Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 58 Imitation

Chapter 58 Imitation
In a blink of an eye, ten days passed, and Jiahe Canned Foods shipped 40 bottles in just ten days.

During this period of time, Chen Bing also visited various counties, township department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens.

Seeing the people gathered in front of the canteen, they bought cans and quickly opened them to see if they won a prize.

At this time, Jiahe Canned's winning rate remained at one-third.

The so-called one-third means that for every [-] bottles of canned food, at least [-] bottles of canned food have the words "one more bottle".

After his return, he continued to expand production.

Now it is about to enter September, and the fruits are all ripe, and Ningzheng County is the main fruit producing area, and a small Daliang Village can no longer meet the fruit supply of Jiahe Cannery, so Chen Bing has ordered Yang Haimin, Song Hui, Wang Youhua Waiting for people to go to various places to collect fruit, in just a few short days, the fruit storehouse of Jiahe Cannery was filled with fruit.

With the raw materials, there is no need to be afraid. Chen Bing looked at these raw materials. Damn, they can last until the end of the year no matter what.

After a period of time, add some new products, canned oranges, canned meat, these are chips for competition.

After all, Chen Bing had experienced his previous life, so he didn't need to think too much about these things, he just copied them from his previous life and used them.

Zhang Boqing's office at Yehai Cannery Factory.

Zhang Boqing held a newspaper in his hand, and banged his hands on the table: "Can you still do it as a general manager? Didn't you say that you are safe? Didn't you say that he is a waste? Didn't you say that he is a jumper?" Clown, didn’t you say that the Jiahe canned factory will close down in a month? Great store and commissary!"

After Zhang Boqing finished speaking, he threw the newspaper in his hand on the opponent's face.

The other party was in his thirties, when he saw the newspaper Zhang Boqing threw over, he quickly grabbed the newspaper and said flatteringly: "Mr. Zhang, don't be angry, it's not good to be angry, you are the backbone of the factory, let me tell you, Chen Bing won't be around for a few days. "

This person is Qi Bocheng, general manager of Yehai Canned Food Factory.

After hearing this, Zhang Boqing breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the cup in front of him, and took a sip of water: "What do you mean?"

"Mr. Zhang, sit down!"

Qi Bocheng took out a cigarette from his pocket and stuffed it into Zhang Boqing's mouth: "Mr. Zhang, smoke a cigarette first to calm down. I'll tell you."

He hastened to light the fire.

Zhang Boqing took a deep breath through the fire.

Smoke billowed overhead.


"Mr. Zhang, I've informed you that we've also launched [-] bottles of canned food, and the bottle caps are also engraved with 'one more bottle'."

After Qi Bocheng finished speaking, he stared at Zhang Boqing to see if Zhang Boqing could reward him with a candy.

"Bastard, what did you do long ago? Their products are already covering all the department stores and canteens in Yangqing City. Is it useful to learn their marketing strategies at this time?"

Qi Bocheng didn't expect Zhang Boqing to scold him, so he said awkwardly: "Mr. Zhang, we just measured that kid, and now Jiahe is selling canned food in major department stores and canteens. They have also accumulated a certain number of customers through such marketing. However, what is the business? The business depends on the company that laughs for a long time. Based on our understanding of Jiahe Cannery, their strength is not a star and a half behind our Yehai Cannery. Therefore, in the long run, we can still make They squeezed out Yangqing, and when the time comes, the market in Yangqing will still be ours, so we can use his method to expand territory in other provinces and cities, isn’t it good?”

After Zhang Boqing heard this, he nodded slightly: "Your boy's words are still on point. No matter how he changes, our strength lies there. Hehehe, if something happens to him, he will go bankrupt. We Just wait for something to happen to him, hehehe, so, in the long run, we will still win."

"Then what should we do now?" Qi Bocheng laughed.

"Then according to what you said, we will also buy another bottle. However, it is not the 50 bottles you said, but 40 bottles. Didn't they put 50 bottles on the market? Then we will invest [-] bottles." Bottle, let's see who can resist who!"

After hearing this, Qi Bocheng said happily: "Mr. Zhang, I'll do it right away."

"Okay, I'll wait for your good news. If you still can't get back the market, I don't think you can be the general manager."

Qi Bocheng nodded again.

Chen Bing's office.

Chen Bing sat at his desk, counting the funds in his hand.

The Agricultural Bank is okay. With the help of Wei Dong, the loan is 100 million. The scorpion is also good in the past two days. It can make up about [-]. Because in the past two days, the canned food in various supermarkets is cash and spot, and it also makes money More than one hundred thousand.

Damn, now I have 160 million in hand.

The fruit fee was not paid, the water and electricity bills were not paid, and the workers’ wages were not paid.
Chen Bing frowned slightly. He knew that if the "one more bottle" launched this time could not defeat Ye Hai Cannery, then Zhang Boqing's next counterattack would be more severe.

Sure enough, two days later, on August 22.

Marketing Director Zhao Ming came to Chen Bing's office in a panic.

"Mr. Chen, it's not good!"

Sweat dripped from Zhao Ming's cheeks.

What bothered Chen Bing the most was that Zhao Ming panicked when things happened. In this world, there are no big things. Don't worry about things, just solve them.

"Don't worry, sit down and talk, as the leader of a department, it's unbecoming to panic when things happen!"

"Mr. Chen, it's really urgent!" Zhao Ming said again.


"I got news that Yehai Cannery also imitated our method and engraved the words 'one more bottle' on the caps of the cans. This time they released 50 bottles in department stores, supply and marketing cooperatives, and canteens."

Chen Bing was not surprised when he heard this. He knew that Zhang Boqing would imitate, but he didn't expect to imitate so quickly.

Damn, why don't you apply for an intellectual property right? If you apply, Zhang Boqing will sue Gou Ri if he imitates it again.

"Mr. Chen, what should I do now? When I came, many sellers surrounded me and asked me what to do?"

These sellers have also made a lot of money by relying on "one more bottle" during this period of time.

It can be said that during this period of time, these people made more money in one day than in the past month. Now they have heard that Yehai Cannery has also launched "one more bottle", which will definitely affect Jiahe Canned Food. The sales of Jiahe affected the sales of Jiahe cans, which indirectly affected their interests.

"Let them rest assured, Jiahe will not lose to Ye Hai!" Chen Bing said.

"Mr. Chen, what should we do now?" Zhao Ming didn't know what to do.

"Go out first. When I need you, I will find you." Chen Bing said again.

Chen Bing rubbed his head, feeling a little pain in his head, it seems that he needs to find a helper.

For Chen Bing, it is not an ordinary person who can be his own helper, nor an ordinary person who can be the general manager of Jiahe and the cannery.

 Everyone, if you have a vote, vote!
(End of this chapter)

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