Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 57 Victory in the First Battle

Chapter 57 Victory in the First Battle
After Zhao Ming left, Chen Bing asked He Mei to find Yang Fang, director of the production department, and Jiang Geng, director of the purchasing department.

When the two came to the office, Chen Bing asked them to sit down.

Yang Fang looked sad.

"What's the matter, Director Yang, why are you frowning?" Chen Bing asked.

He Mei poured tea for them.

There is no one in the office now. He Mei is not only the director of the office, but also Chen Bing's secretary.

Chen Bing didn't know Jiang Geng well, but he knew Yang Fang. She was a capable woman and a woman who was good at enduring hardships.

"Mr. Chen, I heard that Yehai Canned Food Factory is making connections everywhere, and their salesmen have been running wildly these two days."

Chen Bing knew what Yang Fang meant: "Director Yang, this is not something you should worry about. I'm looking for you and Director Jiang today to discuss the next step of production."

"Ah?" Yang Fang was surprised.

"Are you thinking about the production of [-] bottles of canned food that haven't been sold yet? I told you just now that this is not something you should worry about."

"Director Jiang, you should purchase raw materials immediately. The fruit raw materials will go to Ningzheng County. I have already contacted you there. Now you mainly purchase other raw materials, such as sugar and canned bottles. I will give you three days and give me another Come up with one hundred thousand bottles?" Chen Bing stared at Yang Fang after finishing speaking: "Can you complete the task?"

Yang Fang stood up immediately: "Mr. Chen, as long as the materials are in place, I can complete the task."

"Okay, okay, I like generals who fight tough battles, you two, you know the relationship between us and Yehai Cannery, it is impossible for our two families to coexist, so this battle, either you die or I live, I hope Raise your spirits, we must win this battle."

Chen Bing continued: "It's just that for the [-] bottles of canned food produced this time, the words 'one more bottle' on the caps have been reduced to two-thirds, and next time, the words 'one more bottle' will be reduced to three." One-quarter, until, we reduce the words 'one more bottle' to one-quarter."

The next day, Yangqing Daily allocated a huge page to Jiahe Cannery to report on the interview with Chen Bing.

Yu Bo's literary talent is very good. Maybe Wei Dong made an explanation, praising Chen Bing throughout the article, comparing Chen Bing to the savior of Jiahe and the cannery.

With Yu Bo's publicity, Chen Bing undoubtedly became the brightest figure in Yangqing City.

Zhang Boqing took the newspaper and squeezed it into a ball: "Secretary Liu, tell the sales department and the publicity department to increase publicity and reduce the price of the seller by another 5.00%, so that Jiahe can't sell even a bottle." .”

Secretary Liu blinked, and walked up to Zhang Boqing: "Mr. Zhang, according to Jiahe's internal sources, 40000 bottles of canned food have been produced there. I have already found out that there are 30000 bottles of apples, and [-] bottles of pears and peaches."

After hearing this, Zhang Boqing slapped the table: "Okay, it's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, and all the resources are in our hands. Does he want to rot these [-] bottles in his hands?"

Secretary Liu said with a smile: "Boss Zhang said that when Wang Longhu was around, we forced him to rotten and pour [-] bottles of canned food, hehehe."

"Notify the sales department that by the end of this year, I will make Jiahe Cannery a branch of Yehai Cannery, and they will work harder."

Secretary Liu nodded again.

After Secretary Liu left, Zhang Boqing twirled the teacup with a smile on his lips, as if Jiahe Cannery already belonged to them.

As the director of the sales department of Jiahe Cannery, Zhao Ming also has certain abilities.

On the morning of the third day, all [-] bottles of canned food from Jiahe Cannery were taken away.

All the staff in the sales department divided the areas, striving to put [-] bottles of canned food in department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens across the city on this day.

Since the money is only paid after the sale, and each bottle of canned food is 2 cents lower than Ye Hai's, it is easy to distribute the goods.

Anyway, if you can't sell it and don't give money, what are you afraid of.

By ten o'clock in the evening, one hundred thousand bottles of canned food were placed in major department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives and canteens across the city.

When Zhang Boqing heard that Chen Bing had successfully sold [-] bottles of canned food, he panicked and scolded the director of the sales department.

Chen Bing sat quietly in the office, he was waiting for the news, he was waiting for the market to explode.

Each of these [-] bottles of cans has the words "one more bottle" engraved on each bottle cap, that is to say, as long as these [-] bottles of cans are opened, new [-] bottles of cans will enter the market.

There was no news on the first day, no news on the second day, and on the third day, it was hot.

The whole city of Yangqing exploded. People who bought cans came to department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives, and the canteens exchanged bottle caps for cans.

Those who exchanged the cans went back and opened them, and they still had 'another bottle'.

Damn it, my God, how could I be so lucky, I bought two cans, and after opening them, I found that both bottles were 'one more bottle', so I paid for two bottles and bought four. bottle?

However, when they went to department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens to exchange, the canteens were out of stock.

Those buyers sit in department stores and canteens and don’t leave. The first bottle can be exchanged, but why can’t the second bottle be exchanged?
Every canteen, department store, and supply and marketing cooperative was surrounded with water.

The bosses are all talkative, first persuade people to leave, let them come back tomorrow.

Some people were obedient and left, saying they would come the next day, while some who were disobedient just sat at the door and waited.

The bosses have no choice but to contact the seller to see if they can supply as soon as possible?
The news of the need for supply reached Chen Bing's ears layer by layer.

The sales volume of this can was also very good. In less than three days, [-] bottles were sold in the whole city.

Chen Bing smiled slightly, and succeeded, the first shot was fired.

Zhao Ming also smiled happily when he saw Chen Bing: "Mr. Chen, your technique is too good. Now the whole Yangqing is spreading the word about our Jiahe canned food."

"Okay, you immediately organize people to supply the goods, catch the night, and make up for the department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and small shops, but this time, the full payment is required, and there will be no fucking credit anymore."

Just as Zhao Ming was about to leave, Chen Bing continued: "There is still the money for the first supply, and we have to get it back!"

Zhao Ming quickly nodded in agreement.

Chen Bing put the burden on Yang Fang and Jiang Geng again.

Jiang Geng must ensure sufficient raw materials no matter what.

On the workshop side, there are three shifts. If there are not enough workers, they will recruit. If they cannot be recruited, they will increase wages by ten yuan a month. Still don’t believe that workers don’t work hard?

After Chen Bing arranged all this, he let out a deep breath of relief.

He knew that Jiahe Canned Food could only temporarily increase the popularity of the factory by relying on the idea of ​​"one more bottle" on the bottle cap. In terms of the strength of the factory, it was far behind Yehai Canned Food Factory!
However, Chen Bing was not afraid, it was only a matter of time before he could defeat Canned Ye Hai.

Chen Bing knew that in order to really bring down Yehai Cannery, it would have to be a price war.

In the past few days, Chen Bing has become a celebrity. Since Yu Bo interviewed Chen Bing, Chen Bing has become a figure that people talk about.

(End of this chapter)

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