Chapter 53
Chen Bing said: "Okay, that's it. I'll go first, you hurry up, but there is one condition, you are not allowed to use my banner, and you are not allowed to reveal my identity. I still want to make achievements in Yangqing. I I don’t want a group of people to follow me all day, buzzing like flies.”

"Mr. Chen, don't worry, I will never reveal your identity."

Chen Bing came out of the Industrial Bureau, went to the department stores and supply and marketing offices in Ningzheng County, and investigated Ye Hai's canned food.

Zhang Boqing's ability is really good. 90.00% of the huge department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives are canned food from Yehai, and the canned food of other brands is not even [-]%.

Chen Bing also asked the salesperson, which kind of canned food is delicious, and which kind of canned food sells well. The salesperson first recommended Ye Hai's canned food. It seems that Zhang Boqing has worked hard on these salespersons.

If you follow the old method, you will lose badly if you go to department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and small shops below, but you have to go to these places.

Now there is only one way to win these places, and that is to cut prices, give huge margins to middlemen, and give huge profits to department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens.

Chen Bing, who was reborn from his previous life, knows what a price war means.
Hurting one thousand enemies and eight hundred self-defeating, ordinary companies would not use price wars to overwhelm each other. However, at this time, Chen Bing had already decided that only one canning factory was allowed to survive in the entire Yangqing City.

The outside must be safe first!

Jiahe Cannery is going to go out of Yangqing, out of China, and spread all over the world.

He didn't want Yehai Cannery to come out to make trouble when Jia and the Cannery were fighting in all directions.

Therefore, it must be wiped out in one fell swoop!
After Chen Bing finished his investigation, it was already dark. At this time, Zhou Dahai should be free.

When Chen Bing came to the buying station, sure enough, there were only a few sparse villagers handing over scorpions.

Seeing Chen Bing coming, Zhou Dahai said to a boy next to him, "After you collect the scorpions from these villagers, you can eat. Watch the door. I want to go out with Brother Bing."

"Okay, Brother Zhou!"

Besides Chen Bing, Zhou Dahai seems to be the boss here.

"Bingge, let's go."

"Go, brother will take you to dinner first."

There is a Shanxi sliced ​​noodle restaurant in Ningzheng County, which tastes quite authentic.

Chen Bing and Zhou Dahai ate and drank vinegar, and then ran towards Daliang Village.

Zhou Dahai's home.

Zhou Xiaodong sat on the edge of the Kang, and Chen Bing sat on the bench.

"Mr. Chen, you took the scorpion well, why didn't you accept it?"

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Uncle Zhou, I'm not refusing to accept them. It's just that as autumn approaches, the production of scorpions will gradually decrease. Besides, there's a word from Lingxi that the quantity of scorpions is already sufficient."

Of course Zhou Xiaodong understood Chen Bing's words to this point.

"Then you are looking for me today?"

"Uncle Zhou, I heard from Dahai that your village and even Ningyuan Town produce fruits?"

When talking about fruit, Zhou Dahai slapped his thigh: "Bingzi, when it comes to fruit, I'm not exaggerating. Our apples, pears, and peaches have been tested and found to have high sugar juice content. Listen to what they said, and what about the vegetable? It’s also very good, yes, it’s vitamins, hehehe, I don’t know about this, anyway, in a word, the fruit here is good, but due to the inconvenient transportation, those big merchants can’t come and can’t be shipped out, alas.”

"Uncle Zhou, I'm here to talk to you about these fruits today. To tell you the truth, I have opened a canning factory and I plan to use these fruits."

After Chen Bing spoke, Zhou Xiaodong clapped his hands on the edge of the kang again: "Bingzi, let me tell you, the fruit in our village is the sugar juice."

Chen Bing knew that Zhou Xiaodong was going to repeat the old tune again.

"Uncle Zhou, let's go down and mobilize the villagers. We all want apples, pears, and peaches, but there is one thing. After you pick them, you have to transport them to the county town, and then we will load them into trucks and take them to the factory."

"No problem, no problem, let me tell you, every family in our village has cows and mules, and the village has tractors. As long as you collect these things, we can pull them to the factory for you."

When Chen Bing heard this, he clapped his hands together: "Hehehe, it's good to take it to the factory. The tractor in your village can be used, and it can run so many times a day."

Zhou Xiaodong heard Chen Bing's words, if Chen Bing wasn't around, he could really raise his palm and slap himself on the mouth twice.

"Mr. Chen, look at the traffic."

"Uncle Zhou, I'm still busy, so this matter is settled, you will notify tomorrow morning, hurry up and pick it, and send it to us while picking it, I'll go first!"

This saves a shipping fee.

The fruit problem was solved, and Chen Bing was very excited. When he went back that night, he told Yang Xue that he was leaving the next day. He also asked Yang Xue to transfer to Yangqing as soon as possible.

Now that Chen Bing has learned well, Yang Xue also hopes to stay with Chen Bing. If she can really be transferred to Yangqing, she is really willing to go.

Yang Xue is not by Chen Bing's side, so I really worry about Chen Bing. He is the boss of the cannery now, and there must be many women staring at him like prey.

The next day, Chen Bing bid farewell to Yang Xue and came to Yangqing.

When Chen Bing came to the factory, he suddenly felt a little different.

Yesterday the factory was still overgrown with weeds and rubbish everywhere, but today it was cleaned cleanly. Yesterday the iron gate was stained with rust. Today, the iron gate is still stained with rust, but it has obviously been washed with clean water.

The weeds and garbage have been cleaned up, and it is a thriving scene.

When Chen Bing came, he thought that the workers had been given three days off, and the primary purpose of coming here today was to clean up, but he did not expect that the sanitation was so clean.

Chen Bing was in a good mood.

At this time, Chen Bing heard the sound and ran towards the sound. It turned out that a group of people were in the warehouse.

When they saw Chen Bing coming in, they quickly stood still and stared at Chen Bing. However, there was a woman wearing work clothes and gloves, who was still carrying cans. This person was none other than Yang Fang, the director of the production department.

Chen Bing was deeply impressed by this woman, because she was a woman.

At that time, Chen Bing wondered what Wang Longhu meant. How could a woman be appointed as the director of such an important position in the production department?
However, seeing Yang Fang's appearance today proved that Wang Longhu was right.

"Everyone, work hard. I thought that our Jiahe cannery could not keep it, but I didn't expect that Mr. Chen came."

A woman next to him, who was the closest to Yang Fang, touched him lightly.

"Xiao Li, what's the matter?"

The one named Xiaoli made a look.

Yang Fang looked up and saw that it was Chen Bing, and quickly stood up straight: "Mr. Chen, why are you here?"

"You organized the sanitation of the yard?"

Yang Fang wiped the sweat from her forehead with her arm: "Mr. Chen, not all of them. Yesterday, the leaders of various departments came and organized some workers. We want to change the factory completely before you come. "

(End of this chapter)

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