Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 56 A Different Style of Play

Chapter 56 A Different Style of Play
Yu Bo smiled slightly: "Mr. Chen, you are full of hatred!"

"Hehehe, I'm in business, and I know how to make it easier for others and myself. However, some people like to find fault, and they like to dominate the market. In a word, I still say that, soldiers come and cover up the water!"

"Mr. Chen, let me ask you again, will you and Ye Hai Cannery get along peacefully!" Yu Bo asked again.

"Hehehe, I think so, but it depends on Mr. Zhang Boqing, the boss of Yehai Cannery."

"Mr. Chen, it will be over soon, do you have anything else to say?"

Chen Bing took the microphone: "I just want to say one thing, the business philosophy of Jiahe Cannery is: healthy and harmless!"

After the interview, Chen Bing took Wei Dong and Yu Bo to dinner. After returning, he asked He Mei to inform the sales director Zhao Ming to come to his office.

Jiahe Canning Factory has opened and canned food has been produced, and now it is going to compete in the market.

If Chen Bing's guess is correct, Zhang Boqing is chasing and intercepting him.

After a while, Zhao Ming came.

Zhao Ming looks very capable and has a big belly. It can be seen that he has been drinking a lot in recent years.

Zhao Ming respected Chen Bing very much. After meeting, he lowered his head and gave Chen Bing a cigarette.

"sit down."

Chen Bing didn't know much about these people in the factory, but he still had to use them.

"Director Zhao, you are the director of the sales department of our factory. Now the canned food has been produced, and it is [-] bottles. Tell me your opinion on how to sell these canned food as soon as possible."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stared at Zhao Ming and tapped his hands gently on the table.

Zhao Ming is an old salesman, and he didn't seem too panicked by Chen Bing's question.

"Mr. Chen, I've also considered this issue. I also did a market survey on Ye Hai's side. They gave 15.00% profit to the seller. I think, if we want to beat them, we have to give the seller at least 20.00% of the profit." .”

"You mean a price war?" Chen Bing stared at Zhao Ming again.

Zhao Ming felt that Chen Bing's gaze was a bit unfriendly, so he couldn't help but lower his head.

"Mr. Chen, what else can we do besides a price war?"

Zhao Ming shook his head slightly.

"Director Zhao, if my guess is correct, this is how the Jiahe Cannery fell down, right?"

Sweat was dripping from Zhao Ming's head, he didn't have time to wipe it with a handkerchief, so he wiped it with his arm in a hurry.

"Let me tell you, the reason why Jiahe Cannery was squeezed out of bankruptcy by Yehai Cannery was because of the price war. The company has reached a certain level. In order to seize the market, the price war must be fought, but the price war is a way to kill a thousand enemies. To tell you the truth, the current economic strength of our Jiahe Cannery is incomparable to that of Yehai Cannery, if we fight a price war now, we will die miserably!"

Chen Bing felt that Zhao Mingtai was not suitable for the position of director of the sales department, but now there was no one, so Chen Bing had no choice but to continue: "How many people do you have now?"

"Twenty or so."

"Are you familiar with those sellers?"


"Then I'll give you a task. Within one day, let Jiahe cans be placed in all department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens in the city."

Zhao Ming let out an 'ah' after hearing this.

"Mr. Chen, how is this possible?"

"It's impossible to ask for money, so what if you don't want money?" Chen Bing continued to stare at Zhao Ming.

Zhao Ming was confused: "Mr. Chen, what do you mean, why don't you want money?"

"Hehehehe, I don't need money, just give me [-] bottles of cans and put them in supply and marketing cooperatives, department stores, and canteens. After they sell them, I will get the money back."

Purchases in the 80s were generally paid for and delivered.

"Mr. Chen, can this work?"

"I'll say yes."

"Then what if the money doesn't come back?"

"It's not your thing to worry about. You just need to execute it. Do you have sellers in every county?" Chen Bing asked.

Zhao Mingdao: "Every county has them."

"You should contact them today and tomorrow, and tell them about our factory's shipping rules. We will ship the goods the next morning. When the time comes, let our sales staff follow suit. In a word, we must ship our products as soon as possible. The canned food is placed in various department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens in the city, even the smallest canteens. You tell them that one day after tomorrow, in addition to the canned food commission, I will give each of them a hundred yuan a day. Hard work."

"Huh? Pay back the hard work fee?"

Chen Bing nodded: "Of course, can you finish the task now? If you can't finish it, you, the sales director, don't have to do it."

Chen Bing pointed out the maze, and Zhao Ming immediately stood up and said, "Mr. Chen, I understand that if I can't put the [-] bottles of canned food in such a generous condition, then you don't have to fire me, I won't do it myself." gone."

Chen Bing broke this fixed pattern in a free way.

For department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens, who doesn't want free things?

These cans are stored first, sold, and then paid. If they can’t be sold, the goods will be taken away. This is everyone’s psychology. Therefore, distribution of goods in the short term will not be a problem.

In addition, Chen Bing engraved the words "one more bottle" on the inner lids of [-] bottles of canned food. This strategy is the marketing strategy of Master Kong black tea, Master Kong jasmine clear tea and Master Kong jasmine honey tea in the previous life.

When this strategy was launched, other drinks were caught off guard.

Sales of Wahaha, Coca-Cola, Jianlibao, etc. have dropped sharply one after another.

Just this small bottle cap can have such a huge effect that later, there are factories specializing in the production of Kangshifu green tea, clear tea and black tea bottle caps in exchange for money.

It's just that Master Kong's marketing ratio wasn't that big at the time, and the maximum was no more than 3:1. However, Chen Bing engraved the words "one more bottle" on all the inner lids of [-] bottles of canned food.

This is his marketing strategy. These [-] bottles of canned food are an introduction. He wants to draw the attention of everyone in the city and even the province to Jiahe canned food.

One hundred thousand bottles of cans basically represents one hundred thousand families.

These [-] families bought cans and saw the words "one more bottle" in them. They would definitely go to department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and small stores to exchange them. At that time, the factory will release another [-] bottles of cans. There are only two-thirds of the words "one more bottle", and when the third batch is made, the proportion of cans with the words "one more bottle" engraved on the inner cover will be further reduced until the proportion of winning prizes is reduced to one quarter.

At that time, Jiahe canned food was already popular, and the name of Jiahe canned food had already penetrated into the hearts of the common people. At that time, there would be capital to compete with Yehai canned food factory.

Such a good idea is that no one shares it, and Chen Bing feels a little lost.

As for Zhao Ming, Chen Bing's thinking was that he would be replaced if there was a suitable person. He was really not suitable for the position of director of the sales department.

It's just that this person is quite smart, so let's find a suitable location when the factory gets bigger.

Chen Bing rubbed his hands together, he had to find someone who could really help him, otherwise he would die of exhaustion.

(End of this chapter)

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