Chapter 49

After paying the money, Chen Bing made another decision to fire Zhu He, Four Eyes, Wei Qiang, and Zhao Chun.

Zhu He was absent at first, and it was time to receive the money. After receiving the money, Chen Bing announced his decision.

Zhu He's face was flushed with embarrassment, and he approached Chen Bing and asked, "Mr. Chen, why did you fire me? Could it be because I offended you?"

Before Zhu He approached Chen Bing, he wanted Siyan and the three of them to follow him, but Siyan was already scared of being beaten by a black bear, so he immediately refused politely. He didn't expect that he would become like this, and even his own nephew would leave him.

Zhu He pointed to the four eyes: "You you, you wait!"

He is slightly uneasy now. Zhang Boqing made it clear that as long as he helps him get the Jiahe Canned Food Factory, he will be able to serve as the vice president of the Yehai Canned Food Factory. However, now the Jiahe Canned Food Factory is occupied by Chen Bing , I have no hope, at this time, Chen Bing announced his expulsion.

Do you want to delay both sides?
"Mr. Zhu, you are so capable, you shouldn't stay in Jiahe Cannery, you should go to Zhang Boqing." Chen Bing said.

When Zhu He heard this, he frowned: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean, are you going to fire the old man just after you took over the cannery?"

Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Old man? There is no law that the new factory director can't fire the old man?"

After Chen Bing said, Zhu He's face turned red with embarrassment: "Mr. Chen, you."

"Don't you, you, I just announced that you and your subordinates should leave, this place is not suitable for you."

Four Eyes, Wei Qiang and Zhao Chun were kicked when they saw such a good job, and hurried to Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, I'm a bastard. I was instigated by Zhu He. I don't want to be fired, so please forgive me." me!"

Chen Bing laughed and said: "In the face of interests, nephews don't even recognize uncles? No, you are all gangsters, and I am not worried enough to keep you in the factory. Take your money and go!"

Under the leadership of Yang Xian and others, Chen Bing inspected the factory again.

Jiahe Cannery is exactly the same as what Chen Bing knew in his previous life.

All the production lines are new, except for the production line, there are also some raw materials such as cans, stickers and so on.

It appears that as long as there is some fruit, production can begin.

Chen Bing is very excited, this is where he really started.

"Very good, very good, very good!"

Chen Bing immediately recalled several canned foods in his mind. The entire Yangqing City is the origin of fruit, apples, peaches, pears, these are all available, and the only thing missing is oranges. Let's make a few canned fruits first.

Although the fruit here is strong in season, it is resistant to storage in winter. In March and April, it will be difficult to store fruit. At that time, you have to buy it from other places, and the cost will be high. At that time, you can focus on canned meat.

Pork, beef, mutton, chicken, duck and goose are all available.

"What's that in the back?" Chen Bing patrolled while thinking.

"Mr. Chen, this is an open space. When Mr. Wang built the factory, he said that the canned food can reach a certain level. We have accumulated accumulation. When the time comes to expand production, we must either start a canned food production line or invest in other production lines." Zhao Jie said.

"Have you been following Mr. Wang?"

"Mr. Chen, since the establishment of Jiahe Cannery, I have followed Mr. Wang."

Chen Bing nodded again. He could tell from Zhao Jie's sad eyes that she was trustworthy.

If an accountant doesn't even show any sadness when mentioning the former boss in front of the new boss, is this person still trustworthy?
"President Wang didn't say what he was going to do?"

"He said that we mainly produce corn and wheat here, and it is also possible to open a cake processing line."

Chen Bing nodded again: "President Wang's thinking is correct."

Since the thinking is correct, why did it fail?
When visiting relatives, it is perfect to bring a bottle of canned food and a bag of cakes.

Is it better to produce cakes or biscuits?

Chen Bing turned around carefully, then came back and said, "Just let everyone know that we will hold a meeting in the conference room later."

Zhao Jie nodded again.

An hour later, Chen Bing was sitting in the huge conference room. Chen Bing began to think that there must be dust thick as copper coins on the table in the conference room, but unexpectedly, it was clean.

Chen Bing glanced at Zhao Jie. She was covered in dust. He knew that it was the result of Zhao Jie's cleaning just now.

"Accountant Zhao, call your name!"

Zhao Jie took the roster and called the name, and the following shouted 'to'.

"President Chen, it's over."

"How many people are not here?"

"Mr. Chen, one-third of the people are not here."

"In this way, the one-third who are not here today will all be fired. After a while, you will post a notice at the factory gate, and they will not be used."

Chen Bing's decision immediately caused quite a commotion in the meeting room.

"Mr. Chen, are you going to be fired?"

"Yes, there is no rule without rules. They are all free and undisciplined people. As for those who are wronged, it's their bad luck."

Chen Bing sat up straight: "Dear workers, many people may think that I am unreasonable for my decision just now. I will tell you today that I am such a person and this is how I handle things. Usually, I can treat you as a person. Friends, however, start working, this is the battlefield, we are an army that can only move forward and not retreat, whoever retreats or falls behind will die!"

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stood up abruptly: "Dear workers, let me say it again, it's not that I, Chen Bing, are unkind, but that the shopping mall is unkind. Our Jiahe Cannery is such a good factory, and the workers here are so kind. Good workers, but why the factory closed down, why you haven’t paid wages for nearly a year, and paid half of your wages for nearly two years, why, these are all questions worth thinking about, I think everyone sitting here must have already understood Answer."

"The answer is that the opponent is too strong and the market is too cruel!"

"Yes, the opponent is too strong and the market is too cruel. What should we do? One way is to turn ourselves into a wolf with fangs, fight to the death with the opponent, and take back what belongs to us. They eat meat and cannot let us drink. Soup! Damn it, they are all canneries, why do they pay full wages every month, why don’t we pay, it’s because we didn’t turn ourselves into wolves!”

When Chen Bing said this, there was a burst of warm applause in the meeting room, and the applause lasted for 3 minutes.

"Everyone, do you want to eat meat?" Chen Bing raised his fist.

"Want to eat!"

Chen Bing slapped the table: "Okay, if you want to eat meat and give your wife and children a warm home, then follow me and work hard. We will live like wolves together and have meat every day!"

"Aooooooooooow! Eat meat with Mr. Chen!"

Chen Bing raised his hand, and the cheering scene fell silent.

"Okay, follow me to eat meat, but there is one thing. While following me to eat meat, you have to follow me to suffer. Therefore, I announce a decision that I will take three days off. During these three days off, everyone will finish the housework. Just go to work, we are not allowed to be late for work, we are not allowed to leave early, and we are not allowed to do anything unrelated to work, if we violate it, then I can only let him go!"

(End of this chapter)

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