Chapter 323
Chen Bing pointed to Qi Dongguo and said, "Director Niu, this is our general manager Qi Dongguo, Manager Qi!"

"Manager Qi, this is Director Niu!"

Qi Dongguo held Niu Zhong's hand tightly: "Director Niu, thank you!"

"You're welcome, we'll be friends from now on, sit down, sit down and let's talk!"

After the two sat down, Niu Zhong said: "After I reported to the leader, the leader is very satisfied, but this factory covers an area of ​​[-] acres of land, and there are dormitory buildings and office buildings in it. So, as long as you go in, the infrastructure is basically No money is needed, as long as the assembly line comes in, it can be produced!"

Chen Bing knew this.

What does Niu Zhong mean by saying this? Grandma's, it's nothing more than wanting to add more money.

"Director Niu, tell me, how much we have to pay, you and I are old friends, don't worry, we will be good friends in the future, I can't do without you!"

After hearing this, Niu Zhong hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, don't say that, I am a state cadre, and I serve the people. You are the people, and it is right to serve you. As for the benefits you mentioned, I will definitely not want them! "

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "I know that, who doesn't know that Director Niu is an upright official!" '

"Mr. Chen, it's good that you know. Just now, our Investment Promotion Office held a project negotiation meeting with several leaders. According to your conditions, we finally reached an agreement. As long as you invest another 100 million, all assets of the silk factory, including land, It belongs to your Jiahe Bicycle Factory!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing was secretly delighted. For this era, 100 million is a large amount, but for decades later, grandma, is this money still considered money?

This place is the center of the city, a hundred acres of land, even if I don't open a factory, destroy it and build it into a high-rise, is it worthless?

Chen Bing woke up with a smile when he heard this.

However, at this time, she couldn't be too excited.

"Director Niu, 100 million is not a small amount!"

"Hehehe, I know it's not, but I know the background of your Jiahe, so let's just leave it at that, I'll try my best to fight for the 100 million, if it's lower, it won't be easy, Chen is always a smart person, let me talk about this For your sake, you should understand!"

Chen Bing nodded and said, "Director Niu, I understand, thank you!"

"Okay, the other conditions are the same as I told you before, tax exemption for three years, interest-free loan!"

"Director Niu, how much is the loan?"

"300 million!"

"Director Niu, you have to help me, I need at least 500 million!"

"This can't be done, because the 300 million interest-free for three years has to be negotiated by the city government, the city enterprise bureau, and the city finance bureau."

Hearing this, Chen Bing said: "Director Niu, can you see if this works, 300 million interest-free for three years, 200 million I can pay interest normally!"

Director Niu nodded slightly after hearing this: "It's feasible. Since the loan is in the Agricultural Bank of China this time, I will say hello to the Agricultural Bank on behalf of the China Merchants Office, and I will give you an extra 200 million!"

"Director Niu, when will the silk factory transfer procedures be completed!"

"It can be done this afternoon, but before the transfer, the 100 million has to be paid!"

"Thank you, thank you!" Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"You're welcome, we are all friends!"

"Hehehe, Director Niu, there will be many opportunities to deal with you in the future, I hope you can help me a lot!"

"Sure, sure!"

Chen Bing and Qi Dongguo jumped up for joy when they left the Investment Promotion Office.

"Mr. Chen, you are too powerful, so this is it?"

"Yeah, that's it!"

"Manager Qi, our factory is called Jiahe Bicycle Factory, and the brand of the car is also called Jiahe Bicycle. You register the company for us immediately, and then, put down 500 million as much as possible!"


Chen Bing now has a card with 100 million on it.

If the 100 million was used to buy a silk factory, he would be penniless.

Chen Bing took out his mobile phone and called Zhang Jie.

"Manager Zhang, how is the factory's funds recently?" Chen Bing asked.

"Mr. Chen, the business is booming recently. Yesterday, the sales reached more than 30 yuan!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Well, call me 200 million first, and I'll call you the money in two days!"

Zhang Jie said: "Okay, Mr. Chen, may I ask, your 200 million?"

"Don't ask, don't tell anyone!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

"Just hit this card on me!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Bing signed the contract at the Investment Promotion Office, and then went to the bank to transfer money to the account designated by the Investment Promotion Office. When Chen Bing went out to transfer money, his card already had 300 million yuan!

Zhang Jie is really good, and she does things very neatly.

Chen Bing is someone who has experienced it. He knows, he knows, as long as he has the finances and personnel in his hands, no one will be able to turn a company around!
After signing the contract and completing the registration, Chen Bing brought his gang of arrogant soldiers to the silk factory.

Open the door, weeds are overgrown inside, and when we go upstairs, there is nothing but dust in the building!

They went to the staff dormitory again, and grandma's was also available.

Chen Bing transferred from the dormitory to the workshop, grandma's, the workshop is empty, maybe the assembly line has been moved or sold!
Anyway, they don't need the assembly line of the silk factory to make bicycles, and it doesn't matter if they don't have it, it saves space.

"Wen He!"

Wen He hurried over.

"I'll give you a mission to recruit a group of migrant workers to clean up the sanitation of the factory!"

"Yes!" Wen He agreed and turned to leave!

"Zhao Gao!"

"Mr. Chen!"

"Now appoint you as the manager of the logistics department, and immediately prepare electricity, water, and logistics related work!"

Zhao Gao opened his mouth in surprise after hearing this, and was speechless for a long time.

"I'm deaf, why don't you talk? Are you unwilling to do it? If you don't want to do it, then let Qin Huan do it!"

After hearing this, Zhao Gao hurriedly said: "Mr. Chen, I am willing to do it, I am willing to do it, thank you Mr. Chen!"

It was Qin Huan and Liu Mei's turn, and they stared at Chen Bing!

"Let's arrange the work of the two of you, and assist Zhao Gao first!"

The two were downcast after hearing this.

Grandma, if Wen He was allowed to be the manager of the logistics department, they would have no complaints, whoever made Wen He their boss, but this Chen Bing, instead of letting Wen He be the manager, let Zhao Gao be the one!
Why didn't Chen Bing let Wen He and Qin Huan be the managers of the logistics department, but Zhao Gao instead?

After observing this period of time, he found that among these few people, Zhao Gao was the most diligent and careful. The affairs of the logistics department were intricate and trivial. Without a careful and diligent person, it would be impossible, so he chose Zhao Gao was appointed.

As for the other few people, there will definitely be arrangements, but, at present, he doesn't know their personalities, so postpone the arrangement!

(End of this chapter)

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