Chapter 324
One month later, that is, on November 1989, 11, Jiahe's first bicycle was released from the factory!

When Chen Bing saw the bicycle, his mouth was so happy that he couldn't close it for a long time!

Zhou Dahai, the manager of the production department, walked up to Chen Bing: "Brother Bing, how are you doing? Would you like to try our bicycle?"

The general manager Qi Dongguo also came over and said, "Mr. Chen, try it!" '

They asked Chen Bing to try the bicycle, and asked Chen Bing to ride it around. However, Chen Bing picked up the bicycle and lifted it up, as if lifting weights.

In addition to the bicycles produced by Jiahe, he also cited the bicycles of Flying Pigeon and Fenghuang.

The brow frowned into a pimple.

Zhou Dahai saw that something was wrong, Chen Bing was dissatisfied with the bicycle.

"Brother Bing, what's wrong with you?"

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "It's light!"

"What? Light?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "It's light!"

"Bingge, I don't know what you mean?"

Everyone in the factory knew that Zhou Dahai was Chen Bing's younger brother.

“Not enough bike weight!”

Zhou Dahai was immediately stunned.

Qi Dongguo was also confused: "Mr. Chen, can you tell me more about it?"

Chen Bing said: "Let me ask you, where is the main city of our bicycle?"


"Where is our main bicycle crowd?"


After hearing this, Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Yes, it's the north, it's the countryside, and what is the first concept that the rural people in the north have about the quality of bicycles?"

Qi Dongguo seemed to understand a bit: "Mr. Chen, you said weight!"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "They can't see anything else. In their consciousness, heavy things don't cut corners, and light things are easy to break. Isn't that the truth!"

After Chen Bing said, Qi Dongguo nodded solemnly: "Mr. Chen, that's the reason!"

"You think I'm right!"


"Then how to solve it!"

"Mr. Chen, the tripods of all cars are hollow. If you want to increase the weight, we can make this tripod solid!"

"Then let me ask you, how much more expensive is the solid than the hollow?"

Qi Dongguo said: "Mr. Chen, it's better if it's not too expensive. To put it bluntly, a solid core is just a steel bar, and a hollow core has many processes. Sometimes, the hollow core is more expensive than the solid core!"

"Then use your heart!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

"Try riding again!"

Chen Bing rode around and nodded slightly: "It feels pretty good, try to save as much effort as possible, but the bicycles in the countryside are not only used by bicycle riders, but also by horses. They usually hunch some things, so we must Strong, must last!"

"Understood, Mr. Chen!"

"Okay, let's make another one. After it's done, if it's okay, we can mass-produce it!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

Qi Dongguo now admires Chen Bing's five bodies, how can this person understand everything.

"Okay, get busy!"

At this time, Qi Dongguo came over and said, "Mr. Chen, there is bad news!"

"What bad news!"

"We also opened a bicycle factory in Lingxi!"

"What, when did this happen?" Chen Bing asked anxiously.

"Just two days ago!"

"Why did you tell me now!"

"You didn't even ask!"

Chen Bing frowned slightly.


"Over there in the industrial park!"

"Grandma, this is clearly stealing our business!"

"Yes, what's the situation with them!"

"I heard that this person has a lot of background!" Qi Dongguo said.

"There is a lot of background? What is the background, do you know?"

After Chen Bing asked, Qi Dongguo shook his head: "Mr. Chen, anyway, I heard that this man is very powerful. I heard that his bicycles will not only occupy the domestic market, but also export them, mainly to Asia and Africa!"

Chen Bing turned to Xue Qingguo who was beside him and said, "Check this person out for me!"

"Okay Mr. Chen!"

Grandma's, really join in the fun!

Chen Bing knows that the current market will become more and more lively, especially after 2000, there is no blank market for pure manufacturing, and there is only competition. For example, if there is a piece of steamed bun, two people compete. You are defeated by him, and you are hungry.

If you are hungry for one meal, you can be hungry for two meals, and you can be hungry for three meals. However, if you are hungry all the time, the company will go bankrupt and you will withdraw from the stage of history.

Chen Bing knew that since the other party built a factory in Lingxi, he must have the same opinion as himself and valued the northern market.

Therefore, now we must speed up and quickly occupy the market. If the other party takes the lead, it will be difficult to seize the market from the other party!

"Manager Qi!"

"Mr. Chen!"

"Speed ​​up immediately, get the bike out for me, if possible, mass-produce it immediately, and then put it on the market!"

Qi Dongguo came from a sales background. Seeing Chen Bing like this, he knew that Chen Bing made his decision after listening to his own words.

"Mr. Chen, is this factory really so powerful?"

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "I don't know, but we have already built a factory, and they can follow us to build a factory, which means that this boss is very confident. Who is confident? People with ability and ability are very confident! "

Qi Dongguo felt that Chen Bing was right.

"So, we have to get there first!"

"Mr. Chen, I must speed up!"

"Okay, when you speed up, the quality is better, how to reflect the quality, for a bicycle, the quality is the weight!"

"Okay, Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing took a deep breath of relief after finishing the arrangements.

In the evening, Xue Qingguo came back and found Chen Bing: "President Chen, I found out!"

"What's the situation with the other party!"

"The other party's name is Wang Wei. He is 30 years old this year. He worked as the vice president of Phoenix Bicycle for a period of time. For some unknown reason, he resigned suddenly a while ago and came to Lingxi to start a bicycle factory!"

"Oh? It came from the Phoenix Bicycle Factory?

"Yes, I heard that this person is very capable and good at recruiting resources, and he has a high reputation in the bicycle industry!"

It seems that I guessed well, what a hard guy!

there is always a solution to a problem!

Chen Bing really wanted to touch this opponent!
"Have you cleared up other details?" Chen Bing asked.

"No Mr. Chen!"

"He has no home!"

"I have a family. I heard that I have a wife and children, but the wife and children are not in the country right now!"

It's ruthless!

"Where is he now?" Chen Bing asked.


"When will their factory's products come out!"

"20 days later!"

After hearing this, Chen Bing frowned slightly, the other party's products came out almost at the same time as his own factory's products!
It seems that we have to speed up!

(End of this chapter)

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