lingxi.

"Bingge, is this Lingxi?"

Zhou Dahai is from Lingxi, but he has never been to Lingxi.

"Yes, this is Lingxi, how do you feel?"

Zhou Dahai shook his head: "It's not that good, it's far worse than Shencheng!"

"Yes, there is no comparison between Lingxi and Shencheng, neither now nor in the future, but Lingxi belongs to me, Shencheng does not belong to me!"

At this time, Qi Dongguo also said: "Mr. Chen, since Lingxi is not as good as Shencheng, why don't we open a bicycle factory in Shencheng?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "It is the end of 1989. For southern cities, the gap between rich and poor has obviously widened compared with northern cities. The three most important things for marriage in southern cities are TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines. Among the big items are the combination of the new three items and the old three items, but one of the must-have items is a bicycle, especially a bicycle for women!"

On this point, Chen Bing was right.

In 2010, when bicycles in northern cities were replaced by motorcycles, women also wanted a women's bicycle when they got married!

"When we build a factory in the north, we can achieve the right time, place and people. Therefore, if we want to open a bicycle factory, the north is the first choice, and Lingxi in the north is the first choice."

After Chen Bing said, Zhou Dahai was still a little confused, but Qi Dongguo nodded.

"Mr. Chen, you are right. From what I know about you, you are from Yangqing. Yangqing is a city in Lingxi, and the headquarters of Jiahe Food Company is in Yangqing. Jiahe is currently a famous enterprise in Yangqing. , Therefore, if there is any problem with the establishment of a bicycle factory, Mr. Chen can use Jiahe's relationship to deal with the bicycle factory's problems, this is the human aspect!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing stared at Qi Dongguo approvingly.

"As for the weather, now is the period of skyrocketing demand for bicycles, especially in the north, we have taken advantage of the time!"

"As for geography, Mr. Chen said just now that compared with the south, the demand for bicycles in the north is greater. If my prediction is correct, the demand for bicycles in the north will not drop until at least 2010!"

Chen Bing stared at Qi Dongguo, secretly said: "Grandma, you are really talented, you can analyze the problem so thoroughly!"

"Manager Qi, let me ask you, what will replace bicycles in the future?"

"Motorcycles, Mr. Chen, in fact, is the time to engage in motorcycles now?"

"However, motorcycles require technology!"

"At present, the technology of motorcycles is also very mature, but motorcycles are too expensive and have not yet reached the explosive period!"

"Tell me what's on your mind!"

"Five years from now, motorcycles are bound to explode. Therefore, when we are making bicycles, we must devote a certain amount of energy to researching motorcycles!"

After Chen Bing heard this, he shook Qi Dongguo's hand happily: "Manager Qi, Manager Qi, you are really talented, and I think so too. In fact, I want to open a motorcycle processing factory right now, but on the one hand, there is no Technology, on the other hand, the current motorcycle market is narrow, so I am focusing on bicycles. If Manager Qi really has this intention, we will start working on bicycles for three years. After the bicycle factory becomes large, I will definitely allocate a large amount Funds to support Manager Qi to build motorcycles!"

(End of this chapter)

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