Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 47 The money can make a ghost run the mill

Chapter 47 The money can make a ghost run the mill

"Brother Wolf? It turned out to be Brother Wolf." This surprised Chen Bing.

Didn't brother wolf fight with brother dog, and he disappeared because of brother dog? How could he be in Yangqing city.

What the hell.

Chen Bing knew Brother Lang, but he didn't know if Brother Lang recognized him or not.

Chen Bing knew Brother Lang when he was with Yang Haimin.

Grandma, I don't know if Yang Haimin and Brother Lang's horse are still in contact. If there is still contact, then we should separate as soon as possible, otherwise, it is no small matter for Brother Lang to know.

If it is serious, break the legs, if it is light, chop it up and throw it into the river to feed the bastard.

The Phoenix Ballroom was a well-known entertainment venue in Yangqing City in the 80s, and finally became a well-known entertainment venue for heaven, earth and earth.

There are many motorcycles parked at the entrance of the Phoenix Ballroom.

In the 80s, when cars were not very popular, motorcycles were a symbol of success in this era.

Chen Bing looked at the big gilt characters of "Phoenix Ballroom" and walked towards it.

There are two rows of front-dressed door greeters standing at the gate: "Welcome!"

The decoration inside is resplendent and magnificent. On the dance floor, men and women are dancing comfortably, and Chen Bing's heart is rippling with a dancer's tears.


A waiter carries a fruit plate.

In this era, it is rare for a man to be a waiter.

Chen Bing took out five yuan from his pocket and put it on a plate: "I'm not here to dance, I'm looking for Brother Lang."

"Brother Wolf?"

Chen Bing nodded slightly: "Excuse me, what are you looking for with Brother Lang, Brother Lang is very busy now!"

Chen Bing took out another five yuan from his pocket and threw it into the plate: "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, tell me, where is Brother Wolf?"

The waiter looked at Chen Bing: "Follow me!"

The male waiter led the way, and Chen Bing followed.

Chen Bing tidied up his clothes a little while walking.

A private room on the second floor.

The male waiter knocked lightly on the door.

"Come in."

"What's the matter?" A man stared at the male waiter and said viciously.

"Is someone looking for Brother Wolf?" The male waiter answered cautiously.

"No time, brother wolf is resting."

Several people are playing poker.

Chen Bing gave the waiter a gentle push, and he walked in.

Seeing Chen Bing barging in, the man frowned: "Who are you, get out!"

A giant dragon was engraved on his arm. Seeing Chen Bing's unkind expression, he lifted a dagger from the table.

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Find me the old wolf!"

Grandma's, at first called Brother Lang, when the other party brought up a knife, Chen Bing directly called his name Lao Lang.

"Who are you, kid? Come here to pull out the thorn, and see if I don't poke you, it's heartbreaking!"

That man was about to rush over. At this moment, Brother Wolf, who was lying on the sofa, yelled, "Hei Xiong, who is making such noise, let me rest!"

It seems that this guy is called Hei Xiong.

Brother Wolf sat up.

Chen Bing walked towards Brother Lang.

With a bald head and two scars on his face, one of the scars runs from the corner of his mouth to the base of his ears, and his eyes shoot out two sharp lights. He looks a little scary.

"who are you?"

Brother Wolf asked directly.

"Brother Wolf, this kid"

Before Hei Xiong finished speaking, Brother Wolf said directly: "Hei Xiong, shut your mouth."

Brother Wolf gave an order, and the black bear quickly shut its mouth.

"Brother Wolf, businessman."

"Oh? Talk to me about business!"

Chen Bing took out 1 yuan from his pocket and threw it on the table.

Brother Wolf looked at the 1 yuan, hehehe laughed and said, "Brother, you are open and bright, and your shots are extraordinary. Excuse me, where did you get rich?"

In 1988, 1 yuan was not a small number. Many places boasted about their wealth, and 1 yuan was also listed.

“Jiahe Cannery!”

Brother Lang frowned slightly after hearing this: "Jiahe Cannery? What do you do at Jiahe Cannery?"

"Chairman and General Manager."

Brother Wolf stood up involuntarily, and the four or five poker players also stood up.

"What are you going to do?"

"There are four eyes, Wei Qiang and Zhao Chun in the cannery, and they took care of them for me."

After hearing this, Brother Wolf had a smile on his face: "Hehehe, who is the person in charge? Hehe, Black Bear, the name Four Eyes is so familiar."

Hei Xiong hurriedly ran to Brother Wolf: "Brother Wolf, of course we are familiar, that Four Eyes followed us before, and finally followed the old dog."

After hearing this, Brother Wolf lightly slammed his fist on the table.

"For 1 yuan, you can only have an arm and a leg. If you want to die, you have to pay more."

Chen Bing shook his head slightly: "You don't need arms or legs, you want them to be afraid of me, what about the old wolf?"

After Chen Bing said, Hei Xiong hurriedly said: "Boy, you are the one who called the old wolf, brother wolf."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Tell you, in my eyes, Chen Bing, there is no such thing as brother!"

"Hehehehe, good, good, you are a character who dares to speak like this in front of my old wolf." Brother Wolf clapped his hands after hearing this.

"Now the Jiahe Cannery is mine. I will enter the factory tomorrow to perform duties. I don't want Four Eyes to cause trouble. If you agree, the 1 yuan will be yours. There will be new cooperation in the future. If you don't If you want, I'll find someone else."

Chen Bing put his hand on the money.

Brother Lang laughed twice, and took Chen Bing's hand away: "If the money is in my Brother Lang's hands, you can't take it away."

"So you agree!"

"I agree, how can I not agree to such a good deal," he turned his head to stare at Hei Xiong and said, "Hei Xiong, I leave this matter to you, and clear the obstacles in front of Mr. Chen."

"Okay, Brother Wolf." Hei Xiong hurriedly said.

"Old Wolf, I hope Four Eyes will show up tomorrow. Not only will they show up, but they will also show respect to me. Also, they will invite me to be the boss of Jiahe Cannery."

The old wolf stared at Chen Bing: "I still agree, don't worry, my old wolf will never be sloppy in handling things, and they will do whatever they are asked to do."

"Okay, have fun!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he turned to leave.

"Stop, I see why you look so familiar?"

"Really, Brother Lang is a big shot. In Ningzheng County, Brother Lang and I have met a few times."

"You follow the old dog!"

"No, Lao Lang, I, Chen Bing, don't know any old dogs, I only know Lao Lang! Remember, do things better!" Chen Bing turned and left after speaking.

Hei Xiong walked up to Brother Wolf: "Brother Wolf, this kid is too crazy, I'll teach him a lesson!" Hei Xiong turned around and was about to leave.

"Stop! How many catties and taels are you going to teach others?"

"That's how he treats you."

"He is a character, and we are mixed, but in the final analysis, we still have to rely on those rich people to live, so they are our parents for food and clothing, so we should not offend them. Let's do what he says, and do things beautifully! "

After breakfast the next day, Chen Bing found Wei Dong and Yang Xian again, saying that they would enter the factory today.

When Wei Dong heard this, he had a frown on his face: "Mr. Chen, I haven't got in touch yet. Let's go when I do, or something will happen."

He didn't need to die for Chen Bing. Although he knew that Chen Bing was not an ordinary person, nothing was more important than his life.

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(End of this chapter)

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