Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 43 1 Slap

Chapter 43 A slap in the face
At ten o'clock in the morning, under the auspices of Wei Dong, a brief meeting was held.

The main participants in the meeting were: Yang Xian, the wife of Wang Longhu, the boss of Jiahe Cannery, Wei Dong, the head of the Yangqing City Enterprise Department, Zhu He, the vice president of Jiahe Cannery, and several worker representatives of Jiahe Cannery.

When Wei Dong introduced Yang Xian, Chen Bing took the initiative to shake hands: "Mr. Yang, my condolences are changing. Jiahe Cannery was founded by Mr. Wang. Now Mr. Wang passed away and the factory is facing bankruptcy. The employees are leaderless and their life is miserable. I think Mr. Wang must feel uncomfortable seeing the Jiahe Cannery he once founded in Tianzhiling. You will definitely blame yourself."

When Chen Bing said this, two lines of clear tears flowed from Yang Xian's eyes.

"Mr. Chen, I'm just a woman with no skills. If I have skills, I will inherit his will, raise the banner of Jiahe, and continue to rush forward." Yang Xian shook her head helplessly when she said this: "Mr. Chen, after Jiahe Cannery was acquired, I hope you treat the old people well. They are not easy."

Chen Bing shook Yang Xian's hand again: "Boss Yang, don't worry, I will definitely."

"This is Zhu He, vice president of Jiahe Cannery!" Wei Dong pointed to a man sitting beside him.

Ever since this man came in, Chen Bing had been staring at him. The other representatives were very happy when they heard that the factory was going to be acquired. They had tears in their eyes, especially when Yang Xian said that after the factory was acquired, they would have to take care of the elderly. However, this Zhu He always stared at Chen Bing with hostility flashing from head to toe.

Chen Bing has been in the mall for so many years, and from Zhu He's every move, he can see that this person is definitely not in the same heart as Wang Longhu. If his guess is right, he will bring difficulties to him in purchasing the factory.

Chen Bing took two steps forward, stretched out his hand and said, "Hello."

"Hello, Mr. Chen."

Then Chen Bing shook hands with several representatives.

Seeing that Chen Bing had finished shaking hands with several people, Wei Dong lowered his hand and motioned for everyone to sit down.

"Everyone, our Jiahe canned food factory was established in 1981. Under the leadership of Mr. Wang Longhu, the factory has made an uneven road and made a lot of contributions to the employment and taxation of our Yangqing City. What a shame, God is jealous Yingcai, last year, Mr. Wang passed away unexpectedly, Mr. Wang passed away, and the cannery left by Mr. Wang is also facing bankruptcy due to Mr. Wang's death, and is undergoing asset liquidation."

When Wei Dong said this, he cleared his throat and took a sip of water.

"As you know, our Jiahe canned food factory covers an area of ​​more than 100 acres and has more than 350 employees. The factory is now facing closure, and these workers are facing unemployment. This is disastrous for each of their families. Therefore, our city The commission and the city government must solve this problem as soon as possible. At this time, our young Mr. Chen appeared in front of us. After hearing this touching story of the cannery, our Mr. Chen immediately decided to lead our Jiahe canned The factory will get out of the predicament and go to glory."

After Wei Dong said, there was sparse applause in the conference room.

At this moment, Zhu He, who was sitting beside him without saying a word, suddenly said, "Wait a minute!"

He stood up.

Wei Dong's speech was suddenly interrupted, his face flushed with embarrassment: "What do you want to say?"

Zhu He seemed to have seen the world, and said: "Director Wei, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you for a few minutes."

"Everyone, Mr. Wang brought us out of our canning factory. Now that Mr. Wang has passed away, the factory has fallen into disrepair. Are we going to give the factory to others like this?"

Wei Dong's face turned from crimson to livid.

Chen Bing didn't speak from the beginning to the end, he stared at this man's performance carefully.

"Then what do you mean?" Wei Dong asked.

"He is such a young doll, the hair on his mouth has not been shaved, can he lead our Jiahe canned factory to glory? Dreaming, I still say that, I don't agree with our Jiahe canned factory being acquired, and we want to acquire it , must also be acquired by Zhang Boqing. Why did I say that it should be acquired by Zhang Boqing? The main reason is that Zhang Boqing makes canned food, and Ye Hai’s canned food is very popular under the leadership of Zhang Boqing. I believe that under the leadership of Zhang Boqing, we will also cooperate with Ye Hai’s canned food. Just as hot."

Before Zhu He finished speaking, Yang Xian stood up suddenly: "No, no matter what, the cannery cannot be bought by Zhang Boqing. I suspect that Longhu was killed by Zhang Boqing."

"Do you have evidence?" Zhu He asked.

"I'll find evidence!"

"Hehehe, if you say that you have no evidence, then you can't say that it was Zhang Boqing's fault. If you talk nonsense without evidence, be careful that you will be sued."

At this time, Yang Xian was trembling all over, her lips were purple, and her fists were clenched tightly, as if she was extremely angry.

Suddenly, she waved her fists and ran towards Zhu He: "I'll kill you ungrateful thing!"

Seeing Yang Xian running towards him, Zhu He kicked Yang Xian in the chest, causing Yang Xian to fall down.

Chen Bing rushed over, supported Yang Xian, and let Yang Xian sit on the ground steadily: "Don't worry, talk slowly when you have something to say, if you get angry, you will let the bad guys go free. I tell you, I am determined to win the Jiahe Cannery Factory." , no one can stop it, so don't worry!"

Chen Bing stood up quickly, staring at Zhu He viciously.

"What are you looking at me for?" Zhu He felt a little terrified of being stared at by Chen Bing.

"I see you? I think Mr. Wang was killed by you!"

"You, you, what are you talking about? I will sue you for defamation!" Zhu He was a little anxious.

Chen Bing quickly walked up to Zhu He: "Sue me for slander, you go and sue, I ask you, when the cannery was first established, did Wang Longhu invite you to enter the cannery?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

"Didn't your vice president be appointed by him?"


Zhu He was not as arrogant as before.

"You answered very well!" He slapped his face across the face.

No one expected that Chen Bing would suddenly hit Zhu He.

Zhu He was short in stature, he was no match for Chen Bing anyway.

"You dare to hit me? Come, hit me!"

Zhu He turned his attention to those representatives.

Chen Bing shouted: "Who dares to do it!"

Those representatives saw that Chen Bing was extraordinary, besides, at this time, Chen Bing was going to buy the factory, how dare they beat the future factory director.

Chen Bing walked up to Zhu He again: "Mr. Zhu, do you know why I hit you?"

"I will not let you go, and Yehai Cannery will not let you go."

"Hehehe, since you don't answer, I'll tell you, because you are a bastard, a bastard who has no manners, justice and shame, and doesn't know how to repay you. Who is the king, and the king is always your benefactor. You founded Jiahe Cannery, gave you the vice president, and made you the second in command of the cannery, otherwise, with your ugly appearance, you would be nothing now!"

"You, you, you..." Zhu He almost fainted from Chen Bing's anger.

(End of this chapter)

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