Chapter 54
"What about them?" Chen Bing asked.

"They are all cleaning up the hygiene of their respective departments!"

"Okay, not bad!"

"Why are there so many canning jars?"

Chen Bing pointed to a pile of neatly stacked cans.


Chen Bing walked over and picked up a bottle.

"Mr. Chen, these [-] bottles were dumped by us and stacked. I thought we had just opened the factory and were short of funds. These bottles can still be used after being cleaned and sterilized."

A company must not only learn to make money, but also learn to save money.

Yang Fang performed very well in this respect.

"Okay, then let's start with the [-] bottles. You can connect with the various departments, and we will first produce [-] bottles of canned food."

Chen Bing's words really startled Yang Fang: "Mr. Chen, how much do you want to produce?"

"[-] bottles, canned peaches are more popular, first produce [-] bottles, and [-] bottles of canned apples and [-] bottles each of pears."

"Mr. Chen, the entire Yangqing City is now flooded with Yehai canned food. If our canned food does not find a good market, the current production is tantamount to a dead end, and it will be dumped just like the [-] bottles. Therefore, we have to Hurry up and let the sales department go to the market, sign the order, and after the order is signed, we will not be too late for production."

Chen Bing laughed and said, "Follow my request."

Seeing that Chen Bing did not accept her opinion, Yang Fang was not angry, and said, "Mr. Chen, the fruit problem has not been resolved yet."

"Director Yang, let me ask you, how big is our fruit bank here?"

"Mr. Chen, I'll take you there to have a look!"

Chen Bing went in, and a fruit bank covering an area of ​​about [-] mu appeared in front of him.

"It seems that our Jiahe Cannery has a solid foundation, and this fruit bank is worth a lot of money."

"Mr. Chen, this fruit bank was established in [-]. At that time, Mr. Wang was very confident. He planned to spread Jiahe canned food all over the country in two years, and spread Jiahe canned food all over the world in five to seven years. .Therefore, the fruit bank was built relatively large.”

"Forward-looking and ambitious, but unfortunately, even Yangqing didn't go out! Fruits will arrive one after another tomorrow, how about other raw materials, if you need to get in, hurry up."

Yang Fang could only nod.

"How about the workers? How many are missing? If there are too many, go to the labor market to find some. In today's society, as long as you have money, workers don't have to worry about it."

Originally, Yang Fang still had a lot of experience to tell Chen Bing, after all, Chen Bing was young.

However, seeing that Chen Bing arranged everything in an orderly manner, he didn't look like a man in his twenties at all, but a seasoned entrepreneur in his 50s or [-]s.

Damn it, if collecting scorpions is a small matter, then the cannery is a real enterprise, and as an enterprise, there must be regulations and rules.

Chen Bing is ready to list a series of rules: including the reward and punishment system.

There is no rule without rules. To be successful, you must have rules.

He is now the parent of the big family of Jiahe Cannery. Since he is a parent, he has to take on the responsibility of being a parent. He must let these hungry children eat enough, wear new clothes, and walk on the road, making people enviable—they It's the people from Jiahe Cannery!

Now at the beginning, there is a big gap in cadres. Even the existing cadres, Chen Bing doesn't understand them, they don't know their abilities, they don't know their character, so he has to worry about everything big or small.

After another month or two, everything will be smooth, and he will be able to play casually.

When Chen Bing left, he said to Yang Fang, "Director Yang, I have a task for you."

"Mr. Chen, tell me."

"Find a way to engrave words on the caps of these [-] cans."

"Is there a lettering on the lid of the can?" Yang Fang didn't understand.

"Just do as I say, and engrave 'Another Bottle' on the inside of the can lid."

"Mr. Chen, why is this?"

"Don't ask, this is a secret, don't tell it."

During this time, Chen Bing was going to risk his life!
After Chen Bing finished making arrangements, he walked towards his office.

Wang Longhu enjoys it very much. The decoration of the office is very elegant, but it was installed many years ago. From this, we can see the glory of Jiahe Cannery in the past.

He Mei, the head of the office, was taking two women to clean up. When she saw Chen Bing coming in, she hurriedly said, "Mr. Chen, the cleaning is done!" '

"Okay, thanks, does the phone work?"

"Yes, the telecommunications bureau heard that our canning factory was going to reopen, so they sent someone over to check the wiring."

"Yes, they are all communities of interest."

"You guys go down." After Yang Mei and the two women left, Chen Bing took out his phone and called Huang Youwei: "Mr. Huang, I'm Chen Bing!" '

"Mr. Chen, where is this phone number?" Huang Youwei was a little surprised.

"Jiahe Cannery in Yangqing."

"Hehehe, Mr. Chen, the Jiahe cannery business is over?

"Mr. Chen, then congratulations, Mr. Chen, do you still accept Scorpion?"

"Didn't you say that you can only accept it for 20 days? Hehehe, I won't make things difficult for you. During this period of time, you have helped a lot. I will definitely thank you a lot in another day."

Chen Bing told everyone this great thank you, but almost none of them actually implemented it.

"Then thank you, Mr. Chen, take some time and come to the company to settle the bill."

Chen Bing was waiting for this sentence: "I'm going to tell you about this. I'm really busy recently and I can't go away for a while. See if this works. I'll tell you the address of our factory and you can wire it to me. .”

Huang Youwei quickly agreed.

Chen Bing hung up the phone, feeling indescribably relieved.

In the afternoon of the same day, Chen Bing held another simple meeting to assign tasks.

Canned food is easy to make, with low cost and high profit, and basically has no technical content.

Chen Bing did a rough calculation on the prices he learned from department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives, and Ye Hai gave them a 20.00% discount.

So to seize the market, it must give more.

The world is full of goodwill, and the world is all good.

Chen Bing recognized this sentence, the benefits are eternal.

In this world, don't talk about friends with me. What are friends?

The next day, Zhou Xiaodong drove the tractor three times in a row. A cart of apples, a cart of pears, and a cart of peaches were unloaded in the fruit warehouse.

As soon as the fruit came, the audience suddenly boiled, and everyone became busy.

Because starting today, they can receive full wages every month, as Chen Bing said at the meeting yesterday.

Chen Bing was very relaxed.

On the third day of opening, Wang Jian came to the factory in person, saw the huge cannery, and raised his thumbs up: "Mr. Chen, amazing!"

"Hehehe, Director Wang, is that matter settled?"

"Mr. Chen, it's settled. I've already had someone notify your wife to get her ready and go to work at the textile factory at any time."

Chen Bing was very happy after hearing this: "Okay, thank you Wang Ju."

He Mei, the office manager, poured Wang Jian a glass of water.

Just as Wang Jian was leaving, he turned his head: "Mr. Chen, I really want to ask you for something."

As soon as Wang Jian opened his mouth, Chen Bing knew what to say: "Ju Wang, don't talk about the promotion, I have my own discretion."

After hearing this, Wang Jian could only smile innocently: "Mr. Chen, then I'm leaving. The director of the textile factory is my old classmate. If you have anything to do, just ask."

After Wang Jian said that, he left in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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