Chapter 7

Chen Bing saw the iron chain that Yang Haimin swung over, turned his head to avoid it, and grabbed Yang Haimin's wrist: "Yang Haimin, do you want to hit me? Hehehe, you know, why should I ask you to borrow money?"

"Why?" Yang Haimin stared at Chen Bing fiercely again.

"Because, I want mine?"

"You want yours?"

"Of course, I want mine. I did some calculations. Last year and this year, the salary you asked me to advance from my wife was no less than three hundred. Are you right?"

"It's all done by my brothers, and besides, it's also yours voluntarily."

"Hai Min, my buddy is now clear-headed, and he doesn't want to."

"Then what do you want to do?"

"Lend me another 200." Chen Bing put his arm on Yang Haimin's shoulder, like a brother.

"What did you say, borrow another two hundred?" Yang Haimin felt as if he had been stung by a scorpion when he heard this.

"Yes, borrow another two hundred and return it to you together with the fifty days."

"Chen Bing, do you still have shame?" Yang Haimin shouted.

Chen Bing straightened his hair with his hands, and said with a smile: "Shameless? How much do you think my face is worth? Let me tell you, I really don't want to be shameless because of my stomach. Here are two hundred for you." Calculate the interest, one month, 20 yuan interest."


"Really? Hehehe, I, Chen Bing, never try to force others into difficulties, but I would like to advise you, go back early and settle down at home, eat something good, and wait to be thrown into the river by Brother Wolf to feed you bastards!"

After Chen Bing said he was going to leave, Yang Haimin shuddered: "Chen Bing, you are so fucking ruthless!"

"I'm not ruthless. If I had been ruthless, I would have killed your bastard long ago. There are two solutions to this matter. One, without anyone noticing, kill me and brother wolf's horse. This is called death without proof, but, You don't have that much ability; the other one, give me money, and when I make money, I will give you the principal with interest."

After Chen Bing finished speaking, he stared at Yang Haimin again.

Yang Haimin frowned, and wanted to scold again: "Fuck your mother!"

Song Hui saw Chen Bing and Yang Haimin arguing happily, and stepped forward: "Bingzi, what are you doing, we are all friends."

"Yeah, we are all friends. I will give Huizi a face and give me two hundred. This matter is over, otherwise, tonight, your legs and arms will be removed by Brother Wolf and thrown into the river to feed you bastards." .”

Chen Bing looked at the opposite dance hall, and Brother Lang was watching the scene in the opposite dance hall.

Yang Haimin knew that Brother Lang was ruthless, and if Brother Lang knew about it, then he really wouldn't survive tonight, and he might even hurt his family.

This hateful Chen Bing seized on his own weakness and threatened him again and again.

"Chen Bing, you ask me for money again and again, how much money do I have for you?" Yang Haimin hesitated.

"This is the last time. As I said just now, I will pay it back with interest."

"Then I will trust you again." Yang Haimin had no choice but to take out [-] yuan from his pocket, and threw it to Chen Bing: "Chen Bing, you are so fucking shameless."

Chen Bing took the money, hehehe laughed twice: "Haimin, I just said that I am poor now, and my face is really worthless. When I am rich one day, you will mention shameless things!"

Yang Haimin's face turned green when he heard Chen Bing's words.

Holding the money in his hand, Chen Bing walked forward.

He murmured as he walked: "Those big bosses who have become rich from this era, are they shameless? Those who are shameless have been eliminated by the fucking era!"

Yang Haimin stared at Chen Bing's back: "Huizi, Chen Bing seems to be different from before?"

Song Hui nodded: "Yeah, wearing a suit makes him handsome."

Yang Haimin shook his head: "It's not that he's become more handsome, but he's become smarter and more ruthless. I want a little snack in the future."

Chen Bing walked to the entrance of a video hall and stood still. Based on the memories he poured into, Chen Bing had a good brother, Zhou Dahai, who was a good guy, but he was a bit stupid. Among the people they played with, both of them were The target of being bullied, this brother has a good father, who is the village director of Daliang Village.

In the 90s, the village director was the local emperor of a village, with great power!
Although Zhou Dahai's family is in the village, his second father is a government official in Ningzheng County, so he often stays in the county town, and the Big Eyes Video Hall is where he must go every day.

Standing at the door, Chen Bing looked around and found no one. When he opened the door, there was a sea of ​​people inside, and he saw Zhou Dahai at a glance.

This kid is skinny, but he has two hobbies, one loves watching Hong Kong movies, and the other loves listening to Teresa Teng's melodious music.

At this time, "Police Story" starring Jackie Chan is in full swing.

"Look?" A big-eyed girl was staring at Chen Bing with melon seeds in her mouth.

This figure is extremely hot, and the two big lumps of flesh on his chest can burst his clothes.

"Whatever you look at, if you want to go in, go in, if you don't go in, close the door."

Chen Bing stared at the two lumps of flesh on her chest again, and swallowed: "I'll go in."


Chen Bing took out [-] cents from his body and stuffed it into the hands of the big eyes, and walked towards it.

At this time, Zhou Dahai stared straight at the TV screen, wishing he could get in from inside.

"Dahai." Chen Bing patted Zhou Dahai's shoulder.

Zhou Dahai turned his head and saw that it was Chen Bing: "Brother Bing, when did you come?"

"Come out, I have something to tell you."

"Whatever, it will be over in a while."

Not in a hurry, Chen Bing waited.

The movie was finally over, and the scene was chaotic, like a snake in a bird's nest, chattering endlessly.

"Let's go." Chen Bing pulled Zhou Dahai up.

"Bingge, what's the matter, that kind of movie is going to be released soon?"

Zhou Dahai winked while talking.

Of course, Chen Bing knew what kind of film that was: "Let's go, I'm still hungry after watching that thing, after this business is completed, I'll get you two beauties, so you can satisfy your hunger!"

When Zhou Dahai heard this, he opened his big round eyes: "Bingge, really?"

"Of course it's true, let's go."

Zhou Dahai followed Chen Bing nervously.

In Chen Bing's circle, if anyone respected him, it was Zhou Dahai.

When the two came out, Zhou Dahai asked, "Bingge, what's the matter?"

"I remember you said that your father is the village director of your village?"

"Yes, Brother Bing, what's the matter?"

Chen Bing stepped forward and put his arms around Zhou Dahai's neck: "Dahai, we are going to get rich."

"Get rich?" Zhou Dahai stared at Chen Bing in surprise.

"Keep down, go, talk while walking."

"Brother, wait a minute, I'm going to push the bike."

After a while, Zhou Dahai pushed a Feige brand bicycle and walked up to Chen Bing: "Brother, how do you get rich?"

"Let's go to your father first. As for how to get rich, we'll talk about it later." Chen Bing said.

(End of this chapter)

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