Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 48 Paying Salary

Chapter 48 Paying Salary

After Chen Bing heard this, he laughed and said: "The matter of the Dao should be solved by the way of the Dao."

Wei Dong looked at Chen Bing suspiciously.

At this moment, Hei Xiong brought several people to Chen Bing.

"What are you doing here?" Chen Bing looked directly at the black bear.

Damn, why are his eyes so sharp, even sharper than brother wolf's.

In this world, Hei Xiong is not afraid of anyone but Brother Lang, but seeing Chen Bing's gaze, he couldn't help but lower his head.

"Mr. Chen, Brother Lang asked me to follow you, lest you have any accidents!"

"Have you not finished the matter yet?"

"It's done."

"Just do it, there's no need to follow."

Chen Bing didn't want to have too much interaction with the old wolf. He only had one point: I pay the money and you do the work. After I pay the money and you finish the work, there is no relationship between us.

After experiencing the black storm in his previous life, Chen Bing knew the result of being entangled with these people. He didn't want to get mixed up with such a hard time. In the end, because of these few people, he would spend the rest of his life in prison.

Seeing Chen Bing's refusal, Hei Xiong didn't say anything, and left with his people.

"You know him?" Wei Dong asked in surprise.

"He's not qualified enough, let's go!"

It was the same Santana, the same driver, and the same few people, but today, when Chen Bing went, he was very at ease. He could tell from the expression of the black bear that the matter had been settled.

The car stopped at the gate of the factory, and Chen Bing and others got out of the car. There were many workers standing at the gate, and Chen Bing searched among the crowd.

Four Eyes, Zhao Chun, and Wei Qiang were all there, but Zhu He was nowhere to be seen.

Chen Bing frowned slightly: "Four eyes, come here."

Siyan hurriedly came to Chen Bing with his head down, and said, "Mr. Chen."

Four eyes and a pair of panda eyes. At first glance, it was the result of being beaten with fists. There were bruises all over his arms, which seemed to be marks from the rope.

He glanced at Wei Qiang and Zhao Chun again, and they did the same.

Damn, this black bear is really ruthless, beating up these boys so badly.

"Where did your injuries come from?"

"Mr. Chen, I accidentally bumped into it."

"Crash? Was it a fight?"

Siyan has already scolded Chen Bing's eighteen generations of ancestors in his heart, but he dare not say it. He is afraid that Hei Xiong will beat him again. He never dreamed that Chen Bing and Hei Xiong knew each other. Give Chen Bing face.

"Where's Zhu He?"

"I do not know either."

"Did you go to Zhang Boqing?"

Chen Bing stared four times.

Four eyes lowered his head: "I don't know either."

Chen Bing walked up to the workers with a gloomy face.

Just as Yang Xian wanted to introduce Chen Bing, Chen Bing stopped Yang Xian with his hands and stared at the two hundred or so workers.

He cleared his throat: "Everyone, my name is Chen Bing, and I am the current boss of Jiahe Cannery. Just the day before yesterday, I signed a purchase contract with Mr. Yang and several representatives of the workers. From today, we are a family." Already!"

After Chen Bing shouted, he thought there would be warm applause, but there was no.

Chen Bing continued: "Dear workers, I understand that due to market reasons, we have not paid full wages for nearly two years, and have not received wages for nearly a year. I promise you today that by the end of this year, I will The factory has paid all the wages owed to everyone for this year, and at the end of next year, I will pay all the wages that have not been paid for the past two years."

After Chen Bing yelled, the crowd screamed.

At this time, an old worker stood up and said: "Mr. Chen, we can't get rid of the pot now, can you give us a month's salary, let us solve the food problem first."

Chen Bing nodded immediately: "Don't worry, everyone will receive three months' salary this afternoon."

According to Chen Bing's initial intention, they should be paid half a year's wages no matter what, but after looking at the factory, the factory has too many problems. .

Just this little salary made the crowd boil again.

Chen Bing waved his hand and said, "I'm loading the money in the car now, and we'll start sending out the money in a while."

Chen Bing withdrew 20 yuan from the bank yesterday to prepare for today's salary payment.

"As for what everyone said yesterday, don't worry about Lao Liu's injury. As long as he was injured in the factory, I, Chen Bing, will take care of it."

The applause was thunderous again.

Chen Bing said again: "When Mr. Wang was here, he gave [-]% of the shares of the factory to the workers present, and many people in the factory did not want to repay Mr. Wang's kindness. I bought all [-]% of the shares of the workers, and some people will definitely say that if the shares are gone, then we will be less motivated to work.”

"Don't worry, your shares are gone, but as long as you work hard, we will have reward shares. We can no longer eat a big pot of rice, whether we do good or bad, and whether we do it or not. Next, the reward shares are The biggest incentive mechanism in our factory."

The crowd roared again.

"In addition to bringing you three months' salary today, I also brought in another 12 yuan. This 12 yuan is the [-]% of the shares. Whoever is financially, do the math, and I will share the money with you soon." one time!"

A woman in her thirties walked up to Chen Bing.
"Mr. Chen, my name is Zhao Jie, and I'm the company's accountant."

Chen Bing said: "Go and do the math, add up the three-month wages of the factory workers and the money due to the shares, and see how much, it will be more convenient when you send it out later. In addition, I will draft a share transfer letter for you." , After a while, you just ask the person who receives the money to sign his name."

Zhao Jie immediately nodded and went back to prepare.

Chen Bing took out a pen and paper, and immediately drew up an equity transfer contract.

In his previous life, he drew up too many contracts like this, so he just came here.

An hour later, Zhao Jie walked towards Chen Bing with the ledger and pay slip.

"Here's the contract. After a while, whoever gets the money, let him sign his name." Chen Bing handed the drafted contract to Zhao Jie.

Zhao Jie nodded immediately.

When Chen Bing put a box of money on the table, everyone was dumbfounded. So much money, should they be distributed? .

These people haven't received a penny of salary for a year, and they are going crazy.

All the money Chen Bing withdrew from the bank was ten yuan, and there was also one, two, ten and twenty cents in change, which was piled up on the table, which was really a hill.

The scene was thunderous again.

They all stared at Chen Bing excitedly. Although the boss was young, he was rich. He brought them hope, but they didn't know that Chen Bing was a businessman, not a savior. He wanted to extract more surplus value from them. Today's behavior is to make them more willing to be squeezed by him.

Zhao Jie signed it, and Yang Xian and Wei Dong distributed the money.

Yang Xian was very excited. Unexpectedly, the factory that was facing bankruptcy survived. Chen Bing took away everyone's shares, but gave Yang Xian 5.00% of the shares.

This moved Yang Xian very much. She didn't want the 5.00% shares to bring her such a prosperous and rich life, but with the 5.00% shares, she was also the owner of Jiahe Canning Factory.

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(End of this chapter)

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