Countercurrent 1988

Chapter 6 The Intoxicating Taste

Chapter 6 The Intoxicating Taste

The smell on Yang Xue's body is really intoxicating, much better than those women who surrounded her and coveted her money in her previous life.

Although those women also had scents on them, most of them smelled like perfume, and the smell on Yang Xue's body was the unique scent of pure women.

Chen Bing was fascinated by the news.

After rebirth, meeting such a woman is enough.

Yang Xue hugged Chen Bing and cried for a while, then pushed Chen Bing's body away, not believing that she would hug Chen Bing at all, her cheeks were a little hot.

"What do you want to eat?"

"Whatever, it's best to roll the noodles." Chen Bing said with a smile.

When Xiao Guoguo heard the rolling noodles, she said happily, "Mom, I want to eat rolling noodles too. I haven't eaten rolling noodles for a long time."

That's right, the whole family can't even afford enough food and clothing, so they still eat rolled noodles?

Yang Xue nodded slightly, and quickly walked towards the corner kitchen.

Chen Bing continued to play with Xiao Guoguo.

Yang Xue cooks very quickly, and the time is not long. The delicious rolled noodles are ready, as well as pork simmered.

When Yang Xue served it, Chen Bing looked at the fragrant noodles and took a bite. The taste was really good, and it would be even more delicious if there was a garlic clove.

Yang Xue saw Chen Bing frowning: "Is it not delicious?"

"No, it would be nice to have a garlic clove. Unfortunately, I forgot to buy it just now. If I go back to buy it now, the store must have closed."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, Yang Xue quickly walked towards the kitchen and took out two garlic cloves: "This was taken from my natal family last year, and I haven't finished eating it yet."

Chen Bing quickly picked up two garlic cloves and threw them into the bowl, picked up the rice bowl, dried three bowls of noodles in one go, and then touched his stomach.

So cool!I haven't had such delicious noodles for a long time.

After eating, Chen Bing continued to play with Guoguo, and Yang Xue washed the dishes.

"Xiaoxue, how much do you owe them?"

After Chen Bing asked, he continued to tease Guoguo.

Yang Xue lowered her head and said nothing.

Chen Bing let go of Guoguo and walked up to Yang Xue: "Xiaoxue, that old woman is really hateful, how can you owe her money?"

"Last month, you took away all my salary from accountant Liu. You have no choice but to ask Aunt Wu."

This good-for-nothing Chen Bing is really hateful!

After hearing this, Chen Bing said embarrassedly: "Xiaoxue, I'm sorry, I will definitely make up my mind and let you and Guoguo live a better life."

When Yang Xue heard Chen Bing's words, she didn't show too much excitement, but said lightly: "You'd better find a job, work steadily, and I will be satisfied."

After Yang Xue finished speaking, she turned and left.

Looking at the back of Yang Xue leaving, Chen Bing could only shake his head slightly, he knew that the trash Chen Bing had hurt her too deeply.

It seems that it is not easy to warm this woman's heart.

At night, Chen Bing was looking forward to it. How would he sleep? Did he share the same bed with Yang Xue?
Chen Bing stared at the kerosene lamp in front of him, and gently patted the sleeping Guoguo with his hand.

After Yang Xue cleaned up, she walked over quickly, skillfully placed Guoguo in the middle, covered Guoguo with a quilt, and pulled away a quilt in the corner of the kang.

"Go to bed early, our factory is very busy tomorrow, I have to get up early."

After Yang Xue finished speaking, she quickly climbed to the other side of Guoguo, quickly took off her clothes, and got into Guoguo's bed.

Chen Bing's Adam's apple was shaking.

"Go to sleep, now the kerosene has risen again."

Chen Bing let out an 'ah', took off his own clothes, and got under the covers.

Too tired, Chen Bing slept soundly. He felt that this was the best night he had slept, and at night he dreamed that Yang Xue got into his bed in the middle of the night.

Chen Bing was sleeping soundly, when he suddenly heard Yang Xue's voice: "Guoguo, tell your father to wake up and eat."

Chen Bing was woken up.

He opened his eyes and saw that the table was already full of dishes and a basket of white steamed buns.

"Dad, Dad, get up quickly, look at the white steamed buns mom made." Guoguo pinched Chen Bing's nose with her chubby little hands.

"It's already dawn?" Chen Bing stretched out his arms and stretched his waist: "Guoguo, Dad, get up now."

Chen Bing quickly got up and took a shower.

"Hurry up and eat, after eating, look at Guoguo, our factory is very busy today."

Chen Bing drank the porridge in the bowl into his stomach in one gulp: "I'm going to be busy for a while, so you should take Guoguo with you?"

After Chen Bing said, Yang Xue pursed her lips: "Are you going to find them again?"

Seeing Yang Xue's appearance, Chen Bing was about to cry, so he hurriedly said, "No, I'm not looking for them. I want to make money. Didn't I tell you last night that you and Guoguo can live a happy life?"

"You still look at Guoguo at home. I will go to our factory leader to see if our factory needs temporary workers. If so, you come to our factory."

Yang Xue wanted to leave after finishing speaking, but Chen Bing said embarrassedly: "You should take Guoguo with you. As for the temporary workers in your factory, don't ask your leaders."

Yang Xue heard Chen Bing's words, looked at Chen Bing resentfully, turned around and left with Guoguo.

Chen Bing knew that she was disappointed in herself again, no matter what, let's make money first.

Chen Bing walked up to the mirror and looked at himself, grandma, let alone making money with his face, if there is a way to make money, it must be blocked.

Chen Bing locked the door and left home.

In the 80s, there were very few clothing stores in small counties in the north, and the relatively large ones were department stores.

Chen Bing walked quickly towards the department store.

Chen Bing bought a suit and a pair of leather shoes in a department store, and had his hair cut and beard shaved at Master Hu's barbershop.

Chen Bing looked at himself in the mirror, as if he didn't recognize him. This guy, dressed up like this, is really handsome, with the style of a big boss.

Master Hu knew Chen Bing, he laughed and said, "Bingzi, dress up like a boss, are you rich?"

"Get rich? Hahaha, Master Hu, get rich."

Chen Bing came out of the barber shop and walked towards Yang Haimin's house again.

He is short of funds now, so he has to borrow some money from Yang Haimin, because among the brothers he plays with, only Yang Haimin has sufficient funds.

Said Cao Cao, and Cao Cao arrived. Chen Bing was about to find Yang Haimin, when he saw Yang Haimin and Song Hui walking over.

Song Hui is also one of their playmates.

At this time, Yang Haimin also saw Chen Bing, and his eyes immediately showed sternness: "Boy, I am looking for you, so you come here!"

Yang Haimin quickly took out a chain from his body.

"Haimin, you're a soldier!"

"You bastard, you lied to me fifty times last night, and I'm going to find him."

"Chen Bing, stop!" Yang Haimin was very fast, and rushed to Chen Bing in a few strides.

Chen Bing stared at the iron chain in Yang Haimin's hand, and smiled slightly: "Haimin, what is this for?"

Yang Haimin stared at Chen Bing viciously: "What is this for? Have you forgotten? You said that Xiongwa found the treasure, so let's go find Xiongwa now and see what kind of treasure it is?"

Yang Haimin tore Chen Bing with his hands, but Chen Bing threw his arms and broke free: "I told you last night that it was a lie that Xiong Baby found the baby, but there is one thing that is true, and that is the matter between you and Brother Wolf." .”

After Chen Bing spoke, Yang Haimin picked up the iron chain and shouted, "Chen Bing, I'll fuck you!"

(End of this chapter)

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