Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 46 Failed

Chapter 46 Failed

Chen Bing raised his head and chest, and shouted: "Stop!"

At this time, Yang Xian quickly stood in front of Chen Bing, protecting Chen Bing: "Four Eyes, what are you doing?"

Yang Xian spoke, and the scene calmed down.

The four-eyed man saw Yang Xian and smiled slightly: "Mr. Yang, Mr. Wang passed away. As the heir, you inherited Jiahe Canned Food Factory. Since you inherited, Jiahe Canned Food Factory has been messed up by you, and old Liu has been killed. The machine has broken his leg, and he has been lying in bed for seven or eight months. The medical expenses are more than ten yuan a day, and no one cares about it. At this time, you want to sell the factory, put the money in your pocket, and eat hot and spicy food."

At this time, the crowd screamed.

"Losing money, losing money, we haven't paid wages for a year!"

"If you don't lose money, you can't leave."

At this time, another three or four young people rushed to the front, yelling that they would not be able to do without money.

Seeing the workers like this, Yang Xian could cry anxiously.

Chen Bing frowned slightly, and pulled Yang Xian behind him. Damn, hiding behind a woman, it doesn't sound good to hear it.

These people are clamoring to lose money, but it’s not like he won’t pay. Since he took over the company, he will bear all the bad debts and bad debts before. However, there is no such way of compensation. He believes that even if he takes out 100 million today, he will still have to be paid by these people. People robbed them all.

Those who take the lead in making troubles are not excluded. Even if I enter the factory today and sit in the position of the boss, I can't sit still.

Chen Bing shouted: "Zhu He, come out, since you want to make trouble, you have to come out, you come out, let's talk!"

That four-eyed man walked up to Chen Bing: "Your surname is Chen, right? I heard that you are very imposing. You pissed off our Vice President Zhu to death yesterday, and you are still in the hospital."

Looking at these crazy workers, Chen Bing knew that there would be no results to discuss today. It seemed that he had to retreat and find another way.

Chen Bing waved his hand towards Wei Dong, as if walking.

Wei Dong also wanted to leave a long time ago. Anyway, now that the contract is signed, whether Chen Bing can formally take over the company is his ability.

When he left the unit this morning, the crowd had already dispersed, and he even made a phone call himself just for this matter.

Several people walked slowly towards the car.

Chen Bing opened the car door with a bang, jumped into the car,

Wei Dong also jumped up.

Yang Xian was surrounded by people, Chen Bing knew that Yang Xian was fine staying here, after all, she was the heir of the factory and the wife of the former boss, these people would not do anything to her.


After Wei Dong said, the driver started the engine.

Chen Bing took a deep breath of relief.

However, at this moment, a young man was lying in front of the car and shouted: "If you have the ability, run over it!" '

The crowd went crazy at this point.

Chen Bing rolled down half of the window and shouted loudly: "Okay, I will run over, master, run over, if I run over to death, I will lose money, nothing more than tens of thousands of yuan, damn it!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he winked at the driver.

The driver honked the horn loudly and drove forward step by step.

The person lying in front of the car heard Chen Bing's words and watched the car move slowly. Grandma got up with a grunt and ran to the side.

The driver saw the person in front of the car run away, stepped on the accelerator, and the car left quickly.

In the car, Wei Dong gasped heavily: "What a bunch of troublemakers!"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Wei Chu, you can't say that, they are the workers of Wojiahe Cannery."

Wei Dong looked disdainful: "Mr. Chen, you got it so soon."

"That is, no matter how unfilial the child is, I can't deny it? I am the boss of Jiahe Cannery now. They are my workers, and I am their parent."

"But they don't recognize you as a parent."

Chen Bing laughed again and said, "Wei Chu, the nine sons of Longsheng are all different. In this way, after a while, you send someone to find Yang Xian. I need to understand the situation well. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle."

"it is good."

An hour later, in the private room of Wanhe Hotel, Chen Bing and Yang Xian were sitting face to face.

"Mr. Yang, I'm really sorry. I ran away in a hurry today and didn't catch you. Don't be surprised."

After hearing this, Yang Xian shook her head slightly: "Mr. Chen, I'm the one who's sorry for you. It was a normal handover, and you saw it."

"Hehehe, it's okay. It's reasonable that you can't control the accident in the factory. However, I took a general look at it yesterday. Most of the workers are very responsible. Only a few people rushed to the front to make trouble. If I guessed right, they Are they all Zhu He's minions?"

Chen Bing picked up the teacup and poured it for Yang Xian.

Yang Xian nodded slightly: "Mr. Chen, you are right, they are all Zhu He's cronies."

Chen Bing frowned slightly.

"The one called Four Eyes, he is Zhu He's nephew, he used to be a gangster in the society, and was finally brought into the factory by Zhu He and served as the captain of security. Since then, he has done all kinds of evil, bullying men and women, but Zhu He With the back of the river, there is no way."

Chen Bing took out a notebook and wrote slowly.

"There's also that short, fat, bear-like guy named Zhao Chun, who is also Zhu He's confidant."

"The guy with the glasses, named Wei Qiang, has been following Zhu He and is their brains. These people are Zhu He's right-hand men. These people are domineering in the factory. Ordinary people really can't do anything about it. My husband is here. When I was young, I could still calm them down, but now that my husband has passed away, there is nothing I can do."

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Listen to you, these people used to be gangsters?"

"Yes, I heard that they also have a number."

"It seems that we can only fight with an eye for an eye."

"Mr. Chen, you have to be careful, these people can do anything."

"Don't worry, Mr. Yang, if you come out to mess around, you are not easy to mess with. Since I, Chen Bing, dare to take over this factory, I am not afraid of them. Listen to what you said, if these bastards are not dealt with, I will basically not be able to enter the factory." It's possible."

Yang Xian nodded again: "You are right, Mr. Chen, in fact, these people have become Zhang Boqing's people. I got the news that Zhang Boqing promised Zhu He that if Zhu He could sell our cannery to him, he would let him Zhu He is the vice president of Yehai Canned Food Factory, for this matter, Zhu He tortured me a lot.

Mr. Chen, I suspected that Zhang Boqing and Zhu He were responsible for my husband's death, but I don't have any evidence. How can I give the factory my husband worked so hard to build to the murderer! "

When Yang Xian said this, tears flowed from her eyes again.

Chen Bing didn't want to talk about how Wang Longhu died, whether he was killed or died in an accident. This has nothing to do with him. He only has one goal now, which is to successfully take over the factory.

Chen Bing talked with Yang Xian for a long time and learned about the intricate relationship of the factory.

After Yang Xian left, Chen Bing immediately found Wei Dong. He wanted to ask Wei Dong, who is the boss of Yangqing City?
(End of this chapter)

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