Chapter 321
Chen Bing said, "What's your name?"

The big man said: "Mr. Chen, my name is Wen He, Zhao Gao, and his name is Qin Huan."

He pointed at the woman again and said, "Liu Mei!"

Jiang Cheng stared at this Liumei. Grandma's is really beautiful. Although it's not as beautiful as Yang Xue's, it's not too bad!

It's just that this Liu Mei didn't know how many men she had followed, otherwise.
Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng coughed and coughed twice: "Okay, you go to the hotel 303 to find Captain Hao, and just tell me what I said, let him arrange your work in detail!"

Wen He thanked happily after hearing this.

"Okay, you guys go, I still have something to do!"

After Jiang Cheng finished speaking, he turned and left.

In the previous life, Chen Bing started to set foot in machinery, but in this life, he started with food.

After half an hour's journey, Chen Bing walked to the gate of a large factory and stared at the big characters of "Lingxi Silk Factory" on the iron gate. Grandma's, in his previous life, he started here!
In the previous life, it was five or six years after Chen Bing established the machinery factory. The factory was overgrown with weeds. He bought the factory at a low price and renamed it Lingxi Machinery Factory.

Chen Bing walked to the door and looked inside!
It is also desolate.

If his guess is correct, since the reform and opening up of this silk factory, a large amount of silk from the south has flooded the market, causing the silk factory to make ends meet. In the end, even the wages could not be paid. For wages, the workers went on strike several times in front of the municipal committee and the city government. .

The leader finally made a bold decision to close down the silk factory and send the workers of the silk factory directly to the textile factory!

However, these workers never imagined that five or six years later, the textile factory would be unable to pay wages like the silk factory, and they would continue to join the trend of petitioning!
It's just that the textile factory hasn't reached the point where it can't pay wages!

It seems that the silk factory workers went to the textile factory, which happened last year.

If the bicycle factory is established in this place, it should be good!
Jiang Cheng looked towards the door again, and in an instant, the bitterness and bitterness of the previous life welled up in his heart.

Grandma, we must get this place down no matter what.

Thinking of this, Jiang Cheng quickly ran towards the Hongjiang Municipal Committee.

Now every place has a goal of attracting investment, as long as his project is good, Chen Bing believes that this place can get it!
The city where Lingxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government are located is called Hongjiang City.

When Chen Bing walked to the gate of the municipal committee, he was stopped by two security guards.

"What are you doing!"

"Hello, I'm looking for the Merchants Office!"

"The Merchants Office is on the second floor!"

"Okay, thank you!"

Chen Bing quickly ran towards the second floor.

Chen Bing is different from others. When others go to the investment promotion office, they usually go to the office to do some filing materials first. However, Chen Bing knows that all this is nonsense and takes a lot of time.

It's not good to make trouble, those shrimp soldiers and crab generals will give you face
Chen Bing went directly to the director's office of the Investment Promotion Office, grandma's, the King of Hades is nice to see, and the little devil is hard to deal with!
Chen Bing walked to the door and knocked lightly.

"Come in!"

Chen Bing went in.

"Hello, who are you looking for!"

"Hello, are you the director of the Investment Promotion Office?"

"Yes, I am the director of the Investment Promotion Office!"

Chen Bing quickly took out a cigarette from his pocket and handed it over.

The Director of the Investment Promotion Office took the cigarettes and put them on the table.

"Excuse me, you are!"

"Chen Bing, Chairman of Jiahe Food Company!"

"Chairman of Jiahe Food Company?" The other party was surprised.

"Yes, Chen Bing!"

"Are you the Jiahe who competed with Erlele?"


"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, please sit down!"

"Thank you, may I ask the leader for your last name!"

"Niu Zhong!"

"Director Niu!"

"Hehehe, please sit down!"

Chen Bing sat down.

Niu Zhong also sat down.

"Mr. Chen, I have something to do today!"

Chen Bing's character is that he likes to speak out.

"Director Niu, you are here to attract investment!"

"Okay! You Jiahe is such a big company, this time you plan to invest in that project!"


After hearing this, Niu Zhong had a smile on his face: "Well, bicycles are a sunrise industry!"

"Director Niu, bicycles are not a sunrise industry now, but they will still be popular for ten years!"

Chen Bing intercepted Niu Zhong's words, but Niu Zhong was not angry: "Mr. Chen, what did you ask me for today?"

"This time, I chose three places to build a bicycle factory. One is our Lingxi, one is Shencheng, and the other is Yanjing. Today I will come to Lingxi to have a look!"

Chen Bing lied, meaning, Director Niu, Lingxi is my candidate!
"Mr. Chen, you are an entrepreneur developed in our Lingxi. How can you go to other places? Let me tell you that our Lingxi has a very favorable policy for attracting investment!"

"is it?"

"Especially very generous for local companies!"

This is what Chen Bing wanted.

"Director Niu, what are the specific policies!"

"Policy one, the procedures are convenient. Policy two, land under [-] mu is free to use. Policy three, there is a certain amount of bank loans that are interest-free. Policy four, there is a tax-free policy for three years!"

After Chen Bing heard this, he jumped up for joy, grandma, this policy is too generous.

It's just that the thirty acres is too little.

"Director Niu, I only have one condition, if you are willing, I will invest!"

"Tell me, what conditions, as long as I can meet them, I will do my best!"

"Lingxi silk factory!"

"Lingxi silk factory?"

"Yes, Lingxi Silk Factory, I think this place is the most suitable place to build a bicycle factory, and my bicycle factory can also show its glory in this place!"

"this, this"

Chen Bing said: "Director Niu, is it difficult?"

"To be honest, it is difficult. If it is ordinary land, according to the policy, you will definitely be given a certain land policy, but this is a factory."

"Director Niu, I know you have difficulties, but no one has difficulty in doing things. Don't worry, you know the strength of our Jiahe. Our bicycle factory is just a front station. After two years, it will definitely be in the bicycle factory. Based on the establishment of a motorcycle factory, I plan that within five years, the bicycle factory and motorcycle factory will have a fixed capital of 300 billion yuan!"

"How much did you say?" Niu Zhong asked in surprise.

"300 billion, think about it, [-] billion, how much tax is paid to Lingxi every year, at that time, when the leader knows that this company is your position to attract investment, what will happen? You go to Isn’t there capital for one step?”

The prosperity of the world is for profit, the world is for profit!

For Chen Bing, profit is to build factories to make money, and for government officials like Niu Zhong, their profit is to be an official, which is their political achievements. If it is true as Chen Bing said, this can be a great political achievement. Can send myself from division-level cadres to prefecture-level cadres!

Niu Zhong wiped his face with his hands, trying to keep himself awake.

"Mr. Chen, to be honest, I really can't decide this matter, so I have to report to the higher-ups!"

(End of this chapter)

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