Chapter 52

"Mr. Zhang, you ordered this!" Zhu He was also angry and lost his mind.

Zhu He originally thought that Zhang Boqing could be calmed down with these words, but he never expected that they couldn't be restrained at all.

Still smiling, Zhang Boqing walked slowly to Zhu He's side, put his arm on Zhu He's shoulder, put his mouth next to Zhu He's ear, and said softly: "I don't know that driver, but that driver is If you were in direct contact with someone who killed someone, it was you who killed someone, not me, ha ha ha ha!"

Zhu He's face became ferocious: "Zhang Boqing, you are a villain!"

Zhang Boqing laughed and said, "I admit that I am not a gentleman. Let me tell you that a gentleman cannot stand in this society. Also, Zhu He, you'd better keep your mouth shut about that matter, otherwise, you will be punished with death! Hehehe! "

After Zhang Boqing finished speaking, he walked outside.

Only Zhu He was left standing.

Suddenly, Zhu He fell to the ground.

Secretary Liu, who was standing beside him, said to the two security guards not far away, "Drag him out!"

When Chen Bing came to the purchasing station, he saw the sweaty Zhou Dahai and the dark crowd.

Damn, why are there so many people?Didn't the purchase rights be put on Murakami? Why are there so many?

Zhou Dahai also saw Chen Bing and ran towards Chen Bing.

"Bingge, are you back?" Zhou Dahai wiped the sweat from his forehead with a towel hanging around his neck.

"Dahai, what's going on, why are there so many people today?"

"Bingge, I don't know. Since you left, there have been a lot of people handing in scorpions every day. Master Liu came back and said to Mr. Huang that the market is almost saturated, and we can't send more scorpions. Just suppress it."

Chen Bing nodded slightly.

"What else did Mr. Huang say?"

"He said he asked you to settle the payment."

"How many."

"Like 20 million?"

"so much?"

Damn it, Chen Bing really didn't expect it.

"Where are Yang Haimin and Song Hui?"

"They calculate their commission every day, and now they go to the market."

Chen Bing nodded again, it seems that these two guys are also on the road.

Chen Bing didn't have any deep hatred with Yang Haimin and Song Hui, and he hoped that they would do something serious. If they did something serious, he could play with them and make a fortune with them.

"What else did Mr. Huang say?"

"He said that in another 20 days, according to the practice of previous years, no scorpions will be accepted."

"I know this. In another 20 days, the scorpion will enter the hibernation period, so hurry up and take these 20 days."

According to the current amount, Chen Bing made a rough calculation. At that time, he was afraid that he would not be able to earn 100 million from Scorpion, but now it seems that 150 million is enough.

Collecting scorpions is a good business to make money. However, this kind of business can make money in the short term, but long-term investment can’t. After all, it can’t scale up. To make money, you have to enter a normal business, build a factory, a company, a brand, and become bigger and stronger. , To a certain extent, you will definitely make money.

"Bingge, where have you been all this time?"

"Dahai, in Yangqing City, I bought a canning factory. During this period of time, I'm going to work there. I'll leave the work here to you. After the shutdown here, you can come to Yangqing."

After Chen Bing spoke, Zhou Dahai opened his mouth: "Brother Bing, the cannery, how big is that?"

"The initial investment is more than 100 million. If it really takes off, it will require more money. It will be more than a few million, tens of millions, or even hundreds of millions." Chen Bing said very simply: "Dahai, I remember, your village is grow fruit?"

Zhou Dahai nodded quickly.

"Bingge, let alone our village, our entire Ningyuan Town grows fruits, including apples, pears, and peaches. Last year, businessmen from other places came and said that the fruits in our village are good, high in sugar juice, and rich in vitamins. The high content means that it is inconvenient to transport.”

Chen Bing is familiar with the traffic here. Yangqing connects all counties with roads built by the state. However, each county connects to each town, and each town connects to each village, so we can only rely on horses to carry oxen and camels.

For now, the best means of transportation to enter the village is a tractor.

If you want to get rich, build roads first. This is a slogan that governments at all levels have put forward for many years, and it also shows the importance of this slogan.

"Dahai, let's go to your house some time in the evening."

Zhou Dahai wanted to ask, but he opened his mouth and didn't ask.

Zhou Dahai is very busy during the day, so he can only work at night.

Chen Bing left Zhou Dahai and hurried towards the Industrial Bureau.

Yang Xue's work is a big deal, if she started working in Yangqing, it would be even more difficult if she wanted to go back to the county, so she transferred her work to Yangqing as much as possible.

According to Chen Bing's idea, Yang Xue quit her job as much as possible and took care of Guoguo with peace of mind.

However, Yang Xue had just become a regular worker from a temporary worker, and she didn't agree with anything, so Chen Bing had no choice but to transfer her for her.

Wang Jian's office.

Wang Jian sipped the tea and looked at the documents.

There was a knock on the door.

"Come in!"

Chen Bing went in, but Wang Jian didn't lift his head.

"what's up?"

At this time, Chen Bing's identity was the son of the top leader of the provincial committee.

He raised his head and coughed twice softly: "Wang Ju, you're so busy. If I'm busy, I'll come back another day?"

Wang Jian looked up and saw that it was Chen Bing. He was startled, quickly put down the teacup and documents, ran out from behind the desk, and held Chen Bing's hands tightly: "It's Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Chen Bing sat down on the sofa in Wang Jian's office: "Ju Wang, there is something you need to do."

Wang Jian shouted towards the door: "Secretary Zhang, have a cup of tea, Dahongpao!"

"No, Wang Ju, I'll leave after I finish speaking."

Standing in front of Chen Bing, Wang Jian acted like a subordinate reporting to a superior: "President Chen, please give me your orders."

"I bought a canning factory in Yangqing, and I plan to transfer my wife to Yangqing. You can figure it out."

When Wang Jian heard this, he quickly agreed with a smile: "Mr. Chen, aren't you a scorpion?"

Chen Bing took out a cigarette from his pocket, threw it to Wang Jian, and stuffed another one in his mouth: "You want me to keep scorpions forever?"

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

"Mr. Chen, what department do you want to go to? After all, it's in the city. There are some things that I can't handle."

"Oh? Can't do it? Then I won't beg you, I'll do it myself." After speaking, Chen Bing stood up and wanted to leave.

Wang Jian hurriedly stopped Chen Bing in fright: "It's done, it's done. I'm in charge of the industry, so I know the leaders in the industry. As for the others, I really don't know many, so, Mr. Chen, I can only be transferred to that The factory is up, the textile factory in Yangqing is good, if you agree, I will find a way to transfer my wife to the textile factory."

Chen Bing frowned slightly after hearing this, what the hell, 90s will go bankrupt.

Chen Bing didn't say anything, as long as Xiaoxue can find a place to live in Yangqing now, as for the rest, let's talk about it later, besides, in the 90s, Yang Xue's thoughts will also change, maybe, if she doesn't tell her, she will will resign.

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(End of this chapter)

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