Chapter 51
That night, Chen Bing returned home.

From afar, I saw a glimmer of light in the room, which proved that Yang Xue was there.

Chen Bing walked to the door and knocked lightly.

"Who?" It was Yang Xue's voice, terrified.

A woman with a child must be scared if someone knocks on the door late at night.

"I, soldier."

The sound of walking, the sound of doors opening.

Chen Bing went in, Yang Xue was wearing clothes, when she saw Chen Bing, tears welled up in her eyes.

She rushed forward and hugged Chen Bing tightly: "Bingzi, Bingzi, where have you been these few days? Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo."

Yang Xue's crying frightened Chen Bing, he hurriedly said: "Xiaoxue, what's the matter, what happened?"

Chen Bing wanted to push Yang Xue's body away, but Yang Xue's hug was so tight that he didn't push it away.

"I am afraid!"

"afraid of what?"

"I'm afraid you're gone, I'm afraid you don't want me anymore!"

Before Chen Bing was reborn, the useless Chen Bing would not go home for a long time once he went out. At that time, Yang Xue didn't feel anything, but now...

If Chen Bing didn't come back, she was worried to death. She was afraid that something would happen to Chen Bing. She was afraid that Chen Bing would not want her.

Yang Xue's body was trembling.

Chen Bing patted her on the back lightly to calm her down.

"Xiaoxue, are you feeling better? Let go of me, I'm almost suffocated by you!"

Yang Xue let go of Chen Bing, and there were still small drops of water on Bai Nen's face.

"Miss me? Hehehe, tell me, miss it?" Chen Bing joked.

Yang Xue blushed immediately, and she lightly hit Chen Bing's chest with her pink fist.

"Tell me, where have you been these few days?"

"Didn't I tell you before I left that I'm going to the provincial capital?" Chen Bing walked up to Guoguo, saw that Guoguo was asleep, and she touched Guoguo's little face.

This little guy is now his heart and soul.

"Is she naughty?"

"Think about it, you're not here for a while, and she asks for dad every night when she comes back, which makes me upset, so I can only lie to her, dad will come back tomorrow, and when I wake up the next morning, I ask again."

Chen Bing bent down and gently kissed the little guy on the forehead.

"I'm sorry, Xiaoxue, I made you worry!" Chen Bing held Yang Xue's hand with both hands: "I'll tell you something, I went to open a factory in the past few days after I left, and when I settle down there, I will take over the factory." You go!"

"Factory, what kind of factory?" Yang Xue was surprised.

"Don't be surprised, the cannery is in Yangqing. When I come back this time, I'm going to explain the work of the purchasing station. The other is to see if I can transfer the work to Yangqing for you."

Since Chen Bing said that he built a canning factory, Yang Xue didn't listen to a word of what he said later.

She murmured, "Cannery, cannery"

"Stupid, tell you, more than 200 workers."

"More than 200? Our factory only has a hundred or so."

"Xiaoxue, I mean you might as well not go to work."

Yang Xue knew what Chen Bing meant, and shook her head quickly after hearing this: "No, I just became a full-time employee. I have an iron job, and you are taking the road of capitalism."

When Chen Bing heard this, he almost laughed out loud.

However, not long after the reform and opening up, in the 80s, this phrase was still very popular.

Some timid people really dare not engage in business. In some rural areas, they dare not even raise poultry for fear of being cut off by the tail of capitalism.

Chen Bing babbled, Yang Xue listened like a roller coaster, but in a word, Chen Bing wanted her to resign, but he couldn't.

Even if Chen Bing said that many years later, the iron rice bowl of the factory would be broken, Yang Xue did not believe it, in a word, she would not give up.

Chen Bing had no choice but to find a way to transfer work to her.

He hadn't seen Yang Xue for several days, but when Chen Bing saw Yang Xue, he couldn't bear it long ago, hugged her, and enjoyed the beauty of love all night.

Early the next morning, when Chen Bing woke up, he found that Yang Xue and Guoguo had long since disappeared. He knew that Yang Xue must have taken Guoguo to work.

As usual, Yang Xue put the cooked food in the pot and simmered it on the fire. When Chen Bing ate it, it was still hot.

After eating, Chen Bing ran towards the buying station.

On the way, Chen Bing thought in his heart that Yehai Cannery had wanted Jiahe Cannery for a long time, and now that he was caught first, Zhang Boqing would definitely not let him go, maybe he was already making preparations.

The office of Zhang Boqing, the boss of Yehai Cannery Factory.

Zhu He stood in front of Zhang Boqing with his head down.

"Why are you here? Have you forgotten what I said?" Zhang Boqing said angrily.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm sorry, that kid is so shady, he even colluded with Brother Lang and severely injured Four Eyes and the others. We are all expelled now."

Zhang Boqing nodded slightly: "Really, are you good? Didn't you say that you are very good, and it's easy to take down such a young man. Now, it's too late to come to me to complain!"

Zhang Boqing took out a cigarette from the cigarette case.

Zhu He hurried forward to light it for Zhang Boqing.

"Mr. Zhu, you know me well. We made it clear at the beginning. You helped me win the Jiahe Cannery, so you are the vice president of my Yehai Cannery. But you didn't win it, and you didn't complete the task. I can't help it either!"

"Secretary Liu, see off the guests!" Zhang Boqing shouted towards the door after finishing speaking.

Zhu He never dreamed that Zhang Boqing would be so unfeeling. He knelt down in front of Zhang Boqing in a normal voice: "Mr. Zhang, you can't do this. I was fired only after listening to you."

Zhang Boqing removed Zhu He's hand on his lap in disdain: "Everyone will make many decisions in their life, and some decisions will be made, and they will pay the corresponding price. So, Mr. Zhu, the past is over. I really can't keep you, I still say the same thing, you helped me get the Jiahe Cannery, the vice president is still yours, but now, you don't have that chance, and you don't have the ability, everything is too late. "

Having said this, Zhang Boqing slowly stood up: "President Zhu, I have another meeting later, Secretary Liu, see off the guests!"

Zhu He never dreamed that Zhang Boqing was so heartless.

"Mr. Zhang, wait a minute!"

Zhang Boqing stood still and stared at the distorted Zhu He.

"Secretary Liu, you go out first, there are some things that you can't hear well." Zhu He said.

Secretary Liu stared at Zhang Boqing.

Zhang Boqing nodded slightly: "You go out first!"

Secretary Liu went out and closed the door by the way.

"I'll give you 3 minutes to say anything." Zhang Boqing was very annoyed.

"Mr. Zhang, I didn't expect you to be so heartless. Since you are unkind, don't blame me for being unrighteous. Don't you know how Wang Longhu died?"

Zhang Bo's body trembled when he heard Zhu He's words coldly.

This subtle change did not escape Zhu He's eyes.

However, he never expected that Zhang Boqing laughed again in an instant: "Mr. Zhu, Mr. Zhu, that's really funny. Wasn't Wang Longhu killed by a car? Wasn't the driver who hit him imprisoned for drunk driving? Didn't he die in the end?" Are you in prison?"

(End of this chapter)

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