Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 55 Interview

Chapter 55 Interview
When is it a trick to cheat?

These people are not fools, and sooner or later they will know their deception?

Therefore, the company must be made bigger and stronger as soon as possible, otherwise, it will be thrown into the stinky ditch that day.

There is a Santana in the factory, which is Wang Longhu's car. Chen Bing drove it to the repair shop, repaired it a little bit, and sprayed it with another layer of paint. It was like a new one.

Chen Bing is also considered a car owner.

1988 is different from 2021. In 2021, 1988 to 30 yuan will be enough for a new National VI Santana to go on the road. However, in [-], such an old Santana would cost [-] to [-] yuan.

Chen Bing looked at the car that he made like a new car, and gently stroked it.

Damn, it is said that heroes love beautiful women, and heroes love BMWs. In fact, for a real man, cars are sometimes more loved than women.

Does a person who drives a Bentley Mulsanne worry about not having a woman?

A beautiful woman with a beautiful country will not stop and watch when she sees a rich man who drives tens of millions of Bentley Mulsanne?
So, brothers, what is the most important thing in 2021, making money is the most important thing, if you have money, you have everything!
Including beauties!

That night, Chen Bing went home and told Yang Xue about going to the textile factory.

Yang Xue did not refuse, as far as work is concerned, Chen Bing is her god!

Wherever Chen Bing went this day, she would follow him. What's more, Chen Bing arranged such a good factory for her.

Yangqing Textile Factory is many times stronger than its own plastic factory.

That night, Chen Bing took Yang Xue and Guoguo back to Yang Qingxin's rented home.

Yang Xue and Guoguo had never been in a car before in their life. When they were in a car for the first time, both Yang Xue and Guoguo vomited in a mess.

On August 8th, Jiahe Cannery Factory produced the first batch of canned food.

Chen Bing stood on the rostrum and waved his hands: "Jiahe Cannery has stood up!"

Immediately afterwards, a string of firecrackers and fireworks were lit.

Some of the workers covered their ears, some waved their hands, and some danced
Everyone has smiles on their faces.

The sound of firecrackers was a start for Chen Bing, but for Zhang Boqing who was watching not far away, it was a disaster!
Zhang Boqing felt the pressure for the first time.

During this time, he also learned a little about Chen Bing.

The pronouns of gangster, trash, and rogue all appeared on him, but he never imagined that such a trash could become his opponent.

Zhang Boqing shook his head slightly, this person is definitely not a waste, although they have not had a deep talk with each other.

Zhang Boqing slapped his palms together fiercely: "Kill! The canned food market in Yangqing is mine, and I won't allow anyone to touch it. Wang Longhu won't do it, let alone Chen Bing. Whoever wants a gun, I'll let him die!"

The viciousness in Zhang Boqing's eyes made the people standing beside him shudder.

At the end of the opening ceremony, Chen Bing walked down the rostrum slowly.

Wei Dong hurried over, and the two held hands tightly.

"Mr. Chen, let me introduce someone to you!"

A handsome middle-aged man in his 30s with eyes on his back and a camera behind his back came over.

When Chen Bing saw the other party's attire, he knew it belonged to the newspaper office.

In the 80s, the power of newspapers was still very strong, and many large companies advertised in newspapers.

It's not like now, where you go on TV every now and then.

"Hi, I'm Chen Bing."

The other party was very enthusiastic, and held Chen Bing's hand tightly: "Mr. Chen, my name is Yu Bo, and I am a reporter from Yangqing Daily. I was arranged by Wei Department and I want to do an exclusive interview with Mr. Chen!"


Chen Bing understood what Wei Dong meant, and took over the company himself. To put it bluntly, Wei Dong facilitated it. Now that the company is established, it not only solves the problem of workers, but three years later, it can also pay a lot of money to the municipal finance. What's more, increase the local GDP.
For him, this is political achievements. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of the leaders, he invited Yu Bo, a writer from Yangqing Daily, to conduct an exclusive interview with Chen Bing. He hoped that this interview would attract the attention of the two main leaders. In this way, his own The future will also brighten up.

Everyone has their own little Jiujiu, and Wei Dong is no exception.

Wei Dong still doesn't know Chen Bing's real identity. He only knows that this person has a strong backer. As for what kind of backer and what can be done for him, he doesn't know. However, he has to grasp the current political achievements. live.

Interviews are arranged in the office.

The camera was aimed at Chen Bing, and Yu Bo put the microphone in front of Chen Bing.

Chen Bing knew that this interview was an advertisement for Jiahe Cannery, so he deliberately wore a suit and dressed himself in a more western style. After all, he was representing Jiahe.

In fact, when Chen Bing first took over the factory, he wanted to replace Jiahe Cannery with Haiding Cannery. In his previous life, he single-handedly founded Haiding, an aircraft carrier in the business world.

However, seeing Jiahe's old workers and their affection for Jiahe's canning factory made him give up this idea.

"Mr. Chen, are you ready?" Yu Bo asked.

"Okay, you can ask."

"Mr. Chen, relax. Before interviewing you, I also did a basic understanding of you. I heard that you were a little gangster before."

Before Yu Bo finished speaking, Chen Bing laughed twice: "You don't have to be so polite, in fact, I was not only a punk, but also a waste in people's eyes, but now, I have learned, I stand up, I I made my fortune by harvesting scorpions, and now I have taken over the Jiahe Cannery, and I plan to lead a group of employees from the cannery to build a real enterprise."

Yu Bo nodded: "Mr. Chen, if a prodigal son turns his head back, he won't change his money. Chen is always a role model among the prodigal sons. I believe that after this report is broadcast, more prodigal sons will turn their heads back."

"I also believe that each of us should give opportunities to ourselves, others, and society."

"Well said, we have two canning factories in this city, Jiahe Canning Factory and Yehai Canning Factory. These two canning factories have been in constant competition since their establishment. Let me interview you. Next, how do you face this situation? situation?"

"You want me to tell the truth?"

Yu Bo nodded.

"Soldiers come to cover up water and earth, editor Yu should understand what I mean. Jiahe and Ye Hai have been fighting for several years. In the end, Mr. Wang Longhu, the former boss of Jiahe, died and Jiahe's cannery closed down. At this time, I appeared and took the Pan, if I don't show up, I can guarantee that this factory will be renamed Yehai Canned Food Factory now.

When I say these words, I am not kneeling down to beg for mercy, nor am I begging for mercy. I just want to say that shopping malls are like battlefields. "

Yu Bo laughed and said, "Boss Chen is right!"

Chen Bing continued: "Editor-in-Chief Yu, I am now the head of the Jiahe Cannery Factory. There are so many people in the factory, and they need wages every month, and they have to wait for food and drink. Therefore, I will not be merciful. I hope that all competitions will be established. Within the scope of fairness, if anyone wants to go beyond the law and engage in some shady activities, then I, Chen Bing, will fight back head-on."

(End of this chapter)

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