Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 320 Accident

Chapter 320 Accident
Chen Bing laughed hehehe: "I can do whatever I want?"


"Then I'll call the police!"

When the big man heard the alarm, he immediately showed panic.

Chen Bing picked up the mobile phone and put it down again.

To him, these people are clowns. To be honest, this kind of clowns are not that he can't afford to provoke them, but he doesn't want to provoke them.
"Go get his pants!"

The big man hurriedly said to the big man behind: "Go and get the pants!"

The other party took the pants, and Chen Bing asked Zhou Dahai to put them on.

"You are so big, it's not good to do something, you have to do this, I tell you, now this kind of money is not easy to earn, it is not good to make trouble, and it is easy to go to prison. If you meet someone with more power than you, it is easy to be beaten Disabled!"

"Yes, I know, I won't dare in the future!" The big man lowered his head.

Chen Bing took out two hundred yuan from his body and handed it to the big man: "Okay, you have been busy for so long, and you can't let your busyness be in vain. Let's go!"

The big man never dreamed that Chen Bing not only did not call the police, but also gave them money.

"Bingge, did they hit me?"

Chen Bing stared at Zhou Dahai: "Dahai, it's called gaining wisdom through a pitfall. In an unfamiliar place, why don't you have the awareness of precautions? When someone knocks on the door, you don't know how to look through the cat's eyes. Besides, Captain Hao has given you revenge!

Chen Bing knew that the big man's hand would definitely not be able to use it within a month!

Chen Bing gave the money, and the big man felt a little embarrassed.

"Boss, I can't take this money."

"Take it, it's not easy to do your job. In the middle of the night, so many people don't sleep. It's hard enough. Take the money and go buy some supper!"

Chen Bing said it lightly. The salary of ordinary workers in Lingxi is less than [-] per month, and he gave [-]. Let the other party buy some supper, which really touched the other party.

"Thank you, may I ask the boss's name?" The other party clasped their fists together.

"Xia Jia and Chen Bing, the boss of the food company!"

"Jiahe food?"

When the big man heard that Chen Bing was the boss of Jiahe Foods, he hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, we don't know Taishan with our eyes!"

"It's okay, there are difficulties, talk, now is a good time to make a fortune and start a business, if you work hard, you will definitely be able to achieve a career!"

"Thank you, Mr. Chen for your advice!"

"Okay, let's go, I'm going to rest!"

The big man led the other big men and walked cleanly in an instant.

As soon as those big men left, Zhou Dahai sat on Chen Bing's bed aggrieved: "Brother Bing, they beat me like that, why did you let them go?"

"Hehehe, you still want me to beat them up?"

"Even if you don't beat them up, you can't give them money!"

"Didn't I say, Captain Hao beat them for you, they have no strength in their hands, hitting you is a minor injury, Captain Hao has practiced kung fu, and the blow is a serious injury!"

"Then why did you pay them back?"

"The strong dragon does not overpower the snakes. These people look like local ruffians. We want to build a factory here and survive here, so we can't mess with them for the time being. Besides, you also have a certain responsibility for this matter. In other places, you must keep yourself safe, how can you open the door casually when a strange woman knocks on the door?"

"Bingge, I was wrong!"

"You will gain wisdom by eating a ditch. Besides, this matter should not be too big. If you make a scene at the police station, you will have to interrogate and make a record. If that woman insists that you bully her, then what should you do? You can't say anything." , according to our country’s method of sympathizing with the weak, we will generally punish you!”

"Really, Brother Bing!"

"Yes, if you let Zhao Hui know about this again, you will be finished!",


"If you let her know about the matter between a man and a woman, you won't be able to explain it even if you want to!"

When Zhou Dahai heard it, it was true.

"Brother Bing, is this the end of this matter?"

"Let's do this first, and when there is a chance later, we will clean up those boys. Our most important task now is to set up the bicycle factory. Go back to sleep!"

After Zhou Dahai and Hao Yong left, Chen Bing entered Mengxiang again.

Early the next morning, Chen Bing washed his face, brushed his teeth, and had a meal. When he walked to the door of several people, he found that Zhou Dahai and the others hadn't woken up yet, so they walked outside alone.

He is going to a place today, the location of his previous enterprise.

As soon as Chen Bing left the hotel, he met those big men and that woman.

Grandma's, they're not done yet!

Chen Bing thought of revenge at the first moment, but after thinking about it, I didn't send you to prison last night, but gave you two hundred yuan back. There was no feud, so I probably wouldn't take revenge.

In addition, I have already made my identity clear to them, and it is impossible for them to be my enemy.

No matter how bastard a bastard is, he will generally not be an enemy of the rich. The rich in a place have inextricably linked with underground organizations. Fighting with them is a dead end.

"What are you doing standing here, wanting to rob?"

The big man came to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, what you said, we brothers thought about it last night and felt that what you said is right. Like us, it is not a long-term place, so, Mr. Chen, we want to follow you." !"

Fuck me, I gave them two hundred yuan and did something wrong, and they actually relied on me!
"No, my company doesn't want to be fooled!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned to leave.

"Mr. Chen, we are not bastards. Besides, we can correct it. You said that in this society, pigs can take off. We also want to follow you. Last night, we checked your family history. We admire you very much. We know that. Follow you and you will be successful in this life!"

Several big men behind said in unison: "Mr. Chen, just accept us!"

"No, I said before, my company doesn't want to be fooled!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned to leave.

However, he never expected that these big men would kneel down with a common sound.

A man has gold under his knees, he kneels down and kneels down to his parents, no one can kneel except them, but they all kneel down for themselves, and they kneel so straight.

Chen Bing hurried forward to help them.

The big man said: "Mr. Chen, if you don't accept us, we won't get up!"

At this time, more and more people were watching, and Chen Bing shouted: "Get up quickly, and call the police later!"

"Mr. Chen, if you don't agree, I won't get up!"

Chen Bing got angry and shouted at them: "Get up for me, if you want to hang out with me, you have to listen to me!"

Hearing Chen Bing's words, several people stood up together with smiles on their faces.

"Are you really going to hang out with me?" Chen Bing saw them all standing up.

"Yes, Mr. Chen!"

"Well, since you want to hang out with me, can you do what I ask!"


"Well, from now on, don't let me see your tattoos!"

The big man seemed to be ruthless: "Mr. Chen, today, we will erase the tattoo!"

Chen Bing knew what erasing meant, and said, "No need, from today on, no matter how hot the weather is, you have to use your clothes to protect the tattoos, so no one will know, I, Chen Bing, have raised a bunch of bastards!"

After hearing this, the big man said happily: "Understood, Mr. Chen!"

(End of this chapter)

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