Chapter 42
After hearing this, Huang Youwei quickly nodded and agreed: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, that factory is now a hot potato for Yangqing City. You have to throw it out quickly, otherwise, there will be problems."

"Hehehe, then I don't worry. You know that the funds in my hand now are more than 60 yuan earned by Scorpion. No matter how much more, I really don't have any. So, you have to ask your classmate to help , let me take down the factory, but there is one thing, my identity is absolutely not allowed to be revealed."

After hearing this, Huang Youwei nodded again: "Mr. Chen, I understand."

"In our province, there are no more than three people who know my identity, and you are one of them. I don't want them to use me as a banner because of this."

"Mr. Chen, I understand." Huang Youwei nodded again.

Chen Bing didn't know how much this factory would cost, but he was sure that Huang Youwei's classmates could help.

What should I do if I don't have enough money? It seems that I can only use deception. Since I can gain Huang Youwei's trust by deception, I can also gain other trusts by deception.

Besides, from the conversation with Huang Youwei, Chen Bing learned that the city government is very passive because of the canned food. At this time, when he proposes to buy Jiahe cannery, the city government can't afford a big subsidy.

Hehehe, the more Chen Bing thought about it, the more excited he became.

Because Chen Bing was in a hurry, the next morning, Chen Bing and Huang Youwei set foot on the road to Yangqing.

When they arrived in Yangqing, Huang Youwei contacted Wei Dong.

In the private room of Senhai Hotel.

A chubby man in his 40s, with trousers and a denim shirt tucked into his trousers, walked in led by Huang Youwei.

Chen Bing knew that this person must be Wei Dong.

Along the way, Huang Youwei praised Chen Bing wildly, how rich, talented, and powerful he was, but what Wei Dong didn't expect was that Chen Bing was so young.

Wei Dong can serve as a cadre, and he is not an ordinary person. He is very good at observing words and deeds.

When he just came in, he saw Chen Bing was young, and felt cheated. However, seeing Huang Youwei's attitude towards Chen Bing, he thought that Chen Bing was a character and a powerful person. Otherwise, how could Huang Youwei treat him like that?

Who is Huang Youwei? That is the boss of Lingxi Chinese Herbal Medicine Company. However, this kind of person's attitude towards a young man in his 20s can be seen from this, this person is not ordinary, this person is not an ordinary person.

"Hehehe, Mr. Huang, is this Mr. Chen you mentioned?"

Now that he was sure that the other party was good, Wei Dong immediately showed his exquisite character to the fullest.

"I'm Chen Bing."

"Mr. Chen, I heard from Mr. Huang that you are young, promising and powerful. We in Yangqing need an entrepreneur like you to save us from danger." Wei Dong held Chen Bing's hands tightly.

"I heard that you and Huang are always old classmates?" Chen Bing asked with a smile.

"Yes, yes, my old classmate of ten years, our junior high school, high school, and university are all in the same school, hehehe, but it's far away now."

When Wei Dong said this, he continued to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, sit down quickly."

Chen Bing didn't give in, and sat directly at the main seat, which further showed his status, at least much more noble than Huang Youwei.

On the way here, Wei Dong kept asking Huang Youwei who Chen Bing was?
Huang Youwei smiled and didn't answer, just said: "Helping him is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for you."

Next, I ordered two bottles of Moutai.

After a few glasses of wine, they were not as restrained as they were at the beginning.

"Brother, hehehe, I, Chen Bing, have a problem. As long as we can talk to each other, we treat them as brothers. I don't hide it. I came to you today for one thing, and that is Jiahe Cannery. "

"Mr. Chen, since you speak so openly, I won't hide it. There is a problem with Jiahe Cannery."

Chen Bing said, "What's the problem?"

"Zhang Boqing, the boss of Yehai Canned Food Factory, is eyeing him. He has been jumping up and down recently, preparing to acquire Jiahe Canned Food Factory."

"and after?"

"Yang Xian disagrees. Mr. Chen, Yang Xian is the wife of Wang Longhu, the owner of Jiahe Cannery Factory. She has always suspected that Wang Longhu's accidental death has a major relationship with Zhang Boqing. Therefore, even if the cannery factory is rotten, she will not let Zhang Boqing succeed. , it’s just that the city government has to pay attention to the problem of feeding hundreds of people, and now, the city government is working hard to do Yang Xian’s work.”

"So the negotiation is almost over?" This is the most anxious topic of Chen Bing. If the negotiation is really completed, it will be very difficult for him to snatch the cannery from Zhang Boqing. It can be said that he has not.

"Not yet, it's just that the city government is talking to Yang Xian, hoping to solve this problem through additional compensation."

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"Mr. Chen, apart from this problem, the factory is now twisted into several strands, and the relationship is complicated. It is really difficult to deal with. I hope that Yehai Cannery will take over the factory. I have been to several companies, and they were all taken away by them.”

Chen Bing nodded again: "Don't worry about that, just say, how much will it cost to win this factory?"

"At least 100!"

After Chen Bing heard this, he frowned slightly. It seemed that he was almost there.

Chen Bing picked up the wine bottle and poured two glasses of wine: "This matter will trouble you."

Wei Dong quickly picked up the wine glass with a smile, touched the bottom of Chen Bing's glass lightly, then raised his head and drank it down.

After Wei Dong and Chen Bing parted ways, there was no time to rest, so they rushed to report to the city.

The result of the report greatly praised Wei Dong.

"Solve this matter well, and I will reward you heavily. Look, those workers haven't left yet, and they are all worried about me. You can do it right away. If the other party needs any conditions, agree to it, and report to me if you can't. After that, we will study it as soon as possible and give a solution as soon as possible.”

Wei Dong seemed to hold Shang Fang's sword in his arms, and left happily.

There are no secrets in this world.

The news that Chen Bing wanted to buy Jiahe Cannery had already been rumored.

Wei Dong has been busy with this matter for the past two days. He has already contacted Yang Xian, and Yang Xian also agreed that as long as it is not for Ye Hai Cannery, anyone can buy it.

Wei Dong also told Chen Bing the good news immediately.

Chen Bing was very excited. From this point of view, there will be no big problems in the future.

Jiahe Cannery also got the news, and the deserted cannery became lively in an instant, and this originally desolate place became lively in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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