Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 50 Thinking of Countermeasures

Chapter 50 Thinking of Countermeasures

"Manager Zhao, bring the roster!"

Zhao Jie handed the roll call to Chen Bing.


A girl in her 20s stood up.

"You are the only one in the office?" Chen Bing asked in surprise.

The office of a factory, but the hub of a factory, she is the only one, and she is still so young.

"Mr. Chen, it's just me."

"What about the rest?"

"Director Jiang went to Yehai Cannery."

The girl lowered her head after speaking.

"What's your name?"

"He Mei."

"He Mei, from today onwards, you will be the director of the office. During the two days of vacation, find two staff members for the office."

He Mei opened her mouth wide in surprise.

Chen Bing's character does not allow the other party to refuse. He is also rushing to put ducks on the shelf now. Although he doesn't know if He Mei can do it, but there is no suitable person around him, he will use it first. up and running.

"Personnel Department?" Chen Bing looked carefully: "Is there no one there?"

"Mr. Chen, you also quit."

"Could it be that everyone in the personnel department went to Yehai Cannery?"

Zhao Jie nodded slightly
"Okay, then from today, I will be the director of the personnel department of the cannery."

"Purchasing department?"

"Mr. Chen, I'm Jiang Geng, Director of the Purchasing Department."

About 1.7 meters tall, in his 30s, wearing a suit, giving people a capable feeling.

"Can I ask why you didn't go to Yehai Cannery? Didn't you get invited there?"

Chen Bing stared at Jiang Geng.

"Mr. Chen, please, but I didn't go."


"Mr. Chen, I built this factory with Mr. Wang. It is like my child. I don't want to part with it. I also believe that one day, it will come back to life."

"Okay! Sit down!"

Chen Bing has already remembered this person.


"Zhao Ming, the deputy director, and the director went to Yehai Cannery."

"Okay, sit down, from today onwards, you are the director of the sales department."

"Production Department!"

A woman in her 30s stood up. She was wearing a factory uniform. She was very excited when she stood up and cried: "Mr. Chen, my name is Yang Fang. I also established this factory with Mr. Wang. Since the establishment of the factory, I have been in charge of production." The head of the department is in charge of each workshop, and I also believe that the factory will get better, I finally waited for this day, woo woo woo."

After Chen Bing asked them one by one, not to mention the shortage of workers, the middle and high-level cadres in the factory were basically in a state of failure. This Zhang Boqing was also ruthless enough. He snatched away two-thirds of the middle and high-level talents from Jiahe Cannery.

"Dear workers, I thought that all our cadres were poached by Zhang Boqing, but now I see that there are still some left. From this point of view, Zhang Boqing is also very kind to us, hahaha?"

The people sitting below did not expect Chen Bing to say such words.

"Don't worry, the sky won't fall, there will always be a day when they regret it!"

"Okay, that's it for today, and I will go to work on time in three days!"

After the others left, Chen Bing, Yang Xian and Zhao Jie remained in the whole factory.

"Mr. Yang, I heard that your children are still young, why not?"

Yang Xian understood what Chen Bing meant: "Mr. Chen, I know what you mean. I want to stay in the company, watch the company grow stronger step by step, and watch the factory acquire Yehai Canned Food Factory."

At this time, Yang Xian was full of hatred, and Chen Bing smiled slightly: "Mr. Yang, you must be clear-headed when doing business. Your mind is full of hatred and you are not suitable to stay here. Don't worry, this factory was established by Mr. Wang. You I will pay the monthly living allowance on time, but I hope you leave the company, so that it will be good for you and the factory."

Yang Xian's lips trembled slightly.

"Don't be sad, the factory has 5.00% of your shares, you are the owner of the factory, but you have to leave, it's good for everyone."

Yang Xian nodded helplessly.

After Yang Xian left, Chen Bing and Zhao Jie were the only ones left in the huge factory except for the old man who was the janitor.

"Accountant Zhao, the only person I can trust in this factory is you."

Zhao Jie blushed a little at Chen Bing's words: "Mr. Chen, most of the workers who came today are ordinary workers. The leaders of our factory were basically poached by Yehai Canned Food Factory."

"Don't worry, we don't want those who left when the factory was in crisis. The sooner they leave, the better. Now you are the only one left in the financial office?"

Zhao Jie nodded slightly.

"From today onwards, you will be the director of the financial department and accountant. When the factory is up and running, I will find suitable helpers for you."

There was a smile on Zhao Jie's face.

After Zhao Jie left, Chen Bing patrolled his territory again like a lion.

The next day, Chen Bing contacted Wei Dong again and asked Wei Dong about the bank loan.

Wei Dong said that he has already contacted the bank, and the bank only agreed to the 100 million yuan that was connected with the municipal committee and the city government. It can only be loaned out later, but Chen Bing proposed the condition of tax exemption for three years, and the city. Committee and city government have already agreed.

Ever since Jiahe Canned Food Factory fell into asset liquidation and faced bankruptcy, Yehai Canned Food Factory has skyrocketed and become a well-known enterprise in Yangqing City.

The tax paid to the finance each year is very considerable.

Zhang Boqing also replaced Wang Longhu as the first and second in command of the Yangqing City Committee and City Government.

Chen Bing has experience in running a business. After he left the factory, he personally investigated Yehai Cannery. The investigation found that Yehai Cannery's canned food is currently mainly sold in department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives.

Of course, Chen Bing knew that if a person could get through these links, he must have a strong background, otherwise, he would not be able to get in.

After all, in 1988, both department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives were state-owned, and their managers were arrogant. There was no benefit, no background, and it was impossible to sell goods in them.

Chen Bing studied the products of Yehai Canned Food Factory again, mainly canned apples, pears, and peaches.

After Chen Bing analyzed the results of the investigation, he immediately came up with the method to defeat Yehai Cannery: 1. The rural market has great potential, and this market cannot be abandoned. 2. Eclectic sales model, street stall model. 3. Sweepstakes, reward effect. 4. Increase the types of canned food and expand competition. 5. Price war, lowering prices, crushing Yehai Cannery.
Chen Bing took a pen and drew on the paper. In an instant, he wrote a piece of paper. After finishing writing, he nodded slightly, feeling very satisfied, and then stuffed the paper into his pocket.

He has to hurry back to the county seat and settle down with his job and family. In the next month, he may not even have time to go home.

Thinking of this, Chen Bing frowned slightly. Now that he hasn't seen Yang Xue and Xiao Guoguo for a day, his heart is like a cat scratching and biting a dog, let alone a month. It seems that they must be brought here as soon as possible.

 Ask for a ticket!
(End of this chapter)

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