Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 45 There Are Problems Even After Signing the Contract

Chapter 45 There Are Problems Even After Signing the Contract
Chen Bing laughed out loud after hearing this: "Really? But I want 200 million yuan."

"Mr. Chen, 100 million, three years without interest!"

Chen Bing held Wei Dong's hand: "Thank you Wei Chu, I will definitely thank you again someday."

Chen Bing thought of the problem in a simple way, and he also underestimated the abilities of Zhu He and Zhang Boqing.

Can Zhu He and Zhang Boqing watch as Jiahe and Chen Bing, a huge canning factory, can get it at their fingertips?

Totally impossible.

In the evening, Phoenix Ballroom.

Zhu He drank wine with a man in his 40s.

The man has a dark complexion, a crew cut, and is more than 1.7 meters tall. This man is Zhang Boqing, the boss of Yehai Cannery Factory.

Two beauties sit on both sides of the Zhu River.

"Hehehe, Mr. Zhu, I'm shocked."

With viciousness flashing in Zhu He's eyes, he picked up a glass of white wine and poured it into his stomach: "Damn it, I didn't expect that kid's mouth to be so powerful, it nearly pissed me off!"

"Hehehehe, what kind of ability and strength can a child who is just a child have, even if he has the ability and strength, he can't accept scorpions!"

After hearing this, Zhu He had a look of disbelief: "What did you say, he is a scorpion collector?"

"Hehehe, what kind of god do you think he is?"

Zhang Boqing took out a cigarette and lit it on his own.

"Looking at his demeanor, I thought he was the son of an official. He turned out to be a scorpion collector. Damn it!" Zhu He drank the wine in his glass: "Damn it, I'll kill him!"

After Zhu He finished speaking, he was about to leave.

"Calm down, Mr. Zhu, I've already got the news before looking for you. Just a few hours after you fainted, Yang Xian had already signed a contract with him. Now it can be said that Jiahe Cannery belongs to him."

Zhu He was incomparably surprised when he heard this: "What did you say, how is it possible? Besides, it won't work if Yang Xian signed it, and he still needs to get the consent of the workers' representatives."

Zhang Boqing remained unhurried: "The few worker representatives you brought also signed on behalf of the workers, so this factory now completely belongs to them."

"Impossible! They are my confidants."

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he pressed the cigarette butt into the ashtray: "There is nothing impossible in this world. As long as you have interests, you can betray in minutes, not to mention your so-called cronies, the last thing you should do today is to faint , you faint, and your future is over."

Zhu He shivered tremblingly: "Mr. Zhang, you don't care about me anymore. You said that if I get the cannery for you, I can be the vice president of Yehai Cannery. You will give me back 20.00% shares."

"Hehehe, Mr. Zhu, I said it, it's really what I said, but you didn't get it, and now the cannery has been taken away by the boy surnamed Chen, you say, you can still be the manager of Yehai Cannery Vice President?"

After hearing this, Zhu He opened his eyes like a bull's eye: "Mr. Zhang, you can't do this. If you abandon me, then I really have nothing."

Seeing Zhu He's appearance, Zhang Boqing laughed and said, "Your only chance is to help me get the cannery here. If I get it, I will promise you the conditions, and I will definitely fulfill it."

At this moment, a beautiful girl walked up to Zhang Boqing and said in a coquettish voice, "Mr. Zhang, let's have a dance!"

Zhang Boqing stood up, smiled slightly at the girl, and said to Zhu He, "Mr. Zhu, this is your last chance, so hurry up!"

Zhang Boqing and the girl stepped onto the dance floor.

After breakfast the next day, Chen Bing, Wei Dong and Yang Xian took Wei Dong's bus and headed for Jiahe Cannery.

During the recent period, Chen Bing has wandered around the gate of Jiahe Cannery many times, and he is very familiar with this place.

In less than half an hour, Chen Bing saw a few big rusty characters of Jiahe Cannery Factory, from which we can see the former glory of Jiahe Cannery Factory.

Chen Bing turned his head and glanced at Yang Xian, she had a sad expression on her face.

"Mr. Yang, this factory was brought down by Mr. Wang's hard work. Don't worry, I will definitely bring the factory back to life."

Yang Xian bit her lip and nodded slightly: "Thank you Mr. Chen, as long as the murderer doesn't rob the factory, I will be satisfied."

During this period of time, Zhang Boqing was very crazy. Yang Xian saw that the factory could not be kept, but unexpectedly, Chen Bing appeared halfway.

"Do not worry."

"Mr. Yang, I have always had a question. You said that Wang was always killed by others. Do you have any evidence?"

Yang Xian shook her head slightly: "I don't have evidence, but I know that Zhu He and Zhang Boqing killed him. I will definitely find evidence and avenge my husband."

This is someone else's family matter, and it is inconvenient for Chen Bing to get involved too much, but one thing is certain, if he takes over the Jiahe Cannery, he will inevitably compete with the Yehai Cannery. Come, I and Yang Xian's goals will be the same.

Shopping malls are like battlefields, if Zhang Boqing really kills Wang Longhu for Jiahe Cannery, then he will come a second time.
Chen Bing frowned slightly. It seemed that the battle between himself and Zhang Boqing was a life-and-death battle.

"Mr. Chen, when we arrive at the factory in a while, you have to be careful. Two months ago, a boss in Haicheng wanted to take over the canning factory. When we brought him in, we were beaten by workers."

"Or was Zhu He instigated?"

Wei Dong smiled slightly, but did not answer. Chen Bing could tell from Wei Dong's expression that it was Zhu He who instructed him.

It can be seen from this that Yang Xian basically lost control of the factory.

"Don't worry, I am Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death. Others will run away when they are beaten, but I won't."

When they arrived at the cannery, the three got out of the car.

Chen Bing was coming to the cannery today, and the news spread last night. At this time, workers in blue overalls were standing at the gate of the factory, and some were holding shovels and heads.

Chen Bing watched from the crowd, looking for Zhu He and the workers' representatives.

For Chen Bing, he has already signed the contract and is now the legal person of the factory, but he knows that this will not work. If these workers do not recognize him, he will have to be kicked out.

Even calling the police doesn't work, the law does not blame the public, besides, do you have the face to call the police, the boss of a company can't even control the workers, isn't that embarrassing himself?
At this moment, a young man in his 20s shouted: "Surround them!"

In an instant, Chen Bing, Wei Dong, and Yang Xian were completely surrounded.

These people held shovels and heads, and stared at them eagerly.

Wei Dong was scared. He was a public official. To be honest, he came here for work, so there was no need to work hard.

"Everyone listen to me, I am the municipal committee."

Before Wei Dong could finish his sentence, the guy punched Wei Dong in the face: "Fuck you, we worked hard to build a factory, and you sold it like this. Tell me, did he do you a favor!"

Wei Dongna suffered from this, and his mouth was covered in blood when he touched it: "I want to call the police!"

After Wei Donggang yelled, the guy smiled sinisterly: "Okay, you call, someone, call me!"

(End of this chapter)

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