Chapter 44
"Mr. Wang passed away unexpectedly. Mr. Wang's wife, Yang Xian, said that Mr. Wang's accidental death is suspicious. As your former boss, who brought you glory, you should cooperate with Yang Xian at this time to find out the truth of Mr. Wang's death and lead the canned The factory is going to glory, give an explanation to Mr. Wang, and give an explanation to all the employees. At this time, you, out of selfish interests, disregarding etiquette, justice, and shame, are begging for mercy from Jiahe's opponent, Yehai Canned Food Factory. Do you think that a person like you is still a human being? Is such a person worthy of being a human being!" Chen Bing scolded angrily.

"you you you"

"What's more, you actually beat Mr. Wang's wife, Yang Xian. If Mr. Wang has a spirit in the underground, he will turn into a ghost and strangle you to death!"

Chen Bing said again: "Also, these things you have done are worthy of being barked here, you are really shameless!"

After Chen Bing scolded, Zhu He rolled his eyes and passed out.

Several representatives were frightened, and hurriedly pinched Zhu Heren, until he bled from the pinch, and he woke up slowly.

Seeing this, Wei Dong shouted outside: "Hurry up and take him to the hospital."

Zhu He was rushed to the hospital quickly.

Zhu He was taken to the hospital, and several worker representatives tried to escape.

Chen Bing smiled and said, "Everyone, what are you going to do?"

Those few representatives saw Chen Bing's thunderous tactics, they were honest and smart people, they had already seen the situation clearly, Zhu He was not Chen Bing's opponent.

One is that Yang Xian, as the heir, agreed to the factory being acquired by Chen Bing, which is reasonable and legal.

The second is that Chen Bing has Wei Dong's support. This discerning person can see that Wei Dong represents the city.committee and city.government.

The third is that Chen Bing has an extraordinary temperament. At first glance, he is a person who does great things.

Fourth, they are all old employees of Jiahe Canned Food Factory. When Wang Longhu was there, he led Jiahe Canned Food Factory and Yehai Canned Food Factory to fight fiercely, and finally lost. They hated Yehai Canned Food Factory including Zhang Boqing I hate it, throwing away benefits, they have feelings for Jiahe Cannery who have been there for many years

They hope that the factory will be good, and that the Jiahe Cannery brand will be preserved.

Wei Dong walked up to Chen Bing with a smile on his face, as if Zhu He's hospitalization was just a small episode of theirs.

"Mr. Chen, you not only have an extraordinary temperament, but you also have the ability to fight with other heroes. Tomorrow, it will be reported in our Yangqing City that Mr. Chen of Jiahe Cannery Factory is stunned by Zhu He, the vice president. Hehehe, you are comparable to Zhuge Liang." .”

Chen Bing waved his hand: "It's a joke."

Chen Bing walked up to Yang Xian: "Boss Yang, if possible, we can sign the contract today."

Yang Xian nodded slightly: "Mr. Chen, where are the workers?"

"Isn't the worker's representative here?"

Chen Bing stared at them.

"Okay, Mr. Chen." Yang Xian stared at the worker representatives and said.

Next, Yang Xian called the people in the factory to bring relevant information.

During this period of time, Chen Bing has been wandering around the gate of Jiahe Canned Food Factory. In his previous life, Chen Bing knew about this factory, and now he understands it very clearly.

Yang Xian raised some conditions, and Chen Bing agreed.

For him, as long as he can buy the cannery, he will agree to it.

During the conversation, Chen Bing learned that in 1986, in order to stimulate the enthusiasm of the employees, Wang Longhu diluted [-]% of the shares to the employees. The representatives who are here today represent the workers.

With Wei Dong's help, things went smoothly.

At 1:2 p.m., the two parties signed an agreement of intent, which roughly included: 3. Chen Bing promised that all operating taxes and fees and loans incurred by Jiahe Cannery since its operation would be paid by Chen Bing. [-]. If the old employees of Yuanjiahe Cannery Factory had no intention of resigning voluntarily, Chen Bing could not make them resign maliciously. [-]. Chen Bing agreed to Yang Xian's request to let Yang Xian come to work in the factory and own [-]% of the factory's shares.
The contract was signed in one day.

Zhang Boqing miscalculated, he never dreamed that a vice president who grew up with Wang Longhu would be stunned by Chen Bing
But it's too late now, the contract has already been signed.

After signing the contract, Chen Bing breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, congratulations!" Wei Dong laughed.

"Thank you Wei Chu. As I said, I want to thank you. When I finish planning this, I will give you a big gift."

After Wei Dong heard this, he quickly waved his hands: "Mr. Chen, I don't dare to be a big gift. My purpose is to serve the people!"

"Hehehe, 'serve the people well', I make canned food, but also 'serve the people', our purpose is the same!"

Hehehe, everyone present laughed.

Chen Bing pulled Wei Dong aside: "Now there is another problem. The employees own nearly 150% of the shares. Let me tell you, I'm struggling right now! I just checked the company's ledger, hehe Hehe, the debt is more than 100 million, I thought at first, [-] million can be won, but now it seems that it can't be done, so I need your help."

"Mr. Chen, if you need anything, just ask."

"Let's go, eat first, let's talk after eating." Chen Bing turned his head to Yang Xian and said, "President Yang, go with a few representatives, let's celebrate."

Those representatives were not fools. Now that Chen Bing had signed the contract, he was the new boss of Jiahe Cannery. They had completely forgotten about Zhu He at this time.

After eating, Chen Bing said to Yang Xian and several representatives: "Tomorrow, I will enter the factory on time, and you immediately go back and inform the workers at home and the workers sitting in front of the city committee and the city government, and tell them that the factory will be closed. If you want to go to work, come here tomorrow, if you don’t come, then don’t come, and tell them to come tomorrow to pay wages.”

After they left, Chen Bing shook Wei Dong's hand: "Wei Chu, I have helped the city so much, should the city take care of me accordingly?"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Wei Dong laughed twice: "Hehehe, Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will definitely give you the care that should be given according to the policy. Even if I can't give it, I will report it and try my best. Fight for you."

"Okay, enough friends. Mr. Huang said you are enough friends. After meeting, I didn't feel it. Today, I really feel it. In this way, I have two conditions. One, a subsidized loan of 200 million, and tax exemption for two or three years."

After Chen Bing said, Wei Dong opened his mouth wide: "Mr. Chen, I can't make the decision!"

"Hehehe, if you can't be the master, then I will personally go to the head of your city committee to see if he can be the master."

After Chen Bing spoke, Wei Dong showed a look of embarrassment.

Although Huang Youwei didn't tell Wei Dongming about Chen Bing's identity, he could guess who Wei Dong was.

If Chen Bing really went to the city committee, then his hard work these past few days would be in vain. He thought about it, since the city committee entrusted this matter to him, he would do it himself.

"Mr. Chen, wait for my reply."

Seeing that Wei Dong agreed, Chen Bing laughed and said, "Okay, what about the bank?"

"Don't worry about the bank. Before your acquisition, Secretary Gao has already connected with President Liu of the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. If there is a company to take over, the city. The committee and the city. The government can guarantee 100 million yuan for the company."

 Ask for a ticket, I'm going to recommend it, give me a ticket, thank you guys.


(End of this chapter)

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